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The Investigation: Kassandra

Posted on Sun Feb 13th, 2022 @ 9:37am by Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Selin’s Quarters
Timeline: MD 33, 0730 Hours
803 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Having just finished interviewing Johnathan in Sickbay, Commander Cain made his way to the quarters of the next person on his list. Ensign Selin had been the one to find Lieutenant Anderson and to call for help. Besides the victim, she was his chief witness. He hadn’t indicated he would be coming around, hoping to gain something from the element of surprise, so he wasn’t sure if she would be prepared to come straight to the door or if she would even be awake. He pressed the chime anyway and waited.

The door unbolted and slid open. "Commander" Ensign Selin was standing there in uniform. "Please come in" She stepped back and waved him into her sparsely decorated cabin.

Commander Cain did just that, walking into the suite and making his way to the seating area in preparation for an interview.

“I hope this isn’t a bad time, Ensign, but, as I’m sure you’ve heard, the Captain had placed me in charge of the investigation into the stabbing of Johnathan. I’m here to ask some questions and get some answers. Why don’t you get comfortable and start by telling me your version of what happened from the start?

Kass nodded and once he sat, she sat down. "I was heading to the turbolift when the tube hatch opened and Johnathan staggered out, bleeding and mumbling. He recognised me, but not much else as far as I could tell"

“And did he actually say anything?”

"Yes Sir, he said the word Marshall" Kassandra replied. "But the word itself does not mean much to my mind. It could have been a warning, maybe Marshall is next."

Commander Cain put a hand up to stop her speculation. “Maybe, or perhaps it means Lieutenant Marshall is the one who organized the murder. We have to be prepared for bothering eventualities.”

The XO cleared his throat, looking at her seriously. “You are in a relationship with Lieutenant Anderson, are you not? And isn’t it an interesting coincidence that you found him instead of..anyone else?”

Kass's face didn't change expression. "I have also had a relationship with lieutenant Vali" She replied calmly. "And I have a family friend relationship with Andrei Petrov, and a Student-Professor relation with Lieutenant Marshall. Which of those relationships would you also like to know about?" She asked curiously. "As to it being a coincidence, I cannot speak to that. My movements are closely monitored by Lieutenant Morrison. i am sure his tacking of me will confirm I was no where near the location of the attack."

“I would like to know about those relationships, Ensign. The lot of you have gathered up quite the tangled web with each other. Considering the intermingling of relationships, there is a lot to consider. I mean you were, after all, laying with both Vali and Anderson. May I ask if you’ve had sexual relationships with lieutenant marshal or lieutenant Petrov as well?”

"No. My half sister slept with Andrei, and I have never had a sexual relationship with Lieutenant Marshall either. And the only time I slept with Lieutenant Vali, Lieutenant Anderson was there. My main sexual relationship on this ship has been with Lieutenant Anderson. And that is not an every evening thing." Kassandra showed no embarrassment.

Cyrus sighed. He had learned so much already which he would rather not know.

“Right…is there anything else you feel I should know, Ensign?”

"Lieutenant Vali informed me of her pregnancy, and of the reactions of the gentlemen concerned. Lieutenant Petrov has a temper and his reaction was not favourable. That said, nor was Lieutenant Anderson's reaction to Lieutenant Petrov's words about Lieutenant Vali. Lieutenant Vali informed me that Lieutenant Anderson took issue with Lieutenant Petrov and punched him. Lieutenant Petrov threatened him and Lieutenant Anderson and Lieutenant Marshall agreed that Lieutenant Anderson would be confined to quarters when not on duty, until Andrei pressed charges or dropped the matter."

“Yes, right.” Cain said. “And do you believe Lieutenant Petrov to be capable of such a drastic move for revenge? Especially one so anonymous as this? After all, he could have always challenged Anderson publicly without finding himself in trouble.”

Kass gave a shrug. "I have known Andrei for many years, he is not as smart as he thinks he is, but he is driven, has goals, he wants glory and respect. And he hates it when he is not respected. Do I think he is capable of cold blooded murder? Maybe. But he won't have blooded his own hands."

Cain nodded inwardly, clearly mulling over her words in the moment. Then, after a few seconds, he stood.

“Thank you for taking the time to help us, Ensign. That’s all I have for now.”

"Yes Sir." Kassandra replied.


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