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Checking on a friend

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2022 @ 8:27pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Callie Marshall

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 9 at 1500
734 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Callie had heard that Kassandra was no longer under sedation making her way to Sickbay she hoped to find Kass awake. Walking in quietly she moved across to Kass’ bedside not wanting to wake her if she was sleeping.

Kass had been stirring and the sound of footsteps had her opening her eyes. "hi Callie" she said when she focused on who was there.

Callie offered a warm smile. “I hope I didn’t wake you? I wanted to check-in and see how you were.”

"I am alive" Kass said with a smile back. She glanced at Callie. "You look well."

Callie nodded. “Yeah, we’re doing great.” She took a seat beside Kass’ bed. “Little man here is fine given how far the Ocampa advanced his growth.”

"They certainly have a way with medical stuff, I wonder if they managed to download their medical files and other stuff?"

“I don’t know, there’s no way of knowing now anyway.” Callie sighed. “The array is gone, and we destroyed the Ocampa homeworld, they’re all gone.”

Kass nodded "I heard the captain wiped them from the planet. I do hope they recorded it, I would like to see it."

Callie nodded. “I doubt the captain would have let that moment go by without saving it for you to witness. It was...glorious!”

"I am sure it was." Kassandra smiled. "I cannot wait to get back to work."

“There’s no rush, you need your rest to heal and get better.” Callie smiled warmly. “Besides I can’t get married without my bridesmaid!”

Kass nodded. "That I did hear, and I think i can get your dress done in time."

“I hope so!” Callie grinned. “I wasn’t planning on having a huge bump to cover, but it is what it is! I just want to be Mrs Marshall.”

Kass nodded "Got a colour preference?" she asked Callie. "For your dress?"

Callie paused to think. “Err well, white isn’t really me. I’d love Ivory with burgundy red incorporated into the design. I like bling too if there’s any possibility of that? If not I’ll make do.”

"Callie, there will be bling for sure" Kass grinned at her. "When they let me have my PADD again, I will send you some designs"

Callie nodded. “Of course, thank you Kass. Believe it or not one of the Ocampa set me free, said that they’d open my head up to see what made me telepathic! I was lucky to find my way to the away team, especially as they put me into labour!”

"They were interested in your mental abilities?" Kass was curious. "Are they telepathic?"

“I think they might have been in some way” Callie nodded. “My attempt to control them didn’t work. They were immune to my abilities.”

Kass nodded "Well as long as they no longer exist we should be fine."

Callie nodded. “I hope they’re all gone Kass, what they did to you!” She shook her head. “They almost killed you, but I’m glad you’re okay.” She gently took hold of Kass’ hand. “For what it’s worth I may have chosen Troy, but I still care a lot for you, and for Johnathan.”

"I know that. As does he" Kass assured her. "And we are both happy for you and Troy, you know that as well right?"

Callie nodded. “You all made my arrival here so special, now look at me! Pregnant and about to be married. Although being stuck in this quadrant didn’t factor into any plans, for any of us!”

"no but we will survive. We are of the Imperial Terran Empire. And I frankly have designs to show the Empress so, we need to get back."

Callie smiled. “Well I for one, can vouch for your designs! I really appreciate what you’re doing for me Kass.”

"Its what friends do" Kass said honestly.

“It is indeed.” Callie nodded. “If I can do anything for you all you have to do is ask.”

"Just stay well and take care of yourself."

“I will that’s a promise!” Callie smiled warmly. “Anyway I’ll head off, and let you get some rest.”

Kass smiled and nodded. "Thanks for coming Callie."

Callie nodded. “My pleasure.” With that she headed on her way leaving Kass to get some rest.


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