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Sæll Burðardagr IV

Posted on Wed Sep 27th, 2023 @ 4:43am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: In-Between (S1:E5-S1:E6)
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Date 2371-08-30 at 1925
3740 words - 7.5 OF Standard Post Measure

When Andrei finally turned to see her, he would immediately see what had offended Kiva so deeply. Lyra’s hair was now decorated with the objectively pretty feathers that had once adorned Tavo’s head, and a quick glance at his mutilated body showed she had taken the time to pluck the crown of feathers from him. His screams had been muted by cloth.

As he stepped quickly toward her, she continued to move back. She grinned then, mischievous and playful with a certain challenging glint in her eye.

“Who said the hunt was over?” With that, she abruptly turned and ran off from him. She was damn fast, faster than he might have thought her originally simply because she had never shown that particular skill to anyone in full intensity. She moved with grace and ease, flying without worry or care through the forest and away from the slaughter.

As soon as she took off, Andrei was after her in a flash, moving as fast as his strong legs could carry him. Though he was fast, she was clearly faster, and the more he ran after her, the farther he seemed to get. Undeterred, however, he continued to follow her shrinking form with a good-humored expression.

They came to a hill and started down it. Lyra knew he would catch her here and if this were a real chase she would have never moved here with him. His weight advantage over her would help him down the hill faster. Below them there was a reservoir of the darkest sapphire blue water with foaming white ripples and waves skimming over the top caused by a small waterfall that was pouring into it from a higher hill above them. There were trees and large rocks nearby, but the banks were sand and dirt. They’d arrived at their destination, and now he could have his prize.

Andrei slid down the hill confidently, using his momentum to do more than slide at certain points. He gained enough of a speed advantage, that by the time she reached the bottom, he was there right after her. He ran at her then, laughing, and jumped at her, tackling her into the water and laughing when they came up into the air again.

The tackle hadn’t startled her at all given she’d been expecting it after all. They crashed into the shallows of the water which were still rather deep for shallows. When they came up she was laughing too. The blood was instantly starting to wash off of them, wiping away the evidence of what they had done. The water was warm and pleasant, likely an alteration to the program given this kind of water tended to be cold. Giving a whistle, the servant boy carrying the bag appeared suddenly and brought it down to the shore where he began to work on something, though they were much too distracted to care what.

Her hands moved and she immediately began to undo the ties of his pants once more. Given how hastily he had put himself back in, it was easy enough to get him loose again.

Andrei’s own fingers traveled to her loincloth, pulling at the strings though it provided no obstacle for him anyway. Kissing her, his hand found a home between her warm thighs under the water.

Lyra returned his kiss passionately, leaning into it and pushing his pants down to free his manhood once more. He found her naked under the loincloth and though they were in the water, he would know she was eager for him. Their afternoon of teasing and the bloodbath against their enemies that had followed… they wanted each other. Her hand came up and she pulled off the wolf pelt, letting it float away in the water without a care in the world.

“Mm… did you enjoy, darling?” It was clear she only half cared about his answer right now. She used her feet to push his pants and underwear down to his ankles. When he kicked off his boots, they would come off too. Her hands went to the bear pelt on his head and she pushed that off as well but did so in a way she ran her fingers through his hair, her nails grazing over his scalp in a tantalizing way.

Andrei’s hands were moving up her body as she asked the question, and he could tell she was so hot and ready for him that he forgot to answer it. His hands found her breasts and caressed them slowly as his manhood bobbed between his legs. There was but one thing on his mind now. He kissed her, moving his hands to her back to brace her as he attempted to guide himself inside her.

The depth and movement of the water made it near impossible to do what he was attempting to do on his own, but Lyra was impatient and she didn’t want him to be that brand of frustrated to ruin the moment. She shifted and wrapped her legs tightly around his hips and reached down between their bodies to grab hold of him and slide him into her. Once he was, she adjusted her legs as needed to work him deeper into her. He could feel her inner muscles clenching and quivering against him already while several soft, pleasured sounds escaped her. She wrapped her arms around his body and her hands pressed hard into him for leverage as she started to move. With the nature of where they were standing, what happened now was mostly on her to carry out; she didn’t care, she loved knowing she could take care of him.

Her hips rolled, thrusted and danced on him with immense skill, every now and then she would tighten herself around him. Her lips and teeth were on his neck and shoulder, and every now and then she would moan softly into his ear, sultry and low. It communicated her desire for him, her need for him, her enjoyment of the pleasure they shared.

“Andrei… you feel so good.”

Andrei pulled her tighter, using his powerful arms to help support her efforts along with the steady motion of his hips. He navigated the deep water, slowly moving them into water that was shallow enough that he could stand comfortable. He scratched his nails down her back as she moved, darting fiery thrusts to contribute quite enjoyably to every one of her own movements.

“Mine.” He growled into her ear, low and animalistic. His voice shook as he said it.

Their lovemaking increased in intensity and passion, becoming more animalistic with each passing moment fueled by blood and base desire that they both deeply shared for each other. Neither had been inexperienced in this aspect of their lives by any stretch of the imagination, but this was different - it was deeply fulfilling and not just in a superficial physical sense. Neither would admit it of course; they’d never give voice to something like that out of pride but potentially also fear that the other wouldn’t feel the same and it would shift the dynamic of the relationship. It was intense and were anyone to see them they would say it skirted violent at times, but in the end there was always that measured hand. Pain never ruined the pleasure, they never hurt past anything that delighted the other.

He’d brought her crashing over the edge several times and he too had found his release inside of her while they were in the water. She sang his praises without reservation on her lips and even he had been more vocal for her. The heat of the moment and her small, encouraging mentions of how much she loved to hear his pleasure seemed to be making a difference. Despite the usual natural inclination to stop after his release, Andrei had continued to take her. They’d ended up on the muddy shore with Lyra on her back and Andrei on top of her pounding her down into the bank. She muffled one more near desperate cry into his shoulder as her release took her again. She could tell he wasn’t far behind by the way he was breathing and moaning with less control than before, his steady rhythm beginning to falter.

Despite being caught in her own moment of pure bliss, her strong legs wrapped tightly around his hips and her nails clawed into his already marked back. It was possessive and wildly instinctual as if she were going to refuse to let him go until he gave her exactly what her animal brain was longing for.

Andrei was familiar with the art of making love. He knew all of its motions; all of its twists and turns. The secrets of a woman’s body were no mystery to him, and every move he made demonstrated the same master he showed by playing his violin or wielding his sword. He was skilled with his weapons.

Lyra’s body, in particular, was of interest to him, and he showed his interest in her crashing waves of pleasure. As her legs clenched around him time and time again and he felt the surging of her womanhood, right around him, he smiled and readily showed how much he enjoyed her. He loved the feel of her body, the touch of her hands, and the sound of her voice when she moaned his name. He loved, also, the feel of her hair in his clenched fist.

When they were finished, she held him tightly with her strong legs as he pulsated and pounded away with his machine-like hips, stopping only several moments after he had given her what she wanted. He kissed her lips, and then he pulled back and looked her in the eyes.

“You’re incredibly beautiful to me, you know.”

“Mmm…” Lyra hummed contentedly in reply as her hand moved up and her fingers found his hair. She let the moment just sit, allowing them to bask in the afterglow and then she smirked in that playful, teasing way.

“You’re very pretty too. It’s the hair.” She gave it a gentle pull.

“Funny, I was just thinking of shaving it all off and going for the bald look.” he responded with a grin. “I could even have you buff and polish it for me every morning until you could see your reflection.”

“Here I thought you only wanted to hurt me in the ways I like to be hurt.” She replied with a mock pouting in her tone. When he finally slid from within her, she stole a kiss and then turned over to grab the bag not too far from them. “Besides, I see that look on your face when I’m playing with your hair and you’re laying on my boobs. I know you love it.”

She stood then, swaying a bit at first as the circulation in her legs righted itself and then started to walk along the shore toward the small waterfall.

“Coming, darling?”

“Don’t you want to get dressed first?” he asked, standing up and stretching his arm as his eyes rested on the waterfalls.

“After.” She assured him, waiting on him and looking back over her shoulder while she started taking out her braids.

He looked at her with a curious expression, but then smiled and gave a shrug. He followed after her, and all his naked glory, then, coming up beside her and finding the small of her back with her hand.

“Can’t say I walk the beach naked every day.”he said, gesturing to his manhood which swung and bobbed almost comically with each step he took. “It’s a bit more freedom than I normally like.”

“We’re not going far.” She smiled up at him and kissed his shoulder. Not but a few moments later they were at the waterfall, standing behind it as it poured down into the reservoir they had been swimming in. Opening the bag, she pulled out several canisters and put them up on a rock nearby. The last one she offered to him with a smile, then picked one up after he had taken it. He’d been better about immediately bolting for the shower right after they finished, doing as she asked and remaining with her for a little while before getting up, but she respected his desire to get cleaned up relatively quickly.

“I thought this might be fun.” She spoke easily, the crashing sound of the waterfall there, but it was muted somewhat so they could still talk. Opening the lid of her canister she tipped it on its side and poured out some of the contents which Andrei could tell immediately by the smell it was the shampoo she favored using. She immediately started to work it into her hair, the lather tinting slightly from the leftover blood and dirt in her hair.

Wordlessly, he walked up behind her and guided his hands to her waist. As the waterfall cascaded down, misting them with comfortable sparkling liquid, he leaned down and kissed her neck slowly. The water flashed back the light of the sun, illuminating the water an incredibly clear blue. His hands went up to her head then and he moved her hands away, taking over for her in washing her hair.

She smiled on feeling his hands moving her own away so he could take over. She enjoyed these smaller moments of intimacy and affection shared with him as much as she enjoyed the passionate moments where they were entwined together. She didn’t turn to fact him, but did lightly press her back to his chest with her head tilted forward slightly to give him easier access. She reached out in her hands to play with one of the close pouring sheets of water, breaking the tension and letting it flow around her fingers.

“The violin your parents gave you is quite beautiful.”

“It is.” He said as his fingers moved slowly through her hair, working the soap into every stand. “A fine piece of craftsmanship which might actually get me to practice consistently. Since I didn’t bring one along, I’ve only been able to play on to holodeck. And there are so many other distractions in this room that it often was forgotten.”

“Yes, there are.” She agreed and closed her eyes. “I do love to hear you play though, so I will be glad for it. Unfortunately though I think I’ll have to stick to the holodeck; your quarters are large, but I think a grand piano might take up just a little too much space.”

“I know just the remedy. I think I’ll have to wait for your birthday to see this surprise, though.” He said, pulling her back under the gentle flow of the water and starting to rinse out all the soap.

“It has been a very long time since I’ve done anything but a simple dinner with some friends for my birthday.” Lyra spoke, mildly pensive. She had of course told him what her birthdays had consisted of when she was younger, but she hadn’t been home for a birthday since she had left for the Academy, always citing being too busy to take the trip and knowing her family would be too busy with their own things. Whether it was true or not was beside the point and in the end, she hadn’t much cared.

After he had rinsed her hair out for her, she turned to him and took the canister with his soap into her hand. “If you sit down here in front of me, I’ll give you the best scalp massage in your lifetime.”

“Can’t say no to that.” He said, walking around her, the rippling water parting as he moved. He sat down in front of her as she asked and took a very quiet deep breath. “Would you prefer a party?”

As he sat down, she slid her hands into his hair and started to work his scalp without the shampoo first to stimulate the nerves. Truthfully she wasn’t entirely sure how to answer that question; the answer she wanted to give was rather pathetic sounding and she wasn’t about to be that.

“I want something memorable.” She decided on at least part of the truth and smiled behind him while she began to wash his hair. Her long, strong nails worked down through his thick locks to the skin of his scalp which, as promised, she began to massage and work with both nails and fingertips.

“Memorable?” He asked with a smile on his face, closing his eyes as she started to massage his scalp. “That could mean anything, love. What kind of memories? Cake and flowers, death and blood? Good fun?”

“Well, what kind of memories would you like to give me, darling?” She posed in return, her thumbs pressing into the base of his skull where his spine connected and massaged there slowly. She certainly hoped the birthday she was giving him was memorable; that had been her goal after all.

“All of the above.” He said, closing his eyes as her fingers moved over the top of his neck. She was certainly better at the art of the massage than last time and he found himself wondering if she had taken some time to study it in one way or another.

“I’m looking forward to it.” The words were spoken intimately near his ear, her voice sultry and keen. Her hands moved down to his shoulders where she began to massage with, as he had noted, more precision than there had been previously. Eventually, she coaxed him to lean forward and under one of the smaller cascading streams of water and she took her time rinsing out his hair while continuing his massage on his scalp.

Once he was rinsed and out of the water, she didn’t delay and he would immediately feel the slightly rough washcloth moving against his skin while she continued to wash him down. She started humming a song he didn’t recognize outside of the fact she would do so on occasion when she was focused on her work.

“Stand up for me, darling.” She prompted him.

He did so slowly, not sure what she wanted from him at this point. The sparkling water beaded on his skin and flowed down from every part of him, hair and arms alike.

When he stood, Lyra continued to scrub him down now that she could get everywhere on him. She was of course diligent and quick in her service, and eventually she was standing in front of him. Finally finished, she kissed him deeply, her lips lingering on his a moment; when she pulled back, she gave him a smile.

“There, all clean.”

“You’re the prettiest bathing companion I’ve ever had.” He said with a grin as he slumped down into the water again in front of her. “And the smartest. You beat a rubber ducky every day.”

Lyra laughed genuinely at that and shook her head. “I make better sounds too.”

She grabbed her own body wash and quickly washed herself down, being thorough but certainly not taking as much care as she had with his scrub down and massage. When she was done, she moved to his side once more and looked out past the waterfall at the magnificent view before them. It truly was a beautiful sight. She kissed his shoulder and then stepped past him, looking back over her shoulder.

“I’m going to head back down, darling. Coming?”

Without waiting for him to answer, she grinned at him and then promptly jumped off the ledge through the waterfall, tucking her legs up and grabbing hold of them with her arms instead of opting for anything elegant like a dive. Sometimes a little fun was in order… at least with Andrei. She allowed that side to show with him and he returned in kind, it seemed. She plunged the ten feet or so down and hit the water with a splash; immediately, she uncurled herself and moved away from the waterfall, but not too far as she turned and looked back for him.

Andrei grinned widely. This was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. He had been quite the adrenaline junkie once and time had calmed him a bit. Still, the desire to do drastic and terrifying things still made itself known in his mind. He ran forward after her and leaped headfirst, his muscular arms surging forward as the vanguard for his body as he flipped end over end toward the water below. He landed upright with a splash, and when he came to the surface again, he started laughing hard and treading water. Still laughing and making happy sounds, he swam toward her.

Lyra grinned and couldn’t help but laugh herself, flashing her perfect white teeth while her nose and eyes scrunched in a rather adorable, endearing display.

“Okay, okay. I see you there.” She said between giggles and when he was close enough, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Next vacation we are going cliff diving.”

“So much safer on the holodeck, but so much less exciting.” He said, leaning in and kissing her.

Lyra returned his kiss happily and touched his cheek before she moved off again toward the very large blanket up on the shore. It was positioned in a way that when they left the water, they wouldn’t get their feet dirty. She pulled herself up and grabbed one of the towels for herself and put one next to her for Andrei when he came up. They’d play in the actual Viking scenario for a while given they both enjoyed that quite thoroughly, but for the moment a little relaxation on the serene shore with the sound of the waterfall and nature around them was in order.

Andrei pulled himself up onto the blanket as well and grabbed the towel Lyra offered him. While drying his body, he reflected on the day so far. It had been varied and full of excitement. He couldn’t help but wonder what she had in store for him next.



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