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Generator Hunt

Posted on Thu Apr 7th, 2022 @ 5:58am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Aray
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 0730
1194 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra gathered the other three a short distance from the main group. "Okay Lieutenant Jones, you have the tech we need, lets get scanning." She said. "Lieutenant Vali, Lieutenant Petrov, keep your eyes open and ears open too."

Andrei looked at his younger sister, though no one knew it in their group except for the two of them. He felt some strange pang of irritation to see her leading the team rather than him. He considered this for a while, and decided it might be best to see how much he could carve out for himself in the situation. He folded his arms over his bare chest and his eyes wandered around at the strange field hands just milling about in the distance, watching them with passive interest.

"Lively bunch of yokels, aren't they?"

"Hmmm I wonder how passive they will be if we turn off this... simulation" Kassandra said wryly, "Pity we only have ourselves as weapons." She waved Melissa forward and the group moved off to begin their search.

"I believe I have found an acceptable weapon for the time being." Melissa noted as she carred her hay fork with her. "Any Holographic Generator with this level of sophistcation would use a massive amount of power. And not only is this holographic environment capable of matter replication, but also complex organic synthesis. Such would require an immense genetic database. No matter. They have kidnapped us. And I will very soon express my displeasure with it by driving this hayfork into their bodies." Melissa scanned for the nearest energy source, but she was also wondering where Ami was. An emotion? Extreme longing. Fear that she'd be hurt.

“I wish my abilities were at full strength” Callie offered an almost apologetic smile. “I’m not fully recovered from the surgery to remove my inhibitor yet. Besides Doctor Lamont gave me instructions not to over do it.”

"I'm sure its fine. You're here because of your expertise in Operations, not because your a telepath." Andrei said, successfully hiding his mild disgust at the thought. Terrans didn't like her abilities and he was no different. Still, he was trying to be polite to the girl. "Perhaps we should start in the farmhouse. If I were a power source, I might be in there."

“Indeed it might, or it could be hidden and disguised anywhere in this simulation” Callie offered a polite nod to Andrei. “I’m sorry if the thought of having an uninhibited telepath along with you is a disturbing thought.” She smiled. “Now Shall we start at the farmhouse Lieutenant?” She looked towards Kass for confirmation.

"Even with this technology. We are looking for a power source that would take up a significant amount of space. Perhaps an abandoned house, a grain silo, or a barn. We will have to search all these places. I am under an impression the power source for this simulation is self-contained and does not rely on any EPS system." Melissa explained.

Callie nodded. "Then I suggest we get moving, there's lots of ground for us to cover. Might I suggest we split up into two teams of two?” She looked at Kass.

"You come with me, Andrei you are with Lieutenant Jones" Kass said with a smile.

Andrei liked the idea of splitting up; it meant he might find the generator first and, as a result, might win the credit he felt he ultimately deserved. Looking at Mellissa, he angled his head toward the farm house.

"Shall we start in there?"

'Fascinating.... Male ambition.' Melissa read Andrei's emotions for a moment then began to continue scanning. "This house does not seem to have the EM signature of the power source we're attempting to locate. We will have to locate another site."

Andrei had the arrogant disposition that Melissa was familar with from her time being poked and prodded by the Empire's scientists. Internally she was running the numbers on whether or not this man was more useful to the overall ship's survival probability, and finally concluded that if he died. Their likelihood of survival would increase. Of course he may prove competent in other ways. Perhaps cover in a firefight.

“Yes, okay, well where would you suggest?” He asked, looking slightly annoyed by her comment. He had no tricorder to assist in scanning. “I say we take a look in that fenced area over there.”

"I Concur." Melissa noted.

The two set off together in the direction of a structure surrounded by a large picket fence. In it was a smaller barn and several animals milling about. Openning the fence, the two of them stepped inside and proceeded to walk toward the barn.

"Picking anything up?" Andrei asked, his skill prickling from the cool wind against it.

Callie offered Kass a smile as she looked in her direction. "Shall we get started?"

Kass nodded. "Lets get this started. I so need a sonic shower and the sooner we get this done, the sooner i can get that shower, and you, can get dressed" she added with a smirk,

Callie nodded as she rolled up the sleeves a little on Fergus’ jacket. “I promised the Captain I’d get this jacket back to him, so much for getting some rest!” She grinned. “Let’s get this done and we can all go home.”

Kass nodded and they began their search around a number of smaller out buildings. Kass wanted to find the power source, but it was not looking promising.

“This place is huge!” Callie sighed as she looked towards Kassandra. “They must have the power source well and truly hidden, I’m willing to bet it’s in plain sight though.”

"Something inane hiding its true purpose?" Kass considered it as she looked and then opened the door to the small shed like structure. "False walls and doors?" She suggested as they stepped into the shed. It was cluttered with farming tools and such.

“Possibly” Callie nodded. “We’ll literally have to search every inch and see if anything turns up. It’s a shame we don’t know what frequency the holographics work on, it would be so much easier.”

"It would be easier if we had our uniforms and equipment." Kass replied with a wry smile and began tapping on walls.

Melissa looked at what appeared to be an isolated barn. Nothing nearby. "Hmmm..."

Andrei pushed open the large doors and stepped passed a chicken as the two of them made their way inside.

"I am.picking up life signs within these structure." Melissa noted.

Andrei would have tapped his combadge but he was currently nude above the waist. Instead he cleared his throat and nodded. Just then, he turned at the sound of an angry dog barking at the two of them and snarling as if they’d encroached upon some territory where they were not welcome. In a flash, several of the holographic farmers appeared with pitchforks and shovels out of thin air in the barn.

“Couldn’t leave well enough alone, could ya?” Asked an old lady at the front of the mob. Then all faded to black.



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