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Private conversation *Some Mature Content*

Posted on Tue May 17th, 2022 @ 11:49pm by
Edited on on Wed May 18th, 2022 @ 3:13am

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: SS Alexandria II
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 0600
3137 words - 6.3 OF Standard Post Measure

They had returned to their shuttle and once they were inside, Kaleigh sealed the hatch.

Daphne headed for her room, looking to read and play with Rebecca.

Kae waited until the child had vanished and then turned to Micheal. "Ok..." she said softly.

He closed his eye and nodded. "I know, honey," he said, acquiescing. "I started to loose my composure there. I'm sorry. I wasn't prepared for how I'd feel in his presence again. I'm better now, I promise. I won't loose my temper, in regards to him, again." He reopened his eye and looked at his beautiful wife. "Forgive me?"

"I do but Micheal, he could have killed all three of us and no one on that ship would have complained." Kaleigh said softly. "And his wife is also.... cunning. We need to be careful if we wish to survive in the Empire again."

Nodding, Micheal moved to embrace his wife. "I know, sweetheart. Whatever happens to that ship and crew, you and Daphne are what is most important to me. And, if you ever feel uncomfortable on the Vengeance, we will leave, no questions asked. Together, we will survive. Even if we never leave the Delta Quadrant again. We will survive."

Kae leaned her head on his chest. "I know" She whispered. "I want to put some measures in place though. We need to hide our resources and such."

"I agree," Micheal's deep voice rumbled quietly in his chest. "And while we might help them to create a version of an AI, it'll be nowhere as sophisticated as Rebecca is. Nor do they get to see how the shadow mode operates."

"Rebecca can hide that information." Kae said as the tension began to leave her shoulders as she pressed close to him. "And there is more going on, on this ship than we were told."

"That's Ivan for you," he replied with a soft sigh. "Keeping secrets is his forté." He looked down at Kaleigh. "I will never keep any secrets from you, my love."

She nodded. "Likewise" She smiled up at him. "We are family."

He smiled in return, then leaned down a gently kissed her lips. He knew that he would willingly walk through the fires of hell to protect his family.

Kae kissed him back. "Come, we need to get things sorted."

Nodding, he relaxed his hold enough to allow Kaleigh to walk freely. He then followed her.

For the next short while, Kaleigh organised their belongings and with Rebecca and Micheal, locked lockers down so they would only be opened by codes and biometrics.

Once the physical aspect of their belongings were secured, Micheal turned to Rebecca. "You need to alternate your command code programming. We can't take the chance that they have a telepath aboard, who could pull the information from our minds. You decide on the method that Kaleigh and me are allowed to gain access to your systems, but don't tell us what they are until the time is right."

"I understand, Master." Rebecca's avatar closed her eyes for a split second, then reopened them. "Done."

"Thank you Rebecca" Kaleigh said with a warm smile to the Avatar. "And please keep a lock on Daphne when she is off the shuttle."

"Of course, Mistress," Rebecca replied matter-of-factly. "I always keep locks on all three of you when you are off the ship. Just because these people are your countrymen, I trust only the beings on this ship and obey only the two of you. I took a look at their main computer, child's play to hack into by the way. I do not believe they can survive here without either of you as part of their crew. They are simply too volatile. Already, since they initial left dock, on a mission to wipe out all life on an enemy world, they have been in combat with an Alliance vessel, their own chief helmsman was nearly murdered, the man accused of the deed was executed." She paused a couple beats and summed up.

"After looking through their personnel files, I find the majority of the crew to be untrustworthy in the pursuit of this family's protection. I will not allow them to harm any of you."

"What else did you discover?" Kae asked curiously.

Rebecca blinked, then replied. "It seems that the Executive Officer was the project leader on the design of the Intrepid Class warship. From his personal logs, he feels that the ISS Vengeance should have been his to command. He harbors animosity towards Captain Petrov for taking his ship." She paused a few more beats, then continued.

"The Chief Engineer could perhaps be the most dangerous to us. She is a cybernetic lifeforms, created in an Imperial laboratory. She was experimented on and abused by the ones that she refers to as her parents. Apparently, Captain Petrov rescued her, then allowed her to murder the entire team of scientists that created her. While she seems loyal to Petrov, I do not believe, in the long run, she will remain loyal to the Terran Empire. She seems fascinated by killing and experiencing new emotions as they become active in her programming. Extreme caution must be used with her."

She looked over at Micheal. "Master, while you are partially cybernetic, you might last against her briefly in a physical altercation, I do not, regrettably, see you winning, should the fight last longer than a few seconds." She looked at them both in turn. "If I possessed a physical body, I would be better able to protect you all."

"Unfortunately we do not have the technology to do that for you yet" Kae said with a smile. "Do not worry Rebecca Love, we will work it out. So we need to avoid the Chief Engineer."

Rebecca nodded and smiled softly. "Thank you, Mistress. And yes, in so far as keeping our family and as much of our tech safe as possible, I eould strongly suggest that as much distance is kept from her as possible. Of course, it would be better if you do not draw any undue attention to yourselves either."

"Thank you, Rebecca," Micheal replied softly. "We will certainly ly take you suggestions to heart. Please keep an eye on them, if you can. We don't want you to be targeted either."

"Agreed" Kae said with a smile. "So we also need to make a choice on how much we reveal to them"

Rebecca paused for a moment, then replied. "If it would help, Mistress, we could grant them a very basic version of my programming, that they could use to build their own AI. Of course, I would ensure that there would be a hidden back door into the program, that I could access, should the need ever arise that you ask me to take over their systems? My programming language is far beyond what I have seen in the Vengeance's main computer. No one would be able to detect the back door."

"Its a thought" Kaleigh said softly. She looked at Micheal. "What do you think?"

Micheal considered the idea. "So long as you can guarantee that they cannot detect the back door, or find anything that would cause them to be suspicious...then I say go for it.

"Rebecca love, be cautious when you give us the plans for the AI, I want it so perfect they cannot see the backdoor." Kaleigh said softly. "And can you keep Daphne busy please for a bit, Micheal and I need to talk."

"Of course, Mistress," Rebecca nodded once. "I will inform you when the program is ready." She then vanished, leaving Micheal and Kaleigh alone in the cockpit.

Micheal looked down at his lovely wife and smiled softly. "What do you want to discuss, my love?"

She took his hand and led him into their bedroom. Once the door closed behind them, she said "You are still mad, I can tell. So I thought you might want to channel that anger into other things"

Looking down at Kaleigh, hearing her words, Micheal suddenly felt a stirring below. Reaching out with his right hand, he took hold of the back of her head, pulling her to him. He then kissed her deeply and passionately.

Kae kissed him back pressing up against him and running her hands down his torso.

Micheal made soft, approving sounds when he felt Kaleigh touch him. Though they had only been together a short time, it felt as if they had known each other their whole lives.

As they continued to kiss, he blindly guided her backwards to their bed. As they moved, he started to undo her shirt.

Kaleigh undid his pants button and then tugged his shirt upwards, breaking their kiss to remove it from him. Her lips curved into a smile as she began to strip off her own clothing.

After tossing his shirt away, Micheal knelt before Kaleigh and moved his hands over her exposed skin. As he did this, he also started to plant tender kisses on her neck, shoulders and collarbone.

Kae moaned softly and pressed her hands against his skin. "Micheal.." she whispered.

Sliding his hands down to her pert ass, Micheal lifted Kaleigh up off her feet, guiding her legs around his hips, as he kissed her deeply, lowering her down onto the bed.

She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed her hips against his. "I want you Micheal, badly, inside me." she whispered hotly in his ear. "Take me, hurry.."

Micheal wasted no more time and heeded his wife's pleas. Getting back up onto his knees, he pulled his underwear down far enough to free his engorged manhood. He then positioned them both and entered her welcoming center.

For the next hour, they tore at each other, one trying to devour the other. Until finally, they both collapsed onto the bed, exhausted and sweating profusely.

"You certainly know how to channel me, my love!" Micheal exclaimed between taking in huge gulps of air.

Kae stretched beside him and ran her hands down her form. "Hmm I was just thinking the same of you Love" She purred as she slowly sat up beside him, her hair falling down over her shoulders and chest.

He turned his head to admire her beauty. "You truly are perfect, my love! And I have no doubt, once we start having children of our own, you will be a perfect mother to them!" He reached up with his right hand and gently rubbed her back.

She gave him a small smile. "I will need to go to Medical soon, go through the process to get reinstated."

He nodded, unaware in that moment of the entire meaning of her words. "You will be an outstanding member of their intelligence staff, my love. I wouldn't be surprised if you end up earning a field commission and running the entire department."

"I am sure whoever runs their Intelligence Department might beg to differ," She shifted onto her knees and leaned over to kiss him. "I can wait though to get started. I love spending time here with you."

He returned her kiss eagerly. Moving his right hand to her left cheek, he replied. "And I you, my beautiful wife." The look in his right eye held pure and real love and devotion. It was clear that it was meant only for her.

She rested her forehead on his and whispered "I want your child Micheal."

"And I want you to bear it. It and any others we are lucky enough to have." He tilted his chin up and kissed her lips gently, lovingly.

She smiled "One day, maybe, our child will have a place in the Empire, which will outshine ours."

He smiled broadly. "If they have even half of your intelligence and my savagery, they most certainly will."

"So." she nipped at his bottom lip. "Even though we are here, on the Vengeance, we should only trust each other Micheal."

He growled softly as he replied. "You are the only one I do trust. You, Daphne and Rebecca. All others will be kept at arms length."

"Smart man, my Love" Kae said as she kissed his lips gently. "Smart, and mine."

Micheal nodded as he slowly moved his right hand up into Kaleigh’s hair. "Only yours, until my last breath." He then took hold of her hair and pulled her head back slightly. "And you are mine alone," he growled softly.

She let her lips curve "Yes Sir." she whispered "Yours alone."

Though they had just finished a powerful lovemaking session, heating Kaleigh's tone caused Micheal to feel that familiar stirring renewed. The look in his eye showed his renewed desire, though this time, it wasn't animalistic.

Still holding her hair, he gently guided her back down onto her back, rolling himself over to her, and he started to kiss her again. Passionately to be sure, but much gentler than before. There was no need to rush things.

"Hmm my love, you want more?" she asked innocently even as she ran her hands down his chest.

Micheal smiled down at Kaleigh. "My love, I will always want more from you. My hunger and thirst for you will never be quenched." He then leaned down and over her, where he started to kiss the the right side of her neck.

She moaned and arched up against him. "okay." she whimpered.

As he continued to kiss Kaleigh’s neck, Micheal moved his left hand down over her breasts, gently squeezing them as he started to activate the motors in his hand, causing it to vibrate softly.

"oh gods" Kae moaned. Whenever he did that to her, it drove all common sense thoughts from her head. She loved his touch in general but she was a willing slave when he did this to her. "Yes Micheal... please..."

The corner of his mouth curved upwards, as he heard the desire in her voice. "Please what, baby? Do you want me to move my hand to a more sensitive place?" There was a teasing tone to his voice as he spoke.

Her head fell back as she moaned. "Please.. I want you... please.."

He grinned softly. "Of course, my love." His whisper was dripping with desire.

Shifting the rest of his body over top of her, Micheal slowly inserted himself deep inside of his loving wife. They started to move as one, each enjoying the feeling of being with the other.

She nuzzled him as they moved together, whispering how she loved him and enjoyed him taking her.

He groaned softly, as the tightness he felt on his manhood was quickly moving him towards his own climax. He softly moaned her name.

Smiling, Kae whispered hotly in his ear, exhorting him to come and to take her.

He lasted but a few moments longer, as he suddenly grew very stiff, then grunted loudly and exploded deep inside of her. After several strong pulses, he had giving her everything he had.

Collapsing down atop her, he gasped for breath as his body started to fight to cool itself down.

His own climax had set her's off and when he collapsed onto her she had accepted the weight easily and lay there nuzzling his neck.

After a few moments of panting, Micheal leaned back up slightly, to look into the beautiful face of the woman who owned every part of his being. He gently moved the few stray strands of hair from her face. "I love you, wife."

"I love you Husband" she whispered back. "So much"

The look in his right eye turned softer, tears seeming to well up in it. "You have saved my soul and heart from an eternity of loneliness. If it takes the rest of my life, I will repay you in kind, my love."

"You owe me nothing My love" She whispered. "I am not going anywhere."

He smiled a soft, joyful smile, then kissed her tenderly. Afterwards, he rolled over on to his back, opening his side to her to curl into. He knew he would have to remove his artificial limbs soon, but fir now, he just wanted to hold his loving wife in his arms.

Kae curled into him. "We should get back to Daphne soon. And I am sure the Captain will want to see you soon."

"Yes, my love. In a bit. I need to recharge some before going back into the world outside. Join me in a quick shower?"

"Hmm no you go ahead, I will get mine after you."

He nodded and gently kissed her forehead. "Okay my love. I'll go as quickly as I can, so you can get in there as well." He lidted his right arm, to allow her to move and allow him to get our of their bed.

Kae scooted away from him with a smile and snuggled back into bed.

Slowly, reluctantly, the former bounty hunter climbed out of the bed that he shared with his loving wife. He moved over to the ensuite and activated the shower stall. He stood under the near-scalding stream of water for a few moments, before he began to clean himself.

A bit less than twenty minutes later, he emerged, clean and freshly shaved and trimmed. "Your turn, my love."

Kae smiled and slipped from the bed. "Leave the sheets, I will change them." she said as she went to the bathroom.

Micheal nodded slightly as he started to get dressed in comfortable clothes. "Rebecca, status report please?"

Rebecca appeared "Nothing new to report Master, The little miss is reading happily in her room. And the Vengeance crew are too preoccupied with their rescue of others to focus on us."

Micheal nodded as he listened. "Thank you, Rebecca. Please keep an eye on Daphne." He sat down in his chair and listened to Kaleigh in the shower, as he thought more about their current situation.

Kaleigh washed quickly and came out dressed in jeans and a tank top She smiled at him and began to strip the bed.

Looking over at his beautiful wife, Micheal smiled and asked. "How is that you are so perfect, my love?"

"Rose coloured glasses, that is what you are wearing darling" Kae replied as she finished stripping the bed and changing the sheets.

He grinned softly as he replied. "While my left eye is red, my right eye is seeing you clearly, sweetheart. As far as I am concerned, you are perfect."

As Kaleigh walked past him with their laundry, she kissed him gently on the lips. "So are you."

Micheal's breath caught in his throat by Kaleigh’s gentle kiss. It was the kiss to sooth the savage beast.

As opposites as they were, he knew that they were halves to the same whole.


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