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Discipline Issues

Posted on Tue Jun 28th, 2022 @ 5:21am by Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Discipline Room
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1100
532 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Lt. Jones dragged Crewman Jones from Sickbay after his damage had been repaired.. Apparently there was no reasoning with him, he still tried to kill the nearest person to him. But Melissa couldn't kill him, She needed his skills. Stubborn defiance, and Melissa had a date this evening with Ami. She couldn't be bothered to break and mentally reprogram the crewman as a servitor. So she decided to go get a professional. Melissa entered with Jones literally in tow.

Kori looked up from the files she had been reviewing at the sight of the Chief Engineer dragging a crewman behind her. "Good day Lieutenant. What brings you by?"

"A complication I require an efficient solution for." Melissa noted. "Meet Crewman Jones. He is one of my best Antimatter Pod Technicians. He also is a saboture. I found him accessing ship components in places I had not assigned him to and I have corrected nearly eleven crude attempts to sabotage our systems. all of which were circumvented by anti-sabotage measures." Melissa noted. "Under normal circumstances I would have snapped his vertebrae... But here we are in the Delta Quadrant. I'm afraid it's not that easy to replace qualified crewmembers after they have been executed. Another solution is required. That is my dilemma, Lieutenant."

"Indeed, a most serious dilemma." Kori let her gaze bore holes into the Crewman. "We do not want him dead but we also cannot trust him." Kori's lips began to curve into a smile. "Place him in the booth Lieutenant and return for him in 2 days. I will make sure he is sufficiently retrained and loyal."

"I simply do not have time to retrain him and I appreciate your rather specific talents." Melissa noted. "I simply don't have all day for these matters, as I have to see to my partner as well. Balancing duty and personal affairs is not easy, but I manage it without losing my efficiency." Melissa dragged Jones to Booth 2 and pushed him into it. "Unfortunately I believe we will require more crewmembers to replace potential losses and increase our chances of survival. I will speak to the Captain concerning impressing the crews of other ships into our departments. However, I believe they will have to be sufficiently.. coerced. Can I count on your support in this initiative." Melissa noted. She then looked at the booth activation switch. "May I?"

"Start him at level 6." Kori said. "And for 10 minutes with 2 minutes break for an hour. I will then .... deal with him more personally. Is there other things I can punish him for?"

"Insufficient hygiene." Melissa stated the booth and the Crewman started screaming.

Kori gave a soft laugh. "Oh after these next two days, he will be cleaning things with his tongue if you ask him to."

"I would return him to you if he did start licking the warp core, Lieutenant." Melissa noted. "I shall leave him in your custody for now, and submit a report to the Captain. My partner is waiting for me to get off duty."

Kori smiled at that. "Have a good evening Lieutenant. See you in two days."

Once Melissa had left, Kori stood and headed for the agony booths.


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