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Meeting Lord Charming

Posted on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 @ 12:51am by Princess Royal Giana Orsini & Lord Khalon Price
Edited on on Fri Dec 27th, 2024 @ 8:13am

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: The Pyramid
Timeline: Date 2371-09-21 at 1330
6115 words - 12.2 OF Standard Post Measure


The waiting room outside of the office where Princess Giana had been placed was standard, and decorated in a similar fashion to the rest of the Pyramid. Considering the numerous duties that were expected of the Regent in the midst of a looming political crisis, the attention of her staff had been placed on the tasks that would keep the government in control. It had been difficult, and they had faced resistance in most places they had turned where, previously, they would have received obsequious compliance. The winds of political change were blowing, and that couldn’t be good.

Several aides from the Senate and the Council of Lords had been relocated to assist the Princess Regent directly, lending expertise. In this instance, they had little to say beyond how challenging the situation was. There was gridlock in the Senate, and the military parade and honors the regents needed to secure their image after the Battle of Axanar were in legislative purgatory. More importantly, however, was the legitimacy of the current Emperor and his government.

As soon as Lord Khalon Price stepped through the double doors that led into the lobby, his alluring sweet and spicy scent wafted in as well. He wore perfectly pressed black pants and a collarless matching shirt with a royal blue silk jacket over it. His nails, his trimmed goatee, his jewelry, and his very presence told a story of wealth, charm, and fashionable taste. Walking straight up to the desk, he looked down at the man sitting there.

“I’m here to see the Princess Regent.” He said, his voice confident, but sociable and calm.

“One moment, Lord Price.” The man replied, looked at his monitor, then back to the glamorous lord before him. “The Princess Regent is just finishing up a meeting, sir. It shouldn’t be more than five minutes.”

He seemed to be genuinely apologetic to inform Khalon of the delay and it wasn’t some power tactic. “Feel free to have a seat if you would like.”

“I’ll stand.” Khalon returned, seeming genuinely unbothered at being set aside and made to wait for her previous appointment to finish. He took a step back from the counter and stood there in relative stillness, except his head, which occasionally turned to study another painting on the wall. It was fair to say he was unaccustomed to waiting, and it didn’t suit him, but he wasn’t about to make a fuss about it.

The man behind the desk seemed to be content to ignore Khalon and focus on his work instead of attempting to engage in small talk or other pleasantries. The Princess Regent was a very busy woman and thus her staff was always very busy. It was about five minutes later when a smartly dressed middle aged woman stepped out from the wall behind the desk. She carried a large tablet style PADD and glanced from it up to Khalon.

“Lord Price. The Princess Regent will see you now; please follow me.” She turned and began to walk down the hallway that led to more offices that had their glass frosted over for privacy, but figures could be seen moving inside of them. The hall didn’t have much of a personal touch in it, but it had the usual elegance and refinement of the rest of the Pyramid’s aesthetic. They approached one of the last doors which the woman opened and stepped in before Khalon.

“Princess Regent, Lord Price.”

Unlike the hallway and receiving portion of the small wing Giana was in, Giana’s office had been updated to her own tastes. There were still classical elements to it, but the rich dark woods had been replaced with crisp whites. To the left side of the room from the entrance were floor to ceiling bookcases filled with a beautiful dark rainbow of assorted books all standing neat and tidy. In front of that was Giana’s traditional double pedestal desk in a non-traditional white wood; on top of it was her console, her box, a stack of PADDs, a stack of papers, and a vase full of blue and white flowers. In front of the desk were two simple white chairs that didn’t look particularly comfortable nor inviting. Across the room was a seating area with two chairs and a chaise lounge. The chairs and chase were white with blue trim, and sitting in the middle of all three was a blue ottoman. The wall they were in front of was painted a very dark grey with silver patterning on it. It was more modern and definitely had a feminine touch.

Khalon was very observant of the world around him, so his eyes caught every detail of the hallway, but when he stepped into the office, his eyes went directly to Giana. He approached smartly, moving with the elegance and authority of a lord as well as the confidence and strength of a soldier. Stopping before her, he bowed his head slowly.

“Your Highness. You’re good to see me on such short notice.” He said smoothly, his brown eyes meeting hers confidently.

Giana sat behind her desk and looked up as Khalon bowed his head. She was wearing a simple light purple sheath dress with a dark blue bolero jacket over it. Her blonde hair was pulled back in an elegant bun, and touches of silver jewelry brought out more of her natural beauty. She watched her sister’s boyfriend swagger up to the desk with a neutral expression. She didn’t really have a desire to talk to him, but she also knew she wasn’t in a position to deny him right now.

“Of course, Lord Price. What can I do for you?”

“That’s the wrong question, Giana. The right one is: what can I do for you.” He said, the formality of his entrance giving way to his naturally forward personality. “Lady Montreve and her friends are sticking two middle fingers up at you right now, and no one as beautiful as you should have so much trouble.”

He sat down in the chair and looked at her, licking his full lips and settling his chin in his hand. He played with his crisply styled goatee as his mind worked behind bright, curious, and lively eyes.

“Say the word, and I’ll plunge my dagger in her back for you.”

“Careful, Khalon, or I’ll tell my sister you were here trying to charm my skirt off with flattery and promises to crush my enemies.” Her voice lent itself to seriousness, but the smile at the end communicated the joke.

She sat back in her chair, obviously tired but still engaged. “What do you have to offer?”

“Your sister would be upset, Your Highness, but… let’s say tales of our romantic connection are exaggerated.” He said, seeming candid. “In other words, yours would be the first royal skirt I rolled off. If I was so lucky, that is.”

He wasn’t shy about the interaction, and he offered a white grin, though it was laced with a certain seriousness. It was a joke that may not have really been a joke.

“I have to offer total dedication, a killer instinct, a trained body, and a very very talented tongue.” He said, his eyes locked on hers relentlessly. The flirtation in the statement had been blatant, but it was unclear if the handsome High Lord of Mars was foolish enough to actually try with the very popular, very powerful, very engaged Princess Regent. “Oh, and seven votes in the Senate. I might be new, but I’m good at making friends.”

The man was charming, Giana couldn’t even attempt to deny that particular fact. Her blue eyes moved over him slowly, taking in his handsome face and the way he held himself; it wasn’t completely chaste, but it wasn’t over the top either. Elana had seemed quite adamant about things going well between her and Khalon, but her sister always had a pension for being rather delusional in Giana’s view.

But, maybe Khalon was just a womanizing asshole - he definitely played the part.

“Yes, you are good at making friends. What exactly are you wanting in return?”

Khalon pursed his full lips at the question. It wasn’t unexpected, and he didn’t pretend like it was. He let his eyes drift from her for a moment to the vibrant sunlight streaming in through the large triangular window and Rome, the eternal city, beneath. Then his eyes settled on a picture of Giana standing with her family in a palace garden. It was at least ten years old, and his eyes rested on her image with a smile.

“I have an embarrassing confession to make, but you have to promise you won’t laugh at me.” He said, then looked at her with that smile, every bit as light and playful as Sacha’s had ever been. “Pinky swear?”

“I can’t promise that. What if it’s funny?” She challenged mildly though with clear amusement as she leaned forward to engage him more than she had been.

“Then you’ll owe me a favor, Your Highness.” He said, conspiratorially before turning his head in a move that was almost coy. “Okay, so when we were about twelve or thirteen, I thought you were the prettiest girl in the Empire. I used to watch the news just to see you walk beside your mother going to a charity, or anything like that, really. My stupid friends used to make fun of me for it, but I was basically obsessed.”

He smiled, the hint of embarrassment mounting slightly.

“I had this picture of you from some post card and…I literally used to sleep with it on the pillow next to mine. That’s the weirdest shit you ever heard, right?”

He bit his lip and looked up at her, his expression both amused and goofy. The use of profanity was inappropriate, of course, but he didn’t seem to notice, or he didn’t care.

“I’m not obsessed with you or anything like that anymore, but the Giana bug big bit me a long time ago and I still have a crush on you. I’m not going to lie.” He said, the embarrassment melting away and his eyes resting on hers again. “I guess I get to talk to you at least this one time, and if whatever we do stabilizes the Empire, that’s all the better.”

Giana listened intently; it always felt good to hear someone was really interested in her. It felt better when they were quite easy on the eyes themselves. She didn’t interrupt him, and her expression didn’t change outside a mild lifting of her manicured brows. Only when he was completely done did she finally shift and speak. “I see… how long did this obsession last?”

“Until yesterday, but I swear it’s gone.” He said, clearly joking, his slender, muscled body starting to move with silent, amiable laughter. “I’m basically indifferent to you today.”

“Oh well that’s good, it would be very difficult for you otherwise I’m sure.” Giana laughed a soft, feminine laugh but it was clear in her eyes that she had become slightly less engaged now that it was clear he was messing with her.

“But none of that really answered my question, did it? What do you want?”

His grin faded to a more serious expression as his fingers found and straightened the lapel of his blue silk jacket.

“I already told you, Giana. I get to serve you by stabilizing the Empire. I’ll admit I could have done something this entire time Montreve and your uncle, Sharma, were plotting, but my feelings weren’t that strong. Now that it’s your problem, I’m going to do something about it. I like when things work the way they should, and I feel a sudden swell of motivation. I’m serious.”

“Motivation you didn’t feel when it was my mother struggling.” Giana pointed out and lifted her arm so she choice rest her chin in her palm. While she and Cosima had many, many differences and rarely saw eye to eye, the woman was still her mother and there was a natural attachment and love there however strained it was between them.

“Right.” He said, unshaken by the accusation along with the implication he didn’t care enough. He spoke as honestly as ever. “Your mother is a grieving woman who has basically lost her husband. She’s smart, beautiful, and experienced, but she’s never cut a throat or ordered one cut. She didn’t have what it takes to solve this problem. I make no apologies for not putting my own position at risk trying to get her to do something she just doesn’t have the guts to do.”

He looked at her with a razor sharp expression, showing something in his eyes that set him apart from his frivolous and playful side.

“You have what it takes. You always have, and I admire that about you.”

Though she was skeptical, she obviously still hadn’t outright dismissed Khalon and he still had her attention. He wasn’t wrong in his assessment of her mother and she couldn’t fault him for wanting to protect himself; it did however indicate that his loyalty wasn’t free and he questioned if the rewards would outweigh the risks.

“What exactly do you think is necessary here?”

“It’s not about what I think. The solution is right there in Lady Montreve’s behavior. All of the dissenters were Blues in all but name before the Night of the Crimson Knives. The moderates on the Council of Lords voted with the Blues, defended their right to exist, and stayed silent when the Blues were strengthening themselves. They did it while claiming to be above the fray of politics. They’re hypocrites, which is why they mostly rode the fence. They’re cowards.”

He leaned back, relaxed, even as he risked being offensive. He had always been good at speaking his mind and quite bad at doing so gently.

“I don’t know where His Majesty is going to be in the next few weeks, but I can tell you that Lady Montreve, Lady Lavigne, and Prince Sharma think he’s going to be dead. And they think he’s going to be replaced by a weak, hesitant child Emperor led by a weak, hesitant Council of Regents.” he said, tapping his pristine brown finger on his jaw bone. “They can taste the blood in the water, and they know it's yours. And if you don’t show strength and draw their blood, you are fucked. One hundred percent fucked. And that’s not my opinion, that’s a fact. If they succeed in stopping this bill, all the other cowards will come out. And when weak men gather, it’s harder to stop them.”

“Come join me, Khalon.” Giana said as she stood and walked over toward the more comfortable seating area instead of her desk. She sat down in one of the chairs and gestured for him to do the same.

Without hesitation, Khalon stood and followed her over to the comfortable seating area. Looking down, he ran a hand on the fine fabric of the chair directly next to hers, taking time to appreciate it, before sitting down and crossing one leg over the other, leaving his foot close to her leg.

A servant came from seemingly nowhere carrying a pitcher and two glasses which she put down on the table between the two chairs and filled. She looked at Giana who gave a light wave. “Leave us.”

Without any hesitation, the woman did as she was commanded and the two were left - seemingly - alone. Giana didn’t speak right away and instead lifted the glass of cool water and took a thoughtful sip. Just as the silence was about to turn tense, she broke it. “I would be lying if I said we weren’t of the same mind here, though I will admit I don’t particularly understand the lingering mindset considering I just took our entire fleet and ended my own brother with it.”

She made an elegant gesture of the hand. “It was not, however, a popular decision with the other regents, so I am attempting to play nicely. I won’t forever.”

“I know that. That’s why I bothered coming here.” he answered as he watched the movement of her hand as she drank from the glass. He didn’t reach for his, but there was no indication whether this was because of some paranoia or the fact that he might simply not be thirsty. “But a man killed your brother, not you personally. It’s got to be the same way with this. And I doubt the same man is available.”

It was boldly said, but with a moderate tone. There was no physical sign he felt any contempt for her actions on Axanar.

There was a flash of annoyance on Giana’s face and she let out a quiet scoff. Looking away from him, she looked out of the massive window instead. She was quiet, then spoke quietly. “I wanted to do it myself.”

Khalon watched the flash of annoyance and looked toward the window. Displeasing people with his frankness was nothing new for him, but only a fool would suggest he didn’t care. In his mind, this was how he helped; it was how he made the world better, along with the people in it.

“Then I would be at your funeral right about now instead of looking at your pretty, very much alive face. Giuseppe was a Starfleet Officer and a trained killer. He was also a creature of Hell who could remorselessly murder his own sister. A killer took care of it for you, and I’m glad he did.” his tone gentled then a bit, though he maintained his resolve. “You don’t need to wield a knife yourself, but if you want to, I can teach you exactly where Lady Lavigne’s heart is.”

She rolled her beautiful blue eyes and shook her head slightly. “Give me some credit, Khalon, I’m not actually as stupid as people seem to think. I wasn’t about to armor up and go storming onto his ship to take him on one on one. I wanted him captured and brought to me. His life was mine to take and that chance was taken from me.”

She looked away, quiet again. She hadn’t voiced it to anyone until now; she had played the happy fiance gushing about her hero of the empire husband to be… but part of her resented Sacha - yet part of her loved the way he wanted to rescue her.

Khalon listened with curious eyes and a relaxed face, taking in every detail of her and doing very little to mask his obvious attraction.

“Ah, I see.” he said, and he did. He understood why she would want to do it herself, and knew that the choice had been taken from her. A certain instinct in his mind tempted him to play on the resentment he saw, but he shook it off. He wanted her, but he wasn’t here to make her life any harder by irritating a wound in her relationship. “Whatever you want in this situation, I’ll get it for you. I don’t need to prove myself, but if you want me to do so, I will. If you want to handle it yourself, I can understand that.”

“I’m more concerned about Montreve. I believe my uncle can be made to heel with the right pressure applied, but I wouldn’t be surprised if my other uncle isn’t some quiet agitator under all of this. He’s terribly jealous of my father and very upset he wasn’t put on the regency council.” Giana reached out and ran her fingertips over the rim of the crystal glass.

“Montreve is the biggest concern, yes, but she also makes a bigger splash if she falls. It’s bigger than you need, but maybe that’s what you want to go for.” He responded, then finally reached for the glass. Pulling it to his lips, he took a slow sip before looking back at her. “Didn’t your uncle just have a heart attack?”

“He did, but I never underestimate the determination of a fool to do foolish things.” Giana shrugged slightly. “Montreve isn’t family, considering our recent loss I would ideally like to spare the other two, though I could do without Sacha’s mother. So could he.”

“She’ll assume she’s safe because of your family connection, but she doesn’t have nearly the support Montreve does.” He responded. “Kill any of them, the others scatter like roaches. I get it, though, your golden-haired marine probably wouldn’t like you ordering his mother’s death.”

“He might surprise you.” Giana’s brows raised momentarily then relaxed again. “I’m concerned about my soft-hearted mother and Ramsay though.”

“Neither of them said a word when your father murdered half the Council a few months ago.” Khalon said, waving his hand. “But fine, let them go on being soft. Incorrigible Lord Price decided to solve this problem all on his own, if you have a pardon for him. But, even if you don’t, the monarchy is at stake. I’d rather be executed by your government than watch the Empire fall to..people with ballots in their hands.”

He ignored the comment about Sacha. Unlike her fiancé, he adored his mother and would kill any person who hurt her. Silently, he wondered what effect that maternal hatred had on him. He also caught her admission that her uncle’s heart attack was anything but a tragic natural event. Someone had tried to teach that old man a lesson, and it seemed Giana didn’t think he was a quick study.

“I still find it hard to believe you’re doing this out of pure altruism. I also don’t know how effective it will be if the others are not aware that it was me.” Giana pointed out and sighed, tired but considering her options. She looked over to Khalon more directly then, her eyes moving over his face and body slowly. He was definitely her type and he wasn’t shy about the way he presented himself.

“Be confident, Your Highness. You can have everything you want if you just go about it the right way.” He said, his polished shoe moving closer to her leg. “Never let anyone tell you no who doesn’t have the power to tell you yes, and these opportunists don’t have the power to tell you yes.”

He sipped the water again before leaning and putting it down on the table half finished. He looked at her, his eyes moving from her eyes to her legs, and then to her eyes again. He was sitting with her and talking one on one like he imagined when he was a preteen. Life could be funny sometimes.

“Fine. Maybe cutting a lady’s throat is a bit much for your situation right now. Just say the word and I’ll get my hands on one of the senators. You can send a strong message to the free voters and even some of the ones in your enemies pockets, and your fellow Regents probably won’t even care very much.”

“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I will give it some thought.” She placed her hands down on the arms of her chair and looked forward, letting out a slow breath. “You ask me what I wanted, I want for people to stop thinking I am some stupid, vapid girl and realize I am the daughter of Emperor fucking Antonius Angelo Giuseppe Orsini Augustus Italicus.”

“Then act like it.” he said, his eyes remaining on her. “Show them who you are, and act like the daughter of the Emperor. That means being a butcher. The thing that used to make an Emperor powerful among the Terrans was for him, or her, to fucking kill anyone who stands in her way.” His tone was pointed, and his challenge was certainly not erudite as it would have been from Paulo or Ramsay, professional as it would have been from CJ, or casual like it would have been from Sacha. “Who gives a fuck how your mother and Ramsay feel really? You’re the one in charge of the legislature now, right? So be Antonius' daughter. Tell Cyrus Sharp to have Montreve arrested, or let me handle it.”

“You aren’t wrong, but in the same breath I am sharing power with them due to my father’s… arrangement of things. They could come together to depose me and they nearly did after Giuseppe, I think. I am not sure that I would survive stepping out of their sandbox again.” She flexed her fingers into the fabric of the chair. “They could depose me, and then nothing would get done and we really would have a weak government.”

“I’m not understanding why you’re so sure they would disagree with what we’re proposing.” he said, calm, but insistent. He didn’t think of politics this way, as he had always been raised to idealize the Empire at its height under Hoshi I and Hoshi II. Questions about reaching a consensus annoyed him, and he didn’t pretend they didn’t. But he knew Giana had always done what was expected of her, and as honest as he liked to be, he didn’t think it would help to push her. “Can’t you, like…talk to them or something?”

“My mother is too soft and Richard may very well simply want to be contrary to me though we have perhaps… mended that tendency a bit. He is more cautious though and would likely want to try appeasement before anything so drastic.” The more she considered it, the more she wondered if her father knew this was how things were going to go and why he would have wanted it that way.

“Okay, damnit.” he said, pursing his lips and smiling a bit. “Well we could bribe the Senators. It’s not the bang I was hoping for, and it’ll cost you millions of crowns, but that’s an option to get the Senate past the 50 percent mark.”

He yawned then, his eyes trailing away from her. He hated politics on some level, no matter how much he cared. He wanted to talk about anything else with her, to be honest, but they were stuck in on this.

“I don’t know what to tell you, Giana. But I’m ready to act whenever you say. But I do want to say that this Regency Council thing is turning out to be pretty fucking stupid.”

“Funny, you read my mind. Actually things likely would have been much simpler if they had remained as they were… but then you seduced my little sister and spirited her off to Mars so she can knit and kiss orphans or whatever she does.” Giana shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“She does love orphans, I’ll admit that.” he said with a chuckle, licking his lips again. “But I didn’t mean to seduce her, really. She and I disagree about everything, really. But she has a little crush and she needed a friend. Add the lavish Martian Compound your family owns to the mix and the distance from you and the rest of your family, and it's the perfect getaway home for a reclusive princess. I was a convenient excuse, as the Empire knows of my charm.”

He winked at her suggestively and playfully, reaching over and nudging her bare leg with his hand for an instant, feeling the give of her soft skin and toned muscle.

“And I couldn’t believe it when the stupid RZI tabloid-fueled rumors about us dating got me a seat on the Council of Lords. After that, I just let them talk. If I wanted to control the Empire, by the way, I could have just told her to stay here and keep the job. Though, if you think Elana Orsini would be okay with you and me working together at all, you’re crazy. But, especially, us working together to kill unruly lords.. I’ll bet she’s ten times more against that than Ramsay might be. I’ve legitimately seen your sister cry over roadkill.”

“You’d assume she would be around at all. I would just have to fight my mother and Elana would just be informed and agree.” Giana waved a hand dismissively. “As for the rumors, well, I can’t say I blame them. You come onto the scene a known playboy and charmer, and within a week you have a pet princess and a seat on the council. You can’t say that doesn’t look suspicious, and you certainly can’t expect me to believe you did it out of the goodness of your heart because she needed a friend; I know how obnoxious she is.”

Khalon laughed, his white teeth showing, and his handsome face indicating his unreserved amusement.

“I’d say you’re flattering me, but I know you won’t believe it.” he said through the laughter. “And I reject the title of playboy. That’s disgusting. I don’t use women in any way they don’t want me to. And, regardless of how hard it is to believe that a princess just fell into my lap, you did say I’m a charmer after all. And I have a little bit more patience for an obnoxious princess than I might for someone else. I’m a little ashamed to admit that, but there it is, I guess.”

He looked at her and smiled.

“How about I charm another one on purpose and see if it's skill or luck?”

“See, Khalon, I have a hard time believing that you wanted me half as bad as you say you did. I was single and available for over a decade and you never once darkened my door or presented yourself, yet now that I’m engaged… you want me.” She put her elbow on the arm of the chair and her chin in her hand, looking up at him through her long dark lashes.

“And you say you aren’t a playboy. My sister thinks things are going so well with you two, according to my mother.”

“Did she say that?” he asked, the curiosity at the suggestion obvious. He didn’t seem completely oblivious of the fact she liked him, but he was surprised she had mentioned it to her family that way. “I was in Starfleet that entire time. I came back the second your boyfriend did, though. It’s not fair and you should definitely feel bad for me.”

He leaned over on his hand as well, leaving them closer than anyone with half a mind would advise them to be.

“You laughed at my embarrassing story earlier. According to our agreement, that means you have to grant me one wish.”

“Hmm did I? I don’t believe I did at all, though I did laugh at the notion that you’re over me.” She smirked but didn’t move. If she were being honest, she was enjoying the playful, flirting banter with him. There was a certain sparkle in her beautiful blue eyes as she held his gaze. “But I’ll humor you your wish.”

“Okay, you caught me.” he said, grinning charmingly. “I’m not over you one hundred percent, I’ll admit it. But, as for the request..”

He looked down at her lips and allowed his gaze to linger there for a moment before finding her dazzling blue eyes again.

“Every night I used to kiss that picture of you goodnight.” he said, and let that fact linger in the air for several silent seconds, “But plastic, two-dimensional Giana wasn’t engaged. So I’m going to downgrade my wish to a hug. Is that cool with you?”

“Mmm….” She seemed to consider a moment and then leaned a little closer, the feeling of her breath on his lips as she spoke again. “Is that all you did with my picture, Khalon?”

Khalon didn’t hesitate or back away from the incredible intimacy and closeness of their interaction. And despite some very obvious and impressive tenting in his expensive pants and his almost painful glances at her lips, he seemed to be holding himself back from crossing the final inch. He smiled instead, the speed of his breath increasing. He was very attracted to her, and he wasn’t going to pretend otherwise.

“That’s it, yeah.” he said, “but I’m not going to lie. You used to make my mind wander a bit.”

“Uh huh.” Giana remained right where she was for a few more beats which potentially could have been seen as deliberately tempting him, but she pulled back before anything foolish could happen. “How long are you staying here?”

When she retreated, he seemed genuinely disappointed for a moment, but then wiped the expression from his face. He knew it wasn’t right for it to go any further. He leaned back himself and pulled the tent of his pants to conceal his manhood, but it wasn’t the kind of appendage he could hid at the moment. He grinned at her, completely confident and calm about the whole thing, and just relaxed and let it stay where it was.

“After this meeting, I was planning on winging my stay and scheduling it around what you wanted to do know, the political situation.” He bit his lip and looked at her, but pressed on with what he was saying. “But I have meetings and events on Mars waiting for me and I’ve spent a lot of time away from it all. Why do you ask?”

“Mars can wait. Why don’t you come and join me for dinner? I want to think about what we discussed today and I’ll make a decision by this evening.” She offered easily. Sacha wasn’t going to be around and it was perfectly acceptable in her position to entertain someone she was trying to curry favor with - or the other way around.

Khalon looked surprised, his eyebrows shooting up and his mouth hanging open slightly. Then it turned into an obviously pleased smile.

“Hells yes, I’ll join you for dinner.” He said, clapping his hands once and actually doing a dance in his seat. “Name the time and place.”

Giana’s brows lifted at his reaction, but she was clearly both pleased and mildly amused by it. Maybe it was all lies, but he certainly was convincing about it and she was enjoying it. “Here at the Pyramid tonight. One of my assistants will meet you when you return.”

“I’ll be here.” He said, winking at her and standing up, the problem in his pants gone for the most part, though the outline was still there. “Now, the big question is do I get my hug now or not?”

“Do you want to trade your dinner for a hug now?” Giana challenged mildly as she stood and smoothed out the middle of her dress.

He seemed to think for a few seconds, before looking back up at her. His expression was guilty and comical.

“Just a little bit.” He said smoothly. “But I’m going to trust that dinner would be better. You seem more excited about that option anyways.”

“We’ll go with I’m the excited one despite what your pants say, sure.” Giana shook her head but was still smiling as she indicated toward the door. “It was good meeting with you, Lord Price. I will see you later tonight but for now you must excuse me. I have more meetings.”

“Hey, I should get bonus points for enthusiasm.” He said before adjusting his pants and jacket and making sure he was neat and crisp. “Your Highness.”

He turned, and with a final glance at her, head to toe, he stepped out of the room.



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