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Waking Up

Posted on Thu Jun 2nd, 2022 @ 9:49pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin
Edited on on Thu Jun 9th, 2022 @ 1:24pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Medical - Private Room
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 0530
1693 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra had been kept sedated for a week to allow her body to heal. The medical staff informed The Captain that the Chief of Intelligence would be coming out of her sedation that morning. And one of the nurses had told Johnathan. They were going to let her come out naturally rather than giving her a hypospray, so at 04h00 they removed the sedation drip and left Kass to wake up, deeming it would take her about an hour.

Johnathan had gotten up early and had his assistant fill in for him on Alpha Shift, he would take the Beta Shift today instead. He had been sitting at Kassandra's bedside every free moment he had had since she had been rescued. While he sat with her, he had read to her, spoken to her, brushed her hair for her, even just sat holding her hand. There was nowhere else he wanted to be than by her side.

So, around 0500, after he had showered and had breakfast, he was back down by her side, looking down into her beautiful face as he gently held her hand.

The hour was early and Ivan too had prepared for his day so that he could spend some time at Kassandra's side before he started work. He hoped he would be alone this time, as the attendance of other people proved a reason for undesired early-morning small talk. As soon as he walked through the doors into the private suite, he knew that wouldn't be possible. Placing a hand on Johnathan's shoulder, he sat down in a chair next to him.

"Any change?" he asked, looking over at Johnathan.

Standing when he saw his captain enter, Johnathan sat back down when Ivan did. He had felt a slight warmth in his chest when Petrov had touched his shoulder. He truly believed in this man, and would follow him through hell and back.

Shaking his head sadly, he replied. "No, Sir. The sedation is still keeping her out." As he spoke, his eyes were locked on Kassandra's face.

“I assume…I assume she tells you everything, right, Johnathan?” The Captain asked, wondering in his mind if Anderson knew about the connection between Kassandra and his family.

Johnathan looked over at the Captain and nodded. "Yes Sir. We don't keep secrets from each other, Sir. If you're wondering if I know that you are her father, I do, Sir." He paused before turning his eyes back to Kassandra's face. "I hope my dating your daughter won't be a problem, Captain."

Ivan looked at the young man with a serious expression.

“If I had known she was my daughter at the start, you would have quite the hill to climb. Mika has lived under that protection. But Kassandra has lived thus far without me to guide her. It wouldn’t be right for me to strong arm you out of a relationship with her.” He smiled then and patted Johnathan on the back. “You’re a good man, John. I can tell. Born of low stock…of uncertain pedigree… but a good man still. I’m going to trust you with her and hope you prove worthy of her in the end.”

The response was one of a Lord rather than a Captain. The military tended to equalize people where Imperial Society was highly stratified. Dating the daughter of a Lord without his permission could easily get a man killed.

Johnathan wasn't sure how to take Ivan's words. He new that Petrov was considered nobility in the Empire, however, he never thought of his parents as low stock. True, they had not been nobility at the time of their murder by Alliance forces. However, as colonists, they were hardly low stock, nor had they given their only child an uncertain pedigree. As they had been heros of the Empire, by simply heading out to conquer a new world for the Empire.

All this passed through Johnathan's mind quietly. He didn't allow any of it to be seen on his face or in his demeanor. Instead, he replied to the end of Peteov's statement. "She is everything to me, Sir. I will do anything, even give my life, to keep her safe."

"I'll hold you to that, Lieutenant." Ivan said, watching the man seriously.

As the clock ticked closer to 06h00, Kass's fingers twitched on the coverlet.

Sitting forward at the slight movement, Johnathan gently took hold of Kassandra's hand. "Sweetheart?" He spoke softly. "Can you hear me?"

"Πού.... είμαι?" Kassandra's native tongue came to the fore as she came to.

Johnathan moved closer, softly whispering in to left ear, "Είσαι ασφαλής, αγάπη μου," he replied in Greek. "You're in sickbay on the Vengeance." He kissed her gently on her forehead.

She shifted slightly in the bio bed as her eyes slowly opened. She grimaced as she felt her body protest. "... H-ow-- long?" Kass asked as she focused on using Imperial Standard.

Johnathan moved slightly, giving Kassandra room to try and get comfortable. "You've been out for a week, my love." He paused, then said, "You're father is here too." He then looked over at Captain Petrov and gave him a soft grin, nodding as he did so. He then backed up, sitting back at Kassandra's side, holding her left hand in his hands, giving Ivan room to address his daughter.

“Here’s the fighter.” Ivan said, placing a hand on Kassandra’s other arm, gently. “Those bastards carved you up like a Christmas ham. But don’t worry, I did much worst to them still.”

"I.. killed one... choked him.." She said slowly. "Did they... die in pain?"

“They died screaming, their flesh melting from their bones.” Ivan answered. “And any who are left… perhaps a very small band, will remember Vengeance and what a deadly maiden she can be.”

"Καλά, ο Άδης θα καλωσορίσει τις ψυχές τους" she whispered softly, then repeated the prayer in Imperial Standard "Good, Hades will welcome their souls. Did.. you find Lieutenant Vali?" She asked as she looked between the two men.

"Callie is safe too," Johnathan replied softly, giving Kassandra's hand a gentle squeeze. "She's here on the Vengeance, safely in Troy's arms."

Kass gave half a nod and winced. She shifted and braced her hands beside herself to push herself up, but before she could the door opened and a doctor entered. "Oh no you dont!" The Doctor said briskly, stepping past the Captain and Johnathan to push Kass back down with a frown.

Kass gave the doctor a dark look.

"You, Lieutenant, are not getting out of that bed."

"I have.. work to do." Kass said choppily.

The Doctor shook her head and held a glass of water to Kass's lips "Sip Slowly. You have been under sedation for a week after having your chest cut open and several organs mutilated. Your body has not had nutrients other than by intravenous for a week. You will be on a restricted diet for another 5 weeks or so, and you will remain on bedrest for another week before I release you to light duties."

"Another week?" Kass asked, her tone of voice almost going to a whine.

"Do not worry Lieutenant, I am sure you will get used to it." The Doctor replied. She turned to the two men in the room "IF she leaves this bed without my or a nurse's assistance or permission, I am holding the both of you responsible. Her body has suffered a massive trauma and though we have fixed the damage, it will be weeks before she is back to full strength."

Johnathan nodded and grinned slightly. "Don't worry, Doc. Even if I have to tie her to the bed, she won't get up until you give the go ahead."

"Not used to being ordered around on my own ship." Ivan said, eyeing the woman with an intense look. "I'd be careful about that if I were you. Yet still, I take your point. Kassandra will remain here until you deem her fit for duty."

The Captain looked at his daughter and shook his head.

"I'm not putting your health at risk for the sake of efficiency. Ensign Mattison will have to continue to stand in for you until you're cleared." Ivan said. "And you can only read as much of your reports as the doctor believes is wise. Get your rest, girl."

Kass pouted at him And she did it well. She crossed her arms and pouted. "Not fair." she mumbled.

"At least you get to keep drawing breath." Ivan said with a chuckle. "Johnathan was quite zealous to save you. We all were."

Kass looked at Johnathan and a smile graced her face. "Well, one would hope so" she teased him.

Johnathan smiled at her and responded in perfect Greek. "Είσαι ο ήλιος μου, τα αστέρια μου, ολόκληρο το σύμπαν μου, Kassandra Selin. Θα πολεμούσα όλους τους Θεούς στους ουρανούς, μόνο και μόνο για να σε κρατήσω ασφαλή."

"Flatterer" She said softly, and bit back a yawn.

Johnathan gave Kassandra a boyish grin.

The Doctor who had stayed quiet after speaking to the Captain, moved to check her eyes. "Yeah you are going to tire easily." She said to Kassandra. "I would be surprised if you are able to stay awake for longer than an hour over the next few days."

"Sleep, my love," Johnathan added. "I'll be by whenever I'm off duty."

Kass gave a sleepy nod and drifted off almost instantly.

The doctor turned back to them. "Once off bedrest she will tire easily. I would suggest a hoverchair but I can see she will ignore it. Does she have a roommate? Or someone to monitor her closely?"

"I will keep an eye on her," Johnathan replied. "We were already talking about moving in together."

"Hmm." Ivan said with a raised eyebrow, and then spoke no more on the subject. He turned his head to the doctor and spoke succinctly. "Send condition reports to the yeoman, understood?"

"Of Course Captain." The doctor replied. "I will make sure they are daily."

OOC: if either understands Greek: Πού είμαι? = Where am I?
OOC Bill: Είσαι ασφαλής, αγάπη μου translates to "You're safe, my love"
OOC Bill: Είσαι ο ήλιος μου, τα αστέρια μου, ολόκληρο το σύμπαν μου, Kasasandra Selin. Θα πολεμούσα όλους τους Θεούς στους ουρανούς, μόνο και μόνο για να σε κρατήσω ασφαλή.

Translates to:

You are my sun, my stars, my entire universe, Kasasandra Selin. I would battle all of the Gods in the heavens, just to keep you safe.


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