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Watch your back!

Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2022 @ 11:34am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Callie Marshall & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Andrei’s quarters
Timeline: MD32 1620 hrs
1965 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure

With Johnathan in Sickbay and Troy not allowed visitors, Callie made her way to Andrei’s quarters. She knew damn well he’d had something to do with what happened to Johnathan she couldn’t prove it yet. Approaching the door she pressed the chime waiting for the smarmy attitude and cocky smile she was about to get.

"Go away!" Andrei said to the door from his couch. He sat in a black wife beaters and boxers, a PADD in one hand and a glass of vodka in the other.

Eritrea had completed several light domestic duties earlier and was just beginning her more personal duties on her knees. She was clad how Andrei preferred her in just her leather skirt, one hand on his boxers rubbing gently. She glanced at the door curiously before turning her gaze on Andrei. "Would Master prefer I come back later or...make this visit more interesting?"

Eritrea slid his boxers down and proceeded to be of personal service. She was going to take pleasure in having a woman walk in for a conversation while Andrei treated it like normal conversation.

"Whoever it is, they can come back later." He said with a dismissive wave. He was frustrated his plan had not gone as he had hoped. Commander Cain leading the investigation was hardly his idea of an ideal happening. He would need to make his views known in some other way, it seemed. But for now, he would destress.

When another knock on the door came, Andrei sighed and turned to Eritrea. He moved her hands from his manhood and pulled his boxers back up.

"No, it come be anyone. Get dressed and see if you can send them away." He said, standing and walking back into his bedroom to look for a proper pair of pants just in case it was his mother.

Eritrea lifted her head with a pronounced pout. She had come to actually enjoy her special time with Andrei. She thought the scuttlebutt about him and women undeserved. Nights in his quarters was preferable to nights fighting off men in the slave pens. She rose to her feet and dressed quickly as Andrei disappeared into his bedroom. She was just adjusting her top as she opened the door and looked at Callie without emotion. "Master does not wish visitors at this time." Her voice came out in a flat tone.

Callie gazed at Eritrea. “I don’t care what master wants at the moment! He’s going to see me whether he wants to or not! Unless he’d prefer we talk about his part in Lieutenant Anderson’s stabbing right here in the doorway!”

Hearing her voice from the other room, Andrei rolled his eyes. He knew he covered all of his tracks. There was no trace of the involvement of the slave who did it and certainly no direct link that led to him. He had been careful. The only reason she was even here right now is because he had been stupid enough to lose his temper and threaten Johnathan after he'd hit him. He silently cursed himself for his momentary stupidity, and then adopted a confused face. A mask, like all of his expressions. He emerged from the bedroom with a fresh pair of uniform pants and his golden uniform shirt.

"Callie?" he asked, looking at her through the door way. "You're developing a pattern of coming down to my quarters and screaming through my door. I think the neighbors might notice, love."

He looked toward Eritrea and smiled.

"Perhaps we can reschedule, Eritrea. I'm afraid the Lieutenant here wants some attention too."

“I want nothing of the sort from you Andrei” Callie looked at Eritrea. “If I were you I’d stay well away from him from now on, he’s not worth your trouble.”

Andrei waited for Eritrea to leave, even if the silence was uncomfortable. He didn't trust her yet, even if she was constantly in his thoughts. And even though Callie was being far less than subtle, people talked.

Eritrea shot a scornful look at Callie before turning to Andrei with a smile. She gave a nod to his Terran Empire Flagstand. "It is an honor and pleasure to polish your staff Master." She departed with no other word.

Once she was gone and the door was closed, he extended his arms toward Callie in a peaceful gesture.

"Look, Callie, let's be reasonable here. I have literally never EVER approached Johnathan. I have no interest in the man. And, if scuttlebutt around the ship is accurate, wasn't the last thing he said before he lost consciousness 'Marshall'?"

He paced a bit, his brow furrowed.

"I mean, bad feelings aside, Callie, let's think about this. What motive would I possibly have for killing Johnathan Anderson in your mind? Why does the fact that you hate me make me a cold-blooded killer? I want you to think about this honestly, here. Is it possible your love for Troy is blinding you to some of the possibilities here? You're having a baby together, for heaven's sake. Is it possible you have a blind spot as far as he's concerned?"

Callie frowned, she wasn’t for a minute going to believe that Troy had anything to do with Johnathan’s stabbing. “How would you know what Johnathan said before he lost consciousness? Were you hanging around close by listening?” She gave him an annoyed look. “As for Troy he has no reason to be threatened by Johnathan, and I don’t believe he’d have anything to do with what happened.”

“To be honest, Callie, everyone on the ship knows the details of the case. You’ve been shouting them at the top of your lungs all around the place.” He said, a look of frank concern on his face. “Obviously you’re very upset, and you’ve been quite emotional. That Troy has been implicated by Johnathan is universally known.”

He sat down then on the couch, sighing deeply and seeming tired.

“I don’t know who did this, but I really don’t understand why you’re so sure it was me? What’s my motivation?”

“Your motivation? You did threaten Johnathan the day he hit you. For me that’s motivation enough!” She folded her arms across her chest.

“He punched me in the face and I said he would pay for it. Did I say “I’m going to have you stabbed in a Jeffries Tube? No, I did not.” He said, stepping close her her and speaking in an honest manner. “I know you hate me, but this is ridiculous. The only reason I’m locked up in here is because you people don’t like me very much. I haven’t touched a hair on his head and I hope he gets better, honestly. He, on the other hand, seems to think Marshall did it.”

Callie sighed, she was nothing but irritation and concern from Andrei. She was hoping to trip him up, but he was doing his best to convince her that Troy had it in for Johnathan. “So exactly why would Troy want to hurt Johnathan?”

“We’ll, love, isn’t it obvious?” He asked, turning his head to the side an smirking a bit at her blindness. “The man is clearly in love with you for some reason…you’re having a baby together. The two of you share one of the most significant bonds that can exist between two people. And, you also have feelings for Johnathan and let him take you to bed. No matter how humble a man pretends to be, that sort of competition is hard to surmount. Honestly, I can’t think of a better motive.”

Callie shook her head. “Troy knows that I’m in love with him, that I let Johnathan go for him. I care for Johnathan but there’s nothing more than that. Hell why am I telling you! You may not be the number one suspect Andrei but, you’re the number one where I’m concerned.” She gave him a sly smile. “For someone as clever as you, getting someone else to do your dirty work wouldn’t be a problem would it?”

He looked at her from the couch, returning her grin.

“Do you miss doing my dirty work, Callie?” He asked, then biting his lip a bit.

Callie grinned. “What’s wrong Andrei screwing the slave girl not satisfying enough for you?” She leaned a little closer.
“The fact you could have been the father of my child not scared you off women yet then?” She leant back again.

“The limit to my appetites is unknown.” He said, still smiling. “And for women like you, perhaps it is endless.”

“Really” Callie rolled her eyes. “Maybe I made the mistake of entertaining you before Andrei, I won’t be making the same mistake again. You have your slave girl for that, she seemed to enjoy polishing your staff for you.”

He chuckled. That was rather indiscrete of Eritrea. He wondered if there had been more to her saying that in front of Callie than a lack of self control, however. Sometimes, the slave seemed a bit possessive.

“It’s a popular hobby for many people. If you can believe it, some women are starting to fancy me something of a seducer.” He said, standing and laughing. “Can I get you something to drink or are you off to your quarters?”

“I’m not here for social graces Andrei.” Callie shook her head, her next words weren’t said verbally, no she wasn’t that stupid. She had no doubt Andrei might have surveillance inside his quarters. Her message was a telepathic one.

I came to warn you, If I find out you had anything to do with what happened to Johnathan.... let’s just say you’ll wish you’d killed me!

With that she headed towards the door. “Enjoy your time with your slave girl Andrei, she’s not really interested in you. You’re just a means to an end.”

“Everyone is in the end, Callie. Everyone.” He said, his face neutral and unreadable. “The only difference is…I know what end I am a means for, and I can deliver. And stay out of my head. It’s against regulations after all. Wouldn’t want to have to arrest you.”

Callie smiled. “I haven’t been in your head Andrei, if I was you’d know about it.”

Andrei frowned at the threat. She was lingering in his quarters and threatening him in a disgusting way. He understood that it didn’t matter what information was presented to her: a video of Troy actually stabbing Johnathan, and she wouldn’t budge in her belief that it was him; a belief that was based on very little.

“Okay, we’ll fuck off, Callie. You’ve said your piece and it clearly doesn’t matter to you what I say.” He said angrily. “You’re going to pin this on me with no evidence. So, go insult me somewhere else. I’ve had enough of it in here.”

Callie nodded. “Thank you for the chat, Oh and I’m not pining anything on you... yet.” She smiled before turning and walking out of the door.

As the door closed, Andrei wondered whether Callie actually considered herself a threat to him if he came down to it. In his mind’s eye, he saw his hands wrapped around her throat, her thrashing helplessly as he squeezed the life out of her. The thought gave him some happiness for a second, but soon he forced it out of his mind. He was needed on the Bridge after all.


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