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Friends & Allies

Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2022 @ 6:37pm by Lieutenant Christoph Ivers & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Thu Aug 4th, 2022 @ 4:54pm

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: ISS Lovarr
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1615
8830 words - 17.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The shimmering light of the transporter cleared from his vision and the first thing that hit him was the smell. He made a face and wondered exactly how Andrei was coping with it, but shrugged it off and took a few steps forward, looking around the shuttlebay of the Lovarr in a semi-curious, semi-bored fashion. He figured he would end up having to wait a while on Andrei even though they had agreed on the time for his visit. The discovery of the seemingly very valuable jewel on the Talaxian freighter had everyone in quite an uproar and rightfully so it seemed. It also made for the perfect time to get away for just a moment while they were journeying to their next destination. The fleet had briefly dropped out of warp to make some scans, so he had at least a couple of hours to be away. The Kazon ship was rather primitive at first appearances, Christoph was curious to see how long it would take Andrei to see it gutted and made into a pearl.

The doors to the cargobay opened with a lazy whoosh and Kazon men, each towering over Christoph by at least half a foot began to file into the room two by two dressed in Terran Slave Uniforms, thin agonizer collars attached to their necks. Their boots fell in perfect synch, showing that they had obviously been put through their paces by a skilled officer. They filed in and formed and orderly circle around him, leaving a place open at the end. They faced forward, saying nothing. For several seconds there was no sound at all, and then a figure with long raven hair passed through the open doors in a command unifom, his hands behind his back.

Andrei had a shit-eating smirk on his face, suggesting he was not only gloating but also telling an elaborate joke. He closed off the circle, placing his hands on the backs of the Kazon directly next to him. The Terrans were short in comparison.

"I have chosen only the best Kazon on this ship for my personal guard. Have the week, we share quarters, we eat together, and we grow closer every day. Isn't that right, slave?" he asked, looking to the one to his right.

"Yes, Master." the man said, his eyes still facing forward, his face unreadable besides the subtle upturn of a smirk.

"Welcome to the ISS Lovarr, Lieutenant." he said, stepping into the circle with Christoph and offering his hand for a shake. "As you can see, I've stepped up the dick-measuring contest to level 8."

"That you have. Were these the prettiest ones you could find?" Christoph teased as he clasped Andrei's hand firmly. "Truth be told I didn't expect you so soon. Did Eritrea finally come up for air?"

"Can't you see her down there, Chrissie?" Andrei asked looking down and placing a hand on an imaginary head in front of his crotch, bobbing it up and down. "I think, at this point, she's just resorted to doing her work naked in my quarters. She's out now, though, so we can sit down in there and share a drink."

“Oh damn, my mistake. Missed her since I don’t make a habit of looking that low.” Christoph smirked and shook his head. He was joking of course, but they both knew there was of course a little natural jealousy there. It hadn’t managed to damage the friendship and just made good sparring ammo. “Who did the work on these by the way?” He asked, gesturing to the compliant slaves.

“My mother, Lieutenant Quavremont, and myself. The Lieutenant has a group just like them. We follow a strict regime. Not that mere brutality you see in most ships, no. We get right in their fucking heads. And I treat them well. My time as slave master of Vengeance was…truly inspirational.” Andrei stepped aside and gestured for the still open door. “Shall we?”

"Absolutely." Christoph moved closer but allowed Andrei - or his slaves - to take the lead since he was the guest. "You know, I'm curious and its something I haven't asked you before. Do you find it strange serving with your entire family? I think I would, but I guess I partially have trouble seeing my family as anything but what they are." Granted, his family was quiet tied into politics... now.

“At first, yes. It was quite strange,” Andrei said, taking up the lead into the corridor and leaving the slaves behind to move on to their next assigned tasks. “I felt uncertain of my position; uncertain of my father. But the Fleet is quickly becoming a family business, and I’ve got a front row seat to the action.” He looked over at Christoph as the walked down the long corridor, slaves bowing their heads low as they passed. “And families inherit, you do recognize that, right Christoph?”

"Of course." He nodded, paying no mind to the slaves as they past outside registering in the back of mind that they were quite well tamed in such a short time. "Except for those too weak to defend what is theirs." He noted and looked back to Andrei with just a touch of sadism in his smirk. It wasn't a thread by any means toward Andrei or his family, but a nod to the fact that Christoph's family had usurped their noble position through conquest of a seemingly lesser family. "I'd say you are definitely in an excellent place... could use some redecorating though."

“It’s a ship larger than the Vengeance with over 800 slaves. And remember what you’ve already learned: My friends seem to be going far in this fleet. In particular, you.” He said stepping into the lift and pressed a button quietly. “Going from being a gamma shift bridge Officer to Chief of Security in one day…this change is good for you, isn’t it?”

"I can't say I have any complaints at this point about how things have been going in my life," he looked to Andrei and smiled again, "or the lives of those I consider my friends. Though I'm still trying to decide if Madeline actually is going to try and murder me in my sleep."

“Depends on what you do, I imagine.” Andrei answered, cryptically. “There are several people who might murder you in your sleep. Just don’t make her a more advantageous replacement, huh?” Andrei smiled and tapped on the man’s chest with his knuckles in a jocular fashion, though this gesture concealed a threat. The tension in the lift elevated slightly until it came to a stop and the doors opened again. Andrei stepped out then, waiting for Christoph to follow him.

“I spoke to her for some time last night, actually.” He said, grinning. “She came to see me in After 11 and we had a nice long chat; shared some drinks. I could see her murdering you in your sleep.”

He pictured her then, approaching the man’s quarters in leather, her knife in one hand and a stun-pistol in the other. He imagined the moment where she shoved the blade between his ribs and, honestly, it turned him on. He smiled and said nothing.

Christoph had brushed Andrei’s knuckles away with a smirk. He could pick up on the threat, sure, but really when didn’t a good conversation have at least one or two? He followed after Andrei, listening to him with interest but not with the wide eyed adoration that so many held for him. “She actually talked to you, did she?” There was a note of genuine wonder in his voice. “That surprises me, really, considering she thinks very little of you and more than half the men in the department.”

“She used to, yes. But I think I’m rather not as bad as she thought.” Andrei said, walking up to the door of his cabin and pressed his key code into the newly-installed display. As the door opened, a wave of much more pleasant air hit them with the smell of teakwood and other gentle fragrances. He stepped in with Christoph following after. The room was neat, of course, and new furniture had clearly been manufactured to suit an upscale taste which matched the rather rugged natural decor. Wall-mounted panels provided most of the light, but the overall feel was cozy. Andrei made his way over to the sitting area in the middle of the room and placed sat down on one of the lounge chairs.

“So, how is life in the senior staff treating you?” He asked, not really knowing what it was like himself, having skipped the step. “Enjoying the boot licking yet or do you need more than a single day to get started?”

Christoph was very skeptical that Madeline would have changed her mind so quickly. Perhaps she would have played like she did but… his thoughts drifted but were brought back into the moment as Andrei opened the doors of his quarters and Christoph was hit with the much more pleasant scents inside. He stepped in and looked around almost as if he were expecting something and then made a slightly disappointed sound. “I was hoping your puppy would be here to greet you.” Smirking, he moved to sit down with Andrei. “I’ve already had several people bowing and scraping for new positions. I could get used to the groveling.” He opted to not tell Andrei about Revana nor Madeline. Andrei wouldn’t understand his refusal of Revana and would only use the failure with Madeline as ammo.

“It is pleasant, isn’t it?” Andrei said with a raised eyebrow. “You we’re hoping to catch a glimpse of of Eritrea? I’ve really got to help you get laid. There are plenty of fish in the sea, my friend. Are you really telling me not a single woman has approached you yet? Or was that part of the bowing and scraping?”

“To be fair, is there anyone really that wouldn’t hope to catch a glimpse of her?” Christoph challenged with a lighthearted smirk. “I’ve been approached but by women who have nothing to offer or women who are convinced they can control me to do their bidding and don’t want to have a partnership in it, just blind devotion for opening their legs.” He stretched and got comfortable in his chair. “Besides, how can I compete with as pretty a man as you are? It’s the hair.”

Andrei tossed his hair jokingly, looking at the man and smirking.

“Of course they think they can control you, Christoph! Gods, that’s half the fun. That’s the drug they never want to quit…a man they can almost have. Eritrea thinks that, if she were to ask very very nicely, I might kill for her. Do you know the truly brilliant thing? I might at that, depending on my mood.”

Andrei crossed one leg over the other, his head high. He didn’t give the impression of someone with a genuinely superior attitude, but rather looked like a statue, practicing looks he honed in the mirror since he was a boy.

“No one can control me. Especially those who think they can.” He said, and then chuckled. “But, they do have fun trying. And so do I. But I will do anything…anything at all…to keep control over what is mine.”

“That I do believe.” Christoph smirked and shook his head. Andrei was very single minded, he had to give him that, and he was very good at getting what he wanted. “Eritrea is half Elasian isn’t she?” He asked conversationally. “Madeline told me once that her father owned an Elasian slave. Some very interesting stories to tell that might interest you if you care to ask.” He paused and looked to Andrei, “Not that you own her anymore, now she’s just your Mistress.” He looked away and around the room again. “Though I suppose you still do own her in a sense, don’t you?”

“As long as she wishes to be owned. She rather liked being a voluntary slave.” Andrei said, offering a full smile. The woman had increased in her devotion in all ways, if such a thing were possible. “I don’t know anything about Elasians, really. I never asked.”

“That’s a mistake.” Christoph said suddenly, his tone serious as he sat up and looked at Andrei in interest. He was surprised that Andrei would be so carefree when it came to an alien slave. “Madeline would have more details, but apparently they are very easily able to influence others. Be careful. I wouldn’t want to see you compromised by a former slave.” He said the words and genuinely seemed to mean them.

Andrei's eyes went wide for a moment as he listened to Christoph, but after a split second, he directed his eyes to his lap in a fit of consideration. All this time, he thought he had kept everything in check and held all of his projects in proportion, but he realized that Eritrea was the only woman he had ever basically allowed to live with him. Sure, the though that occurred to him several times, but he always just dismissed it. Could it be that she was manipulating him as a matter of biology? Actually controlling him?

"Great joke, Chris." he said, smiling thinly, reestablishing eye contact, but doing so looking up at him from a lowered head. "And here, I thought I brought her here for company and the most amazing blowjobs I've ever experienced." he lifted a finger and gestured at Christoph, his smile broadening as he became more confident. "You almost had me, you fox!"

“Andrei.” Christoph sat up fully now and leaned forward. “I’m not joking.” His face had none of the amusement that would have been present if he had been. Instead he looked like he was racking his brain trying to remember what Madeline had told him. “Something… something…” He growled in annoyance and searched for an idea. Andrei wouldn’t call on Madeline, he knew that. That would mean he owed her something. Andrei didn’t like to owe people, he liked to be owed.

Andrei's smile deteriorated for good when he recognized it was indeed not a joke. A flash of anger crossed his face before he got it under control again.

"I'm sure Vengeance's database will have something about it." he said, presenting a calm and unreadable tone, relaxing back in his seat again. "I'll just have to come over and take a look." he paused then, his eyes darkening slightly. "And if that fails, I could always pull the answers out of Eritrea herself, couldn't I?"

“You could, though I do distinctly remember Madeline mentioning that it took quite a bit of coaxing for the woman to come out with whatever it was. I’d ask if you were prepared to do that to your favored pet, but I know you are.” Christoph sighed and rubbed his neck. “If not, I can speak with Madeline.”

"I'll handle this." Andrei said with a scowl. He would clean up his own messes, and wouldn't be seen to need help with it either. He especially didn't want Madeline clued in on a delicate situation involving his mistress. He shook his head. "Do nothing and say nothing. Pets are replaceable and, right about now, I'm wondering how many teeth I'll need to take before I know the whole truth."

“Well, fewer teeth can also be of benefit.” Christoph mused momentarily then shrugged and moved to sit back again. He’d offered his warning to Andrei and what the man did with it wasn’t going to end up being his concern. Probably. He’d have to talk to Madeline again to refresh on what the woman had said on the subject of Elasians because now he was quite curious to know how deep Andrei was in his mess.

“So any grand plans for your ship?”

"Redecoration, constant drilling, and behavioral conditioning, as per my mother's orders." Andrei responded, allowing his mind to leave the subject of Eritrea and focus on other questions. "This is a full time job, which is why I haven't been back to Vengeance regularly. I've got several lady friends dying over it, including a couple Assistant Department Heads. I seem to have quite alot of luck with that demographic."

“Do you?” Christoph asked with an amused smirk. “The department heads certainly don’t seem to like you much anymore, that’s for sure.” Now that they had paired off, it seemed Andrei’s charms had worn off completely on them… though Andrei also didn’t seem overly inclined to try and use them anyways.

"Rival alliances, my friend. We all have them. Sometimes we create them with differing politics, some times with issues related to money. And sometimes we fuck them on the Captain's desk and laugh when they get pregnant." Andrei said, shrugging. "All in a days work, really. They might not want to be my friend, but Kassandra is my sister; rather glad I didn't try too hard there, hmm?; and Callie is a light touch. Best stay clear of the men though. They're harder to convince. I've always got you though, right Christoph?"

Christoph laughed at the image of Callie pressed down on the captain’s desk by Andrei and mused about how the older Petrov would feel about that fact - though really he probably already knew. “Of course you have me. Good point on Kassandra though. I actually didn’t think your old man had that in him. Not sure why. Just never really seemed the type.” He mused for a moment. “As for the men, I’m fairly certain both they and their respective women are entirely too busy playing house and saying their ‘I love yous’ to be of any use or threat right now, but soon. Maybe once we get to the planet.”

"Ah, yes. Ivan Petrov, the saintly butcher. He does manage to convince people he's worthy of some respect and loyalty. He was once a young man, and my mother is one of those women who looks better older than she did young. No surprise, really." Andrei said, shaking his head. "Troy has slipped into the Executive Officer rank and Johnathan is now the Second Officer thanks to the death of Cain. My mother is commission and appointed Deputy Commander, Fleet. The succession to the leadership of this growing fleet is less than clear. If something were to happen to dear old dad, gods forbid, who would take over? Troy Marshall? Yana Petrova, who has no practical command experience in the military...or someone else?"

“By the rules? Marshall of course.” Christoph shrugged slightly and then smirked as he looked to Andrei. “If things go by the rules, that is. Though I think your mother probably gets less credit than she deserves… which I am sure you are acutely aware.”

"Oh, shit on the rules. When has it ever gone by the rules? Marshall is competent, but the Petrovs are well positioned and getting better by the day. I don't talk about my mother." Andrei said, looking off to the side. "She has been a great support to my father, for what that's worth. But she's not the right one for it. She's far too..well...nevermind."

“Oh come on, if you can’t tell me who can you?” Christoph coaxed. “You know you’ll always have my support.” It wasn’t spoken in that sycophantic way, but that of a friend. It wasn’t clear if Christoph felt himself an equal to Andrei, but at this point in their relationship Christoph had never really given any reason for Andrei to doubt his loyalty. Of course he had ambitions, but he seemed to be fine with taking those slowly given the new environment they had been unceremoniously thrust into.

"My mother is smarter than she looks." Andrei said, raising his brows. He would say what he could and nothing more. "Her talents were wasted as a Lady of the Empire alone. And I think, sometimes, she might be too smart for all of us."

“Even you?” Christoph asked with genuine curiosity. He didn’t tease or mock Andrei; he had given Christoph a rare glimpse into his inner thoughts and he was not going to belittle that in any way.

"I am not the smartest person in the galaxy." Andrei said with a grin. "Handsomest, well, that's a different story."

"You definitely win superlative for shiniest hair." Christoph gave a quick grin himself. It was strange to hear Andrei admit any sort of shortcoming really. He considered Andrei a moment and leaned in. "So, you think Madeline has come around to you, hm?" He asked, curious to get a bit more information of how that particular meeting went.

"No, probably not. She just doesn't think I'm a meathead anymore. I'm a more complex and devilish skirt-chaser than I think she imagined before. I doubt its too much more." Andrei said, being genuine. "After all, I have my schemes, but I'll just settle for having a good time. Why are you so curious, Christoph?"

“She’s a friend, truthfully, and I know very well what she thought of you. If she changed her mind I’d be curious what exactly you did to her.” He smirked. “And maybe I’d even ask you to teach me… but if it’s just a slight warming up well…”

“You like her, you dog!” Andrei said, pointing at him again. “Why don’t you tell me what she thinks of me instead? It can’t hurt to know.”

Christoph lifted his hands up slightly and smirked. “I could, though I’m curious to know what you think of her now that you’ve had more than a passing flirtatious interaction with her.”

“I propose a deal. I’ll tell you all if you tell me.” Andrei said, resting his thumb on his lips. “And then, maybe if your story is tragic enough, I’ll leave her alone for you to pursue….you first.”

Sure, he'd bite and see if Andrei was willing to reciprocate on something even this innocuous. "Refresh me, did I ever tell you how we met?"

“Let’s say no and start from there.” Andrei said, not being able to call anything to mind on the subject, most likely because he wasn’t listening when he was told.

"Probably for the best." Even if Christoph had told him, he was intelligent enough to know it was likely at a period where Andrei hadn't known what to make of him and if he was going to be useful, so good chance if he had it had just been speaking into the void.

"It was actually a few days before we shipped out. I was at the Imperator in Colosseo." He assumed Andrei was familiar with it, but it didn't really matter if he wasn't. It was absolutely packed up at the bar. I'm sitting in my booth while my friends have gone off to dance and I see this woman trying to get attention at the bar... but she's not really dressed for attention so she's never going to get a drink." He smirked and shook his head. "Me, however, being an ass man, got a nice enough view for long enough that I decided to get up and look closer. Glad I did. Bought her a drink and had her follow me back to the booth if she wanted it so I could talk to her. Ended up figuring out we were both going to be assigned to the Vengeance, so one drink became five or six and we ended up on the dance floor."

“So, basically, it was love at first sight.“ Andrei commented. “I assume she hasn’t let you in because you’re still chasing her. Some of these ladies do like to keep us on the run, don’t they?”

"It was something at first grind, that's for damn sure." Christoph grumbled then shook his head. "I don't actively chase her anymore, no, but some days she just does certain things..." He drifted off in thought and then cleared his throat, "but then she always leaves. She'd do the same to you, I wager."

Andrei understood everything. It was a game of cat and mouse, a dance she was playing with him. He said nothing, but merely nodded, showing his genuine curiosity about the situation.

“Maybe your right.” Andrei said, shrugging. “She can’t be worth it anyway.”

He leaned forward a bit, his mind racing with no trace of those thoughts on his face. There was something about this that was more fun than the rest. A skirt chase for the kind. He wouldn’t be letting Christoph in on that game; he was far too thick and literal to understand anyway. His eyes sparkled and there was a quality of distance in them for a second before he sat back again.

“I can think of 20 crew members who you could be with without the games.” The Commander of the Lovarr said. “There’s a cute girl in medical who loves muscular men. She’d like you for sure. And she wouldn’t play games.”

Christoph thought just for a moment about making a crack about the "cute girl" being Andrei's sister but thought better of it given they were on Andrei's ship and surrounded by more than a few slaves that would likely kill for Andrei. Some got the joke, some didn't. Wasn't worth the risk at this point. "I'll keep that in mind." Christoph said. "Anyways, meeting is how I know she plays. You," he pointed at Andrei, prepared to hold up his end of the bargain that had almost gotten swept away, "she thinks very little of you. She thinks when push comes to shove you won't get your hands dirty when it matters and you're more interested in whoring... though she didn't really specify if that meant seeing whores or you being some sort of man-whore." He tapped his lip pensively and shrugged again, "Both, maybe. I don't know. She knows you are very intelligent and not to be trusted, probably the only thing she got right." He smirked and winked.

“There you go again with your incessant fear of being played. Of COURSE she’s trying to play me. You see, this is where most men miss the boat. You like her; you like her smile, her eyes, her laugh…the texture of her hair, those luscious lips, those perky little breasts.” He started, becoming more animated than before. “She likes access, and protection, and feeling wanted and powerful in her own right. Don’t you fucking get it? Of course it’s more than a play. She wants what you have, you want what she has. You like women. That isn’t a weakness, it’s a reality.”

Andrei rolled his eyes, sitting back. Why couldn’t people understand that the rocky road that led to success in these areas was paved with delights as well as warning signs. Sure, it’s possible Eritrea was using an unknown tool to manipulate him, but the tools of other women were known and understood. And Andrei Petrov had no illusions or desperation; he didn’t feel that boyish need other men felt to impress or convince. In fact, he wanted to be convinced himself. He just knew how to play it.

“Your girl is right on all counts accept one. I can get my hands very dirty, but if everyone knows about it, I’d be as stupid as everyone else. What is it with people obsession with doing things that will get you caught? Do they think people only win if they do the deeds themselves? Do they think the Emperor dirties his own hands? He doesn’t! He has Imperial Soldiers and bodyguards and spies. I have my versions of these things. Think little of me, fine! Worship me as a god, it does not matter. I don’t give a fuck. I know who I am, and I’m getting what I want or I will die trying. I am singularly focused on one goal, and no one in the galaxy knows what it is. And if some women don’t like me for it along the way, well then tough titties.”

Andrei’s eyes flashed again and he smiled.

“But, you know what, Christoph? They don’t dislike me for it. They love love my struggle and somewhere, deep down, they want me to win. They want to figure out what’s going on inside my head, they want a chat, or for me to pay attention to them. They want me to fuck their brains out, and they know I’m not just talk.” He said, waving his hand in a cocky fashion, giving a nonchalant grin and a shrug. “So sure, she doesn’t like me…she does..who really actually gives a fuck?”

At some point during this newest of Andrei’s long winded speeches about his greatness, Christoph had stopped listening. He still absolutely appeared like he was listening; perhaps not hanging off his every word like he was the aforementioned god, but listening to a lesson. Eventually once Andrei finished and there was a beat of most sincerely welcomed silence, Christoph looked up at Andrei and smirked. “You did ask me to tell you, Andrei, no need grouse at me over it.” Andrei was quick to indignation in Christoph’s eyes and that fact was truthfully amusing in it’s own way. Probably something exploitable too, if he could figure out how. Maybe he would let Madeline know about Eritrea after all since for whatever reason Andrei didn’t want Madeline to know; it seemed more than the usual wanting to keep all his secrets close.

“So, going to tell me what you think of her?” Christoph asked, more curious if he would actually do it now than what the content would be. “You spoke of women a lot in general, but I’m curious specifically about her.”

Andrei didn't notice that Christoph hadn't really been listening, but he did note his lack of comment besides calling what he had said a "grouse". The man had completely missed the point of what he was saying, and he noted that. It was probably good Christoph didn't understand. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and looked the man in the eyes.

"Madeline Cassiel has a big fat...secret" Andrei said, smirking. He didn't intend to be very clear about what he meant, opting toward less explanation than before since Christoph seemed put off by it. "The woman is hiding something huge behind those gorgeous brown eyes. I would literally kill to know what it is because, whatever it is, its a good one."

Christoph snorted a laugh at that and smirked. “A secret? Well we all have secrets. But come on, Andrei. She’s a merchant’s daughter. What kind of huge secret do you think she could have? She fucked the emperor?”

"I don't think Antonius could get it up if his life depended on it, a man of his age." Andrei said with a chuckle and then paused, his smile fading a bit. "Long may he reign." he added on at the end, more respectfully, and then continued quickly. "I don't know what it is. But when I locked eyes with her I knew...there was something else there. Let me know if you find out then, would you?"

“Long may he reign.” Christoph agreed with a sober note and leaned back, now quirking a brow. “Let you know? You’d seriously rather owe me a favor than go find out yourself?” He was surprised by that actually, though perhaps Andrei wouldn’t have seen it as owing a favor. Christoph did.

"You owe me a thousand favors, Christoph. Quite literally. Don't forget that, its important." Andrei said, very little humor in his voice. Then it returned again when he spoke. "I was also speaking sarcastically, because there's absolutely no way she's ever going to let you find it out."

Andrei tapped his foot, still grinning.

"You should learn to be a better listener, Christoph. Women like that. Or maybe rub her feet. Be her footstool and expect nothing in return. She'd like that, I'm sure."

Christoph just looked at Andrei, entirely unmoved by the instance of already owed favors. In Christoph's mind, he owed Andrei nothing. Though just as humor returned to Andrei so it did to Christoph and he waved a hand. "I might if that if I actually thought it would get me anywhere. I have to say though, Andrei, I'd pay very good money to see you playing footstool to any woman."

"You would have to pay more than you have." Andrei said shaking his head. "Contrary to popular belief, I don't kiss and tell. And I certainly don't play footstool and tell."

There was a great amount of truth in that, though normally, he told only when it benefited him for it to be known. As for what he had said, it was less than clear which advice if any Andrei wished for him to follow. But Christoph had his own way about him, Andrei realized, and he understood that he had far less loyalty with the man then he let on. He started to wonder how Christoph would regret betraying him once he was being stabbed to death in his bed. Or maybe he should just kill him right now and try his luck with Cassiel.

"Ah come on, Andrei." Christoph smiled and reached out to tap his knuckles on his "friend's" knee. "Listen, don't hold back on my account if you want to try your luck. Hell maybe if you try to come after her she will end up on me and that's a win for everyone in the long run."

"Yes, you do need my help, don't you?" Andrei said, all hints of friendliness gone from his voice again. What was the point of continuing this charade if, in the end, Christoph would just do what he wanted to do? And if a man can't be controlled by him through friendship and loyalty, he would control him through fear. "Do you need me to hold your cock for you as well so you don't piddle on the floor? I can spoon feed you after and give you a pat on the head. You're pathetic. And if you were half the man you think you are, she would be in your arms."

"Do you need a nap, Andrei? Maybe Eritrea to come suck you off to release that tension?" Christoph retorted with a snort. "It was a joke. At least I'm not in denial of my problems. You however..." He eyed Andrei up and down now with something between pity and distaste for the very notion he was allowing an alien whore to control him. "Well... good luck with that." He stood then. "I am going back to the Vengeance. I'll see you around, Andrei." With that he simply turned and left. They both needed to cool down apparently. Or the friendship was broken. Christoph found himself not entirely caring right in this moment.

As the man turned his back and was heading out, Andrei stood quickly, his face a mask of rage, dark and powerful. His eyes had changed in that moment, and it was like he was a different person. Gone was the posh superior conversation. Gone was the scheming. This was the expression of a gangster. He advanced on Christoph and, in one motion, grabbed a vase full of flowers off the coffee table and smashed it over the back of the man's head.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" he spat, veins starting to pop out on his neck due to his anger. He seized Christoph by the back of his uniform, planning to smash the man's head into the metal door.

Christoph yelled out in pain, his hand shooting to the now bleeding back of his head and his vision blurring briefly. As he felt the back of his uniform being grabbed, a switched flipped and he brought the elbow of his other arm back swiftly, making contact on Andrei's temple at the corner of his left eye. He used that momentum to turn his body and break Andrei's grip to follow the elbow with a strike of his already bloodied hand to the younger man's jaw. "Fuck off, Andrei!" He barked.

"You stupid fucking boy, you don't ever walk away from me!" Andrei said, raising his right hand and slapping Christoph with an open hand across the face, painful and demeaning. His adrenaline was so high, he didn't even feel the pain in his temple and jaw. He then grabbed him by the shoulders with both hands, and with a crazed look in his eyes, he reeled back and headbutted Christoph right in the chin. There was concentrated Petrov crazy; cold to hot in point five seconds. The kind of anger that is only satisfied by blood.

Reeling back, the room briefly spun for Christoph but he was able to pull himself back. Where there had been annoyance, now there was rage in kind. He moved back on Andrei, deflecting another blow and bringing his left hand up and backhanding Andrei across the face. The signet ring of the Ivers family he wore on his middle finger cut into Andrei's skin. "Fuck!" He yelled as he struck Andrei and followed it up with "OFF!" as he shoved Andrei back toward the low coffee table, aiming to knock him over it and put him on his ass.

Andrei reeled back this time, his legs finding the coffee table and causing him to tumble backwards over it. He landed with a thud on his back, his raven hair splaying out on the ground like a peacock. He was on the ground no longer than a split second before he kicked out his legs, allowing the momentum to bring him to a standing position again.

"You're dead, you BITCH!" he said, reaching for the dagger at his side and freeing it. It gleamed, recently polished, and the emblem of the Empire shone clear on it. So often these were used to killed enemies and allies alike. Today, he intended for it to have a similar use. The long sliding red cut from Christoph's ring oozed blood down his neck and into the collar of his uniform shirt. With white-hot reckless abandon, he charged toward Ivers, leaping over the coffee table like it was nothing and then becoming air-bound, his boot landing directly on Christoph's stomach. His hand was ready, the knife gleaming in the light of the room. His face was contorted into a smile, sick and terrible.

Luckily for Christoph, Andrei stumbling back had given him a moment more to recover, though the boot to his gut certainly sent him stumbling back to the door. He caught the flash of the knife in time to mostly block the blow though it did slice down the side of his arm, causing him to hiss out. He grabbed the wrist of Andrei’s knife hand, trying to force Andrei to drop it. He spun his ring around on his left hand so the signet was on the palm side and slapped him again, leaving a mostly matching but much deeper mark on the other cheek. “There now you look so pretty!” He hissed darkly. The difference between them at the moment though was Andrei seemed to be fighting to kill, but Christoph wasn’t stupid. To kill his Captain’s son? To kill Yana’s son? It was as good as signing his own death sentence.

But he would if he had to and take his chances.

His wrist in Christoph's hand, Andrei fought back to avoid dropping the knife. Wincing from the blood which was now trickling down his face on both sides, he delivered a sharp knee to Christoph's stomach, the same place he had kicked before, and wailed again. His other hand moved to a button on his belt and pressed down quickly before moving up again. He punched Christoph directly in the face once, twice, three times, until he heard the man's nose break with a sickening crunch. Doctors these days could make all of this right as rain, but he bet it still hurt like hell. He then forced the man back against the door until the back of his head, which had been bloodied by the vase, smacked up against it with great force. The knife fell out of his hands and slid to the other side of the room.

"How useful will you be to Madeline Cassiel after your castration, you dog?!" he asked rhetorically, as he moved to smash the man's head against the door again.

“About as useful as you.” Christoph got out with some effort. He could barely see and pain radiated out from the center of his face from his severely broken nose. Blood poured out over his lips and chin. He managed to get enough tension back in his neck to hold his head still and push his body back against the door, angling himself so Andrei couldn’t continue to bash the back of his skull in. He spit in Andrei’s face then, grabbing his arm and moving to draw his own knife to slash at Andrei’s torso to get him to back off. Whether he hit or not wasn’t of consequence but it would make it sweeter.

Andrei dodged the strike by mere inches, twisting out of Christoph's grasp with a swing of his shoulder. He took several steps back, seeing that the man had his own knife, the wildness in his eyes diminishing considerably. In the end, he was a survivor, and he had no intention of dying here at the hands of a failed conquest. Not here. Not now. As he tried to formulate a plan of attack, he caught the display on his wall. Above his desk were two Russian shashka's sharpened and waiting. He looked at Christoph and knew the man understood what he was thinking. Christoph was slightly closer, but he had to get there first. So he ran.

“Don’t you fucking dare you cowardly little SHIT!” Christoph roared and immediately chased after Andrei. Christoph knew he wasn’t going to make the swords first at this point, so instead he grabbed for Andrei’s uniform at the neck and by his belt, yanking him backwards and tossing him back to the middle of the room. As soon as Andrei landed, Christoph was on top of him, his own knife abandoned at this point in favor of his fists with which he began to pummel Andrei’s irritatingingly smug face.

Andrei sputtered as he took strike after strike to the face, his air escaping from his mouth in short shocked violent bursts. His arms had mostly gone limp as if he had given in to the beating. His eyes started to roll back as blood and tooth became suddenly his area of focus rather than his desire for violent dominance. Somehow, however, before he slipped into unconsciousness, he found the will to do something more. Looking up shakily at Christoph, who was still pounding away at his face, he reached up with a rapid fist and caught the man right in his throat, hard. As the man reeled back one last time, Andrei used his strength to roll on top of him and to return the favor with punch after punch after punch, his bloody expression becoming more pleased as it was Christoph's to take the hits.

A sound that was a muddled mix of a gasp, choke, and yell croaked out of Christoph’s compromised throat. Reflexively he released Andrei and grabbed his throat to protect it from further damage which had given Andrei the perfect opportunity (unfortunately for Christoph) to reverse their positions. He tried to defend himself as best he could, but he was having trouble breathing so it was not even remotely as effective as it could have been. He saw stars and then a creeping blackness. He’d die here, but he would go with some satisfaction knowing that Andrei would likely be punished after it came out that this had all come about because Christoph had insulted him and tried to walk away.

At least that would be his dying hope. Nepotism was a hell of a thing.

When the man started to go limp, Andrei reached for a metal box on the table if substantial size. He would use this to end Christoph’s life. Just as he had lifted it over his head and was ready to drop it square on the man’s forehead, the door to the room opened and three Kazon rushed in, weapons drawn. Andrei, seeing them, came down from his trance-like madness and placed the box on the ground. Christoph was conscious, but not getting up any time soon, it seemed. Andrei stood and stepped back, attempting to wipe blood off of his face but instead just smearing it over his lips and cheeks.

“Put those weapons away.” He said, waving down at them with his hands. “We’re going to teach Lieutenant Ivers here a lesson in the order of things.

The Kazon complied immediately, putting their knives away and instead standing ready for whatever came next.

“I want you to stomp him like the trash his is.”Andrei continued, his face contorted by blood covered anger. “Keep it to arms and legs.”

Christoph let out a groan despite himself as he tried to bring himself back to the moment. His body ached, throbbed, more than one thing was broken. He blinked his eyes slowly, trying to clear them though all he could make out for a moment was shadows and voices, and then felt a searing pain in his arm as one of the figures stomped on him with a heavy boot. He let out a yell of pain and pulled his arms in, trying to push himself up into a sitting position. “Ah…”

Andrei, himself drained and in a lot of pain, kicked Christoph again, this time solidly in the chest, hoping to knock him back down. As the man’s back made contact with the ground again, the three Kazon started kicking at his extremities again.

Christoph yelled and writhed on the ground as they began to kick him. Since he hadn’t been rolled that far away, his knife was still in reach but forgotten by Andrei in his singular focus and unnoticed by the compliant Kazon’s commanded to task by their master. He wouldn’t give this up without Andrei losing something for all of this. Replaceable or not. With his last reserves he puled himself up and shoved the knife into the knee of the Kazon closest to the blade. The man screamed out in surprise and instantly dropped down. A fatal mistake as with surprising swiftness despite being bloodied and broken, Christoph opened the man’s throat just above the collar. Dark red alien blood spurted out of the wound and onto the entire group. The bleeding, dead slave slumped down on top of Christoph, driving him back to the floor and unable to move. He closed his eyes and let out a breath knowing more pain was to come.

“Nagla! NO!” Shouted the Kazon next to him, beginning to kick more furiously than ever at Christoph while the other one watched. He landed several solid blows on arms, chest, and one to the side of his face.

“Stop, slave now!” Andrei shouted, but his words were ungraded as the large Kazon man laid hands on the knife and approached Christoph, teeth bared. With a quick thought to the neural interface which connected him to the slaves on his ship, he issued a ten second burst of electricity at level eight, enough to simulate being on fire. The Kazon winced and dropped the knife, falling to his knees and screaming bloody murder, as the shocks of electricity circled his whole body. When it stopped, he was silent. Andrei turned to the other slave, his face grin. “He ignored my orders. He has betrayed us all. You will kick him until I tell you to stop.”

The line Kazon still standing frowned, a look of grief in his eyes, but nodded anyway.

“Yes, Master. As you command, so shall it be.” And then he turned and began to savagely beat the transgressing fellow Kazon for twenty seconds.

“Stop.” Andrei said quietly, and the man stopped, he turned, bloodied, to Christoph, a terrible look in his eyes. “You have insulted me and killed one of my men. You will apologize to me, or I will give you to the slave pens to do with you what they will. I remind you…there are no female Kazon on this ship.”

Christoph wasn't really aware what was going on around him. He could hear things going on, but his senses were overwhelmed with pain and his body was still trying to maintain itself enough to breathe with the weight of the Kazon on top of him. He drew in a ragged breath, a strangled gurgle accompanying it. It wasn't so much that he was ignoring Andrei, he simply couldn't hear him.

"Move the body, Lotor." Andrei ordered, not taking his usual time for politeness or curtesy. The Kazon complied, gently moving the body of his murdered comrade from on top of Ivers. Andrei flicked Christoph's forehead several times with his middle finger and thumb. "Come on, say your sorry."

When the weight of the body was moved off of him, Christoph's chest was finally allowed to expand and he drew in a ragged breath, coughed up blood, then took another breath. His head lolled slightly as Andrei flicked his forehead and then he blinked slowly. "S-sorry." He managed to choke out.

"There, good little toady. It's really a shame it had to come to this for you to finally get the point. I own you. You do as I command without delay, and you do owe me a thousand favors." Andrei said, not smiling smugly in the slightest. "Now, if Lotor and his friends hadn't come in here to check on their master, I would have used that box to decorate my floor with your brain matter. Lotor saved your life. Thank Mr. Lotor."

"Thanks, Mr. Lotor." Christoph wheezed out. His mind was still reeling, but he felt the burning hatred toward Andrei plainly. He had won today, but it wasn't over. At least not to Christoph. "May I go?"

"You'll go when I tell you, you pissant." Andrei said, squeezing Christoph's nose roughly. "Because I'm afraid you aren't fully invested in the cause. I have half a mind to pop those untrimmed fingernails of yours off one by one until you're as compliant as one of my Kazon friends. Let me explain something to you, Christoph. I have people everywhere. Your life is always in danger when you displease me. And next time, I won't dirty my hands. I will have you killed. I will mount your head on my fucking wall. And yes, my father will give me the agonizer. But when I get out, I'm going to fuck your girlfriend."

Andrei hocked up a glob of spit, remembering the spit that Christoph had spewed his way by the door.

"Open your mouth, you sopping wet cunt. I'm going to make sure you're wet enough for me." he said, a look of disgust on his face.

Christoph's expression hardened through the pain and he looked like he was about to open his mouth but not for the reason Andrei had asked when a voice from his commbadge sliced through the tension in the room.

=/\= Cassiel to Ivers. I know you're probably having happy fun time over there but you're being asked for.

Holding Andrei's gaze, he reached up with his bloodied hand and tapped the commbadge on his chest. "I'm ready for transport now."

=/\= Energizing in three, two...

"I'll see you soon, Toady." Andrei said, smiling from ear to ear. He knew the man was hard headed, and even as he disappeared, Andrei was thinking of his next step.



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