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A Welcome Return

Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2024 @ 8:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 8: Resolutions
Location: Chief of Security's Office
Timeline: Date 2371-12-28 at 1130
3299 words - 6.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Lyra sat behind the desk in her office reading over the tactical scans of the Vidiian convoy they had passed by a few days ago. Not that she wanted to admit it, but Annalise had probably made the right call with what they had been able to glean about those three other ships of unknown make. They were absolute beasts, and Lyra wanted to get one just to have as a toy, more or less. Giving a wistful sigh, she picked up her tea and took a sip while her thoughts drifted to Andrei. The discovery of Sipov on the station had come as quite a surprise for everyone and was by far the most interesting bit of news; the other things well… they were for Andrei, but later on in their lives.

She knew he would be back soon, though didn’t know exactly when; she found herself missing him quite a bit. It was one thing to sleep apart or not see much of one another some days, but it was another to know he wasn’t there entirely. She didn’t like it much at all. Sitting back, she reached up and tiredly rubbed her face. She hadn’t slept well either and it was largely why she wasn’t on the bridge. In her office she could relax and let her mind wander a bit more.

The Aeroshuttle had docked safely and Andrei had bit his travel mate a farewell. He could tell she was still a bit standoffish after she had heard the Vidians were after him, and he grew all the more certain they had been wise not to include the woman in their secret plot. He went to deck two immediately to drop off his bag, and then asked the computer for Lyra’s location. Technically, he was supposed to report to the Captain first, but he couldn’t bear to go any longer without seeing her.

A few minutes later, he stepped into the security office and walked past the desks. He nodded at the officers and enlisted guards who greeted him and made a beeline for the door. Not even bothering to press the chime, he stepped in and saw nothing but the back of some crewman as he placed a series of PADD’s on Lyra’s desk. When the crewman shifted and went to ask her a question, he saw his woman sitting there finally. The emotional reaction was immediate. He was happier to see her than he ever would have expected. Even the look of her from across the room was intoxicating to him now.

Lyra had been looking at the PADDs as the man put them down and sorting them into piles by topic so she could delegate them later. When she heard the door open, she looked up and glanced around the crewman. Immediately, she smiled.

“Leave the rest and get out.” She ordered and the man immediately obeyed, bumping into Andrei haphazardly as he hurried out.

Lyra stood from her desk, her dark eyes on her lover as he stood there. “Hello, my Darling.”

Andrei made a beeline for her right away. The door was barely closed behind the crewman before his lips were on hers and he kissed her passionately, his fingers moving to her hair. His kiss was hungry, like he hadn’t touched her in weeks.

“Gods, I missed you..”

Her arms slid around his broad shoulders and she pressed her body to his. Though they hadn’t been parted even three days, it certainly felt longer. When he parted their kiss to speak, he barely got the words out before she kissed him again, his own passion reflected in her touch. One hand moved from his shoulders to grab his shirt which she began to pull up with one hand. The eagerness of his kiss and the genuine sentiment of his words pushed everything else temporarily to the back of her mind. She wanted to connect with her man, her beloved.

Andrei quickly aided her in getting his shirt off, moving his hand to the zipper of her jacket a short few seconds later. He pulled her jacket off and touched her body through her gold service shirt.

“I should have brought you with me.”

“You’re here now.” She replied, not disagreeing with him but not giving him the answer which could have come off as an “I told you so”. Her love and desire was reflected in her voice, but before she touched him again, she placed her hands on both of his cheeks to get him to look at her and focus on her face.

“Did you find what you were looking for, Darling?”

“I did.” He said, still pressing against her, his face in her hands. “I got the location of Dr. Pel, and she's within twenty light years of our position. Annalise will have to take this chance, and if she doesn’t…”

Lyra kissed him again, not allowing him to finish the thought. They both knew what would need to be done, and right now she wanted to celebrate his success. She reached behind her, feeling around on the console a bit and then finally finding the button she wanted. The glass on the windows of her office frosted over, and she pulled off her uniform shirt leaving her in her silky black bra. She wanted to hear all about it… after.

Andrei unzipped his pants and allowed them to fall to the floor.

“I had to end a few lives over all of this already.” He said, blatantly pulling down his boxers as well and not worrying about matching the speed of her undressing. “Two Vidiians who got in my way. It reminded me of you, and you’ve been on my mind nonstop ever since.”

Her dark eyes lit up with a different interest then and she hopped up to sit on her desk. She pushed her boots off of her feet and then reached up to her bra, freeing her wonderfully shaped and perky breasts. Her hands went down to her belt and that was off in a flash, she then unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, but didn’t remove them.

“Tell me.” She all but purred, spreading her legs and grabbing him by the back of the neck to pull him closer.

“I started at a hospital on the moon. The receptionist was terrified of me from the start, but she tried to be helpful until I needed her to bend some rules. When she refused and threatened to have me removed, I left and then followed her home after her short shift.” Andrei started, knowing his love would want to hear the story, and wouldn’t be ashamed of a single moment. He told the story up until the very moment the woman came back to her apartment, then he paused and grabbed her pants with his strong fingers and pulled them off. He wasn’t asking.

“She told me she would only give me the data device if I released her son. I didn’t like her trying to change the nature of our arrangement, so I vaporized the little snot right in front of her eyes. Then I climbed on top of her, and used these hands to show her exactly how things were going to go.” He continued, untwining his fingers in the sides of her panties and making it very clear she would have to say goodbye to them if she didn’t shift her body to help him take them off.

“Later, before we left, Kit reported to me the moon’s authorities were demanding I beam down and answer for the death of two Vidians. I Thought I had only killed the one.”

Her panties were off, and his strong, rough hand was between her legs in an instant.

Lyra had been listening to Andrei with rapt attention; her eyes were on his face, but her hands had not been idle. She had been touching him in all the ways he liked. His chest, his sides, his arms, his back - sometimes with her whole hand, sometimes with just the feathery touch of her fingertips. Her lips occasionally kissed his shoulder or neck when she felt like it, but her focus generally remained on just looking at him. She was smiling, wicked and full of that dark mirth, and the look in her dark eyes told him he was having the exact effect on her that he had been hoping for.

She had lifted her body off of the desk enough that he could remove her panties without tearing them, and when his hand moved between those long, fit legs, he found her quite ready. Leaning in, she kissed him passionately, dragging it out and ending it by lightly biting and tugging on his lower lip, naughty and playful. Her hands were on his abdomen and slowly started to slide up as she spoke to him in a voice thick with her desire.

“You are wonderful, Darling, and I’m so proud of you.” The words were genuine and as she spoke the last one, her hands had made it up to his chest where she started to more directly tease his nipples. She knew the exact effect it would have on him at this point, and while she enjoyed foreplay, she wanted her favorite thing.

Andrei’s appreciation of her pride in him was notable, as was his physical response to her attentions. His eyes flashed with desire and he parted her legs, guiding himself into her depths without warning. With a grunt of pleasure, he moved his hips like a master dancer, but there was intense energy in his motions. The time for restraint was done as he lifted her off the desk and supported her body, making love to her standing right in the office with swift, almost violent thrusts. His strong arms held her body and he manipulated her on him without difficulty at all, it seemed.

“I’m back to take what’s mine.” he said in a dark voice.

Lyra willingly moved when Andrei picked her up into his arms and when she was at face level with him, her lips found his with fire and passion. She kept enough tension in her body that she wasn’t dead weight in his grip, but was relaxed just enough that he was able to move her on top of him exactly how he wanted to. He had many women in his rather short lifetime, but who other than her could he celebrate their triumph over their lessers in this way?

She sang his praises quietly and intimately into his ear, her powerful, feminine figure clinging to him but never interfering. She moved her hips to meet his as much as she could, wanting to be active and passionate with him. After several long moments of his claiming her body, her whole body shuddered with her release, and she moaned into his ear.


Andrei walked her over as she shuddered on him and whispered in his ear and placed her against the opaque glass that separated her office from the rest of Security. Taking her legs in his and lifting them, he moved into her, reaching depths that would likely hurt many women. He looked at her, that same fire in his eyes he’d had when he’d dominated that Vidian woman blazing. There was no doubt they were killers.

“Mine.” he growled.

They spent the next few minutes loudly reuniting after being apart for so long in their world. Andrei’s powerful muscles tensed as he pumped away inside her, as much animal as man in the moment. Finally, he shuddered with his powerful release as well, and then he collapsed against her, pressing her onto the glass and kissing her with much softer, more vulnerable moans.

“Mine.” he said again.

Lyra had been glad she had Corvin install the option for the glass being frosted months ago, but really she likely wouldn’t have cared if the whole of the security department had been able to see them; who wouldn’t want to watch with awe and reverence at two gods fucking? When she felt him release inside of her, she gave a quiet, low groan of satisfaction; it was starting to feel fulfilling for her in a deep, primal way.

She met his kiss with a gentle one of her own, and then gave the same to his forehead as he recovered against her. “I missed you, my Darling.”

“I missed you too.” he said in a low voice against her neck. “I was no fun for Kit the entire second half of the trip.”

He chuckled and held her for quite a while, kissing her and rubbing his hands along her body admiringly. He was positive in that moment that no other woman could compare to the way she made him feel. Eventually, he fell out of her and put her down before he sparked round two.

“Did I miss anything interesting while I was away?”

“Yes, actually.” She said and took a couple of steps on uncertain legs then found her feet again. Turning back to face him, she placed her hands on his hips but didn’t press her body to his. She wasn’t sure if she was done with him yet, but they were taking a moment to talk.

“I went to explore the trading post while you were gone to see if there were any leads on the matter of Dr. Pel here by chance. I didn’t find anything, but I knew it was a long shot since it isn’t a Vidiian station. What I did find was a Terran man and his Cardassian slave.”

“A what?” he asked with a furrowed brow. He grabbed a paper towel from one of her shelves and cleaned himself up a bit to prevent himself from making more of a mess of her carpet than he already had. A slave could clean it, of course, but he was still no slob. “How the hell did they get here? Don’t tell me there’s another fleet ship all the way out here.”

“Wouldn’t that be something?” Lyra chuckled, taking a towel for herself and moving to sit down on it on the edge of her desk. “No, he’s actually one of our own. Lieutenant Sipov Boros who was captured with a third of the crew from the ISS Wasp. Apparently he was on a Cardassian prison transfer convoy that got taken by the Caretaker like we were.”

“Boros.” Andrei said, thinking hard and clearly trying to remember. “Sounds vaguely familiar. What’s his division?”

“Command. He’s a pilot. A pretty decent one too as far as his record shows.” She said and grabbed her monitor, spinning it around and activating it once more. She brought up Sipov’s profile more for herself than for Andrei, but didn’t block him from it if he chose to look the more old fashioned way.

“Bit of a shit, though.” While it would usually have been an insult of course, it somehow didn’t seem to be one from her.

“As long as he’s an obedient, shit, or a useful one, I couldn’t care less.” Andrei said, leaning and looking at the profile over her shoulder. His arm embraced her. “What has our dear Captain decided to do with him? After all, he outranks our Acting Department Head, and Maya’s not ready for promotion yet.”

“She wants to give him a try at the helm.” Lyra replied, her leg resting against his as he drew near but the contact seemed mostly incidental.

“Hmm. I think I should pay him a visit then and see what he’s about.” Andrei said calmly. He didn’t seem particularly worried about it.

“You should. Later.” She smiled at him and took his hand. “Tell me about this lead you have on the doctor?”

“She’s the lead medical researcher at a Vidian frontier station nearby known as Research Outpost 413. According to her service record, she’s an accomplished medical doctor and was instrumental in developing their highly-secret cure for the Phage.” he reported. “I assume she can be bribed with riches; her contributions to Vidian society haven’t fairly compensated her thus far.”

“Or we can just take what we need, replace our lost slaves on the Rynall, and kill the rest.” Lyra pointed out and placed a hand on his hip. “How should we approach Annalise? Do you want me to go to her initially to prime her to speak to you?”

“No, we’ve come through too much for that.” he responded, shaking his head. “I’ll go and talk to her, and if she refuses to take this opportunity, then we’ll enact our plan just as we said. If she can’t see reason here without a woman’s soft touch first, then we’re doomed under her command anyway.”

“Soft touch? Since when do I have that?” She challenged him but it was clearly playful as she reached out and pinched his hip hard.

“Maybe I was going to threaten to drag her out by her hair.”

“I think that might defeat the point of leaving her alive, wouldn’t it?” Andrei asked, chuckling. “Though the image turns me on, I have to admit.”

“I can tell.” Lyra grinned and looked down between his legs then back up into his eyes. “I know you want to go talk to her, but may I suggest a different option?”

“Of course.” he answered, clearly unbothered by her offering her help. He grinned as she looked down at him.

“Let’s look over the schematics for that kind of station and come up with a solid plan of attack we can give to Annalise…” As she spoke, her body shifted in a fluid motion and suddenly she had her feet on the ground, but was bent over the desk. She looked back at him and swayed her hips in a tantalizingly slow way, her impressive backside on full display and the slight sheen of their earlier activities still glistening between her legs.

“After I give my conquering hero his prize.” She finished, her eyes warm with her want of him.

They were naturally glued together, it seemed. And he had already started to respond with his body when she bent over the desk. Slapping her rear end, he smiled, no longer paying any attention to her words about the plan of attack. In his mind, he was going to get what he was after either way. Despite what she said about pulling the woman out with her hair, Lyra clearly wanted to avoid too much drama, while he was very much past caring.

He pressed against her, his manhood dangling between her toned thighs and his hand pushing her further down to the desk.

“How many times do I need to claim my prize today?” he asked with a grin, grabbing himself and teasing against her wetness.

“How many would you like to?” She challenged with a grin and wiggled her hips back to spear herself onto him when he was just at the right spot. Giving a satisfied sigh, she stretched out her arms on the desk in an almost lazy fashion. “I’m yours, Darling.”

Andrei looked at the place where their bodies met and gave a sigh of satisfaction that matched hers, rather like he’d stepped into a hot tub after a strenuous workout. And when he started to move slowly inside her, the entire world disappeared around him.



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