
Sikarian Arrival

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 4:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth
Edited on on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 7:56pm

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: Bridge, ISS Vengeance
Timeline: Date 2371-09-10 at 0900
871 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The journey to Sikaris hadn’t been long, but the time spent in travel had given the people of the Shadow Fleet a bit of time to settle into their roles. Many of the post-battle repairs had also continued on the ships of the Fleet following the attack that had cost so many people their lives. It was fair to say that some rest and healing was in order.

As the ships of the Shadow Fleet approached the greenish-blue marble that was the pleasure planet known as Sikaris, they settled into a high orbit near, joining the hundreds of other vessels that gathered cozily around the world, no doubt resting there waiting for crews which had beamed down for some R&R of their own.

Andrei sat in the XO’s chair, commanding the alpha shift as he always did. When they were close, he sent a message to the Captain, but the older man was long in coming. He figured it was silly to wait.

“Entering orbit now, Commander.” Came the smooth voice of the Ensign at the helm. She looked back at him to confirm he heard, her eyebrow arching in the process.

“Good,” Andrei said quietly, his voice containing that hint of drama which was so typical for its owner, “Sovas, there’s a small receiving station in orbit. Hail them.”

Sovas glanced at Andrei and considered the man’s voice and the tone that had seemed to become something unique for the man. That flair for the dramatic as his fingers moved over the controls before he tapped a button. “Hail frequencies open,”

“Sikarian Receiving Station, this is the ISS Vengeance, Flagship of the Terran Fleet.”

Silence met Andrei, a delay for so long that he might have thought perhaps he was being ignored. Just before his patience gave way, the viewscreen flickered and the face of a woman appeared. She looked beautiful, but that wasn’t exactly a surprise given the libertine way of the Sikarians - they’d prize beauty no matter the age. She was wearing a smile and was dressed smartly in what was probably a fashionable Sikarian garment that had a geometric pattern in a few shades of teal.

“Greetings, Vengeance. I am Magistrate Tyy Syrene. We welcome you to our system. Please, let us show you the hospitality of our people. Are you in need of assistance? Or perhaps in need of respite?”

Andrei took note of Syrene’s beauty instantly, of course, but he remained decidedly professional in his expression.

“We heard yours is a pleasure planet,” Andrei said, smiling, “we would like to test that title out.”

He shifted in his seat as the turbolift opened and the Captain walked out into the Bridge. Andrei continued, however.

“Tell me, is it customary for a Magistrate to greet new arrivals to your system?”

“When we have high profile guests, yes, that is the custom.” The woman replied, still smiling a warm and welcome smile. “We would of course welcome your people to Sikaris.”

Andrei eyes his father, offering the graying man a respectful nod and giving him space to take over the conversation. Ivan gestured to Andrei and remained standing, indicating he should continue on his own.

“We thank you for your gratuitous welcome, Magistrate Syrene. If you’ll forward your guest information to us, we will register and begin our stay.” Andrei said, using her title and family name, if that was indeed how Sikarian names worked. He found he wasn’t sure.

“Of course, I will do so at once.” Andrei could see the woman’s hand shift in front of her likely to command the information be sent. “We also see that many of your ships have sustained damage, do you require assistance with repairs?”

“Only the resources to repair them, Magistrate. We take care of our own ships.” Ivan interrupted then, taking a step forward. “I’m Captain Ivan Petrov.”

Syrene’s smile maintained on her face, but there was a slight shift at the corners that indicated it had become mildly more strained. The Vengeance had a reputation and it was clear the Sikarians were quite aware of it. “A pleasure, Captain Petrov. I’m sure we can provide whatever you need.”

“I was assured you would be able to. Your world is legendary for its experiences.” Ivan said. “We are looking forward to receiving that information. Petrov out.”

The screen returned to the beautiful image of Sikaris as the Captain turned to his Bridge crew.

"We're now officially on shore leave rotations. Make sure you're at your posts at the scheduled times but, otherwise, try and have some fun." he said. His gaze lingered on several of their faces as he smiled. "But not too much fun."

“I certainly hope the food is better than it was on Anorra.” Lyra spoke up from her station, a hint of amusement in her voice and the words elicited knowing chuckles from many of the bridge crew. The cuisine of the Vidiian planet had been truly awful and had become a bit of a running joke now. The truth was she was looking forward to a proper vacation after everything that had happened in recent weeks.



