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Home Sweet Home, Part Two

Posted on Thu Jun 2nd, 2022 @ 7:37pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Troy’s Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 0600
2039 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy unlocked the door to his quarters and wheeled Callie next to the couch before slowly moving her to the more comfortable seating. He sat down next to her and grasped her hand, gently kissing her knuckles. "Can I get you something? Water or tea perhaps?"

Callie nodded. “A nice chilled water would be lovely, thank you."

Troy rose from the couch and got her the glass of water from the replicator.

Callie watched as Troy headed to the replicator. “How do you feel about this...” She motioned to her rounded stomach, being so slim the bump was showing well given she was now almost 7 months pregnant. “When they took us I was nowhere near this stage of my pregnancy.”

Troy returned to the couch and handed her the glass before placing a hand gently on her bump. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned."

Callie nodded. “When I first woke up like this it was like some nightmare, but the doctor I saw assured me our son is fine. They said he was a “goldmine of genetic information” they let me see him, they kept the monitor on until they put me back to sleep again. They were curious about how we reproduce, the whole thing was... humiliating!” She paused before smiling as she recalled the image of their son. “He’s amazing Troy.”

Troy looked at Callie's belly. He was relieved that, other than a medically induced twenty-seven week advance in her pregnancy, she and the unborn child were fine. He looked back up at Callie's face and brushed her cheek gently. "That is wonderful news. Right now I want to focus on you. How about I replicate us some dinner, we get you into something more comfortable and have a quiet, relaxing night. Sound good?" He gave her a grin and wink. "I'll even throw in a full body massage if you want."

Callie nodded and smiled the biggest smile yet. “I’d like that very much. I’ve missed not being here with you.” Her hand gently raised and her fingers brushed his cheek. “I was afraid I’d never see you again, and that I’d end up giving birth there all alone!”

Troy shook his head. "Wasn't going to happen. There's no force in this universe that would keep me from finding you if you were lost."

Callie smiled feeling relieved. “The same goes for you, I’d move heaven and earth to find you.” She leant closer giving him a loving kiss.

Troy deepened the kiss. He had been on edge since her capture by the Caretaker and imprisonment with the Ocampa. It was a dream come true to have her back.

Callie let her kiss deepen as well, letting it linger for as long as she could. She smiled as they came up for air. “I have no idea how we’re going to make love with me like this...” She motioned to her rounded stomach. “I guess we’ll have fun finding out.” She grinned a wry grin before changing the subject. “I guess now we have less time we’re going to need to choose names, any ideas?”

Troy gave the question of baby names a moment of thought. "I am partial to the name William." He rose from the couch and pulled her gently up. "Now we should get you in bed. I will replicate us dinner and serve you in bed. After we eat...we can work on figuring out your first concern."

Callie smiled and nodded as she rose to her feet. “William Marshall, I like that. As for my first concern, I’ll look forward to it.”

Troy led her to the bedroom and gestured. "You get comfortable and I will be back in a moment with food and drink. He stepped back out to the living area.

Nodding Callie removed her clothing before settling herself into bed, pulling the sheet around her as she did so. It was the very early hours of the morning after all, and she now needed maternity clothing that would fit her.

Troy returned less than a minute later with a tray laden with various fruits and vegetables, along with two tall glasses of water. He set the tray on the night stand and took a strawberry. He dipped it in whipped cream and fed it to Callie.

Callie ate the strawberry, a big smile on her face when she finished. “Mmm I could get used to this!” She picked up a strawberry and returned the favour dipping it in cream and offering it to Troy.

Troy bit into the strawberry. They spent the next half hour taking turns feeding one another until they were full. "Wow! I don't think I could eat another bite. You?"

Callie shook her head. “No thank you, I am completely full.” She rested her hand on her bump before quickly taking hold of Troy’s hand. “You have to feel this!” She gently placed his hand on her stomach and motioned for him to wait, her eyes twinkled with joy as their son gave a solid kick.

Troy felt the baby kick and was amazed. Despite the acceleration of Callie's pregnancy at the hands of the Ocampa, she and the baby appeared to be in good health. "This little one is going to be a ferocious warrior, if that kick is any indication."

Callie nodded. “Just like his father.” Her smile faded a little. “It was... humiliating over there Troy, the scientist who was studying me he wanted to know how our bodies reacted to pleasure. To see how our mating process worked.” She shook her head feeling abhorrent about the whole thing. “He never did anything to me personally, he used devices from the lab but it doesn’t make me feel any less violated by the whole process!”

Troy slowly absorbed her words as he took her hands in his. He gave them a gentle squeeze. "I am sorry we didn't get to you sooner. At least find some measure of comfort in the destruction of the Ocampa home world and knowing we have exacted revenge for what those animals did to you and Kassandra."

Callie nodded. “Trust me I feel a great deal of comfort in that, maybe a little too much!” She sighed. “I’ve never been a vindictive person hell I don’t like having to have slaves onboard ship, but that... it felt good to know that they got what they deserved.”

Troy considered one part of her statement. He had been thinking about the issue since the final casualty assessment following their arrival in the Delta Quadrant had been completed. "I have a matter I want to put forth to you. Could you begin doing skill assessments of the slaves? We may need to incorporate them into the standard crew to fill positions what with the deaths that we have had."

Callie gave Troy a surprised nod. “I can do that, I haven’t met that many of the slaves yet so it’ll give me a chance to meet them.”

Troy nodded and then allowed a smile to creep to his face. He gave her a hungry look of desire, knowing she was already nude under the covers. "Now I believe I am in the mood for some dessert." He slid under the covers still clothed and began to slowly pleasure Callie.

Callie let out a giggle, and a gasp as Troy disappeared under the covers. He certainly knew just how to take her mind off things, she lay back to enjoy the pleasure he was giving her. When he came up for air she was going to make sure every piece of clothing he had on was removed.

Troy spent a good hour under the sheets before finally emerging from underneath the sheets. He smiled at the blissful expression on Callie’s face. "Where there's a will, there's a way. Hope you enjoyed the last hour."

“Enjoyed it!!” Callie nodded, “I don’t have the words!” She grinned. “Now you have to let me give you as much pleasure.”

Troy peeked under the covers and sighed. He glanced at Callie's glowing face with a rueful smile. "Might be a bit difficult with all these clothes I'm still wearing. You want to get me out of them?"

Callie smiled a wry smile. “Ohh you bet I would!!” She moved to sit up coming to realise just how tricky and slow a process it was with a bulging waistline, not that she was going to let it stop her. Helping Troy off with his shirt her fingers nimbly moved to his trousers, slipping a hand inside to caress him just for the fun of it.

Troy inhaled sharply as Callie took an active role. He was already aroused and grew even more so as she removed his clothes. He looked at her with a naked hunger as she pushed him down onto his back.

Callie had little choice but to move onto all fours, giving Troy a passionate kiss she trailed kisses down his neck, chest, and abdomen before treating him to as much pleasure with her lips and hands as he had given her. She was going to push him to his limit and maybe even beyond it.

Troy moaned with pleasure as Callie expertly work on him. She knew just how to bring him to the edge and hold him there for an excruciating long time. He reached underneath her and resumed using tactile pleasuring to bring her back to the edge as well. It was not much longer before he knew she was ready for more than just foreplay. He smiled as she shifted and descended herself onto him. He looked up at her face as she slowly rocked up and forward then down and back. "I love you Callie Vali."

Callie smiled as she looked into Troy’s eyes. “I love you too Troy.” She leant down and kissed him passionately before letting herself enjoy every moment of lovemaking with him. Where there was a will, there was a way and she was intending to enjoy every way creatively possible.

It was over an hour of lovemaking and multiple climaxes for both of them before Callie collapsed on top of Troy. He held her close as she rested on his body. He was still riding the euphoria of their final simultaneous climaxes as he stroked her back. He loved her so much that it had been a physical pain for him while she was a prisoner of the Ocampa. He gently lifted her slightly to look into her face. "Callie, I don't want to wait any longer. I want for us to marry tomorrow.”

Callie looked wide eyed at Troy with the biggest smile yet. “I’d love that!” She kissed him passionately feeling an array of excitement and intrepidation at being stuck so far from home. “The sooner the better!”

Troy pulled Callie's face down to his and kissed her with a deep passion. He was still partially inside her, though not fully erect. That changed the second he started to kiss her. He was fully stiff in a moment. He rolled them over until she was on her back and he began a slow, rhythmic thrusting. She was going to be exhausted, but she was on bedrest orders anyway.

Callie held onto Troy, all the fun of making love was still there even with a bump in the way between them. She wrapped her legs around him holding onto him as she moaned and cried out with passion and enjoyment. All her fears of her advanced pregnancy putting Troy off of making love with her had long since faded away as she encouraged his thrusts.

Troy took a long time to maximize her mounting and multiple climaxes until they were both thoroughly spent. He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close as they finished their lovemaking on a euphoric high that left them both as speechless as they were breathless. He was blissful as he lay next to Callie, holding her gently, but in a manner that conveyed he never wanted to let her go.



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