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The Engine Core Conundrum

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2022 @ 7:02pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar & Lieutenant JG Taina M'Tras

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 1930
1204 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been a long day full of meetings, personnel rearrangements, and various other tediums. Now Ivan Petrov was nearing the end of his immediate todo list. Before him, on two separate PADDs, where are the records of two imperial soldiers. His task was to decide between the two before the day was out and he had invited them to his office for just this purpose. With the door already ajar, he waited behind his desk, his eyes glued to the official story of their lives.

The first to arrive was Ensign Nazar. She had taken more time than usual with her makeup and had primed her uniform in every way one could imagine. She looked but together, her smooth green skin glistening in the light of the Ready Room. She offered a muted smile, demure and mysterious as she offered the Terran salute.

“Glory to the Empire.” She said, looking straight ahead, her smile remaining.

“At ease, Ensign. Take a seat.” The Captain said, his eyes wandering involuntarily to the charms of her body and, when she was seated, they lingered on her thighs for a split second before he willfully returned his mind to the PADDs. He offered no word, but simply read on.

Chief M'Tras arrived only a moment after. Her uniform hugged her tall, athletic form as she entered the ready room and snapped to attention, offering the Terran salute to the captain. Her eyes were focused and intent. "Glory to the Empire!" she said proudly.

Revana looked at the new arrival with interest and then a sort of warm skepticism. The engineers mate had proven herself to be quite capable over the past two months, but she hardly could understand why she would be included in this meeting. Her assumption was that the captain was about to make her chief engineer, and Revana didn’t understand why there should be an audience.

“Chief; welcome.” The Captain said, then deactivated his devices. Looking at the two women, he opened his hands. “The two of you are almost certainly wondering why you are sitting here together. I will tell you. I have a very difficult decision to make about who will replace Lieutenant Jones as chief engineer of this ship. My decision has come down to the two of you as per the final choice. The question is, which one of you should it be?”

When the captain finished, he looked at him with an expression of expectation, seeming to wait for someone to say something next. They would assist in his recruitment efforts.

Revana cut eyes at M’Tras, a cut-throat look wizzing toward the Caitian. If she had any idea she was going to be competition, she would have found a way to cut her off at the knees before now. Though irritated, she suppressed those feelings and turned her attentions back to the Captain.

“It’s simple really, Captain. First of all, I am the Assistant Chief already, so you’ve already put your trust in me to help lead the department. Secondly, I am the Officer most ready for the job. Chief M’Tras is enlisted. Having her lead the department would be…very strange.”

M'Tras looked at Revana intently and she didn't blink. She even smiled. It was an almost playful smile as her gaze moved back to the captain. "I would be happy to serve as I might best contribute, captain," she said properly, "and, of course, I would never want to complicate the chain of command, but here in the Delta Quadrant the Empire's reserves of experienced officers are not at hand and you have three ships to crew and have taken losses. I am the most experienced engineer available and one of the most experienced crewmembers. My record speaks for itself, sir."

“That it does. A former slave who has climbed up to be the senior enlisted engineer in one of the most advanced ships in the Imperial Fleet….and the daughter of the Director of the Imperial Intelligence Service…he said, looking between them. “Ensign Nazar, if I named M’Tras as Chief Engineer, what would you do?”

“I’d be fucking pissed, sir.” The green woman said with a frown, crossing her arms over her exposed midriff. “But I’d continue to serve the Empire however you wish.”

Ivan nodded, his face giving no sign of whether or not he was pleased with what she had said. “And you? What would you do?” He asked, looking at M’Tras.”

"I would do my best to serve you and the Empire, sir," M'Tras said, leaning forward slightly, muscles tightening slightly in her own exposed midriff. She didn't look at the Orion woman, "and I would make sure to be appropriately appreciative of the Assistant Chief's undoubted skills and experience." She offered a gracious smile, but one that did show hints of those feline canines of hers.

In front of Ivan on his desk sat a little box made of wood. He'd given out more of these field promotions than he thought possible in just the past two days, but this one would be different. Not only was he moving senior staff around, he was also preparing to elevate someone to the senior staff who had never been entrusted with that responsibility before. He stood then and lifted the box, prompting the women to stand as well. Rounding the desk with a sober stride, he went to the other side of them and stood before them. His eyes fell on Revana for a few moments before he gave a command.

"Serve the Empire, Ensign." he said simply, then turned to Taina with the box opened. He reached up and removed the Chief Petty Officer bar from the Caitian woman's collar and stuck in its place a full and a half pip. "Taina M'Tras, I hereby grant you a field commission to the rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade, with all the right, responsibilities, and powers that affords. I also grant you the billet of Chief Engineering Officer of the ISS Vengeance."

Taina stood at attention. She practically beamed with pride as the captain changed the insignia.

He indicated Revana with his head, but still looked at Taina.

"You will begin your duties tomorrow morning and Ensign Nazar will remain your Assistant Chief. Am I understood?"

"Yes, sir. I won't let you down, sir," Taina said.

Beside the Caitian woman, Revana stood, her fists balled at her side, her jaw set. Who did this woman think she is? The department headship had been hers and it had been taken from her in the twinkling of an eye. Still partially in shock, she would have to figure out what to do about this later.

"If there are no further questions, you're dismissed. Long Live the Emperor." Ivan said, then rounded the desk again, sitting down behind it.

"Thank you, captain," Taina said, giving the imperial salute once more before leaving the office. She was aware of the Orion woman's rage. In the Empire, subordinates were always dangerous and this one felt she had a grievance. She knew she would have to rely on her Assistant Chief but she'd also have to keep an eye on her.


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