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Midday Snack

Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2022 @ 11:13am by

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Deck 8
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1330
321 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Korinna had met Eric a few days into their trip to the badlands. After a few casual conversations and flirting, she had agreed to meet him alone in a private place. What she had not expected was Supply Closet 23 on Deck 8. But She was resourceful and could make do with what she had been given. She entered the closet to find Eric standing there waiting. “Hello Eric” She said softly closing the door. “Nice meeting place.”

He grinned at her. “You know Korinna since you came, the only thing I have wanted is you alone.”

“Save the flattery Eric. We are both here for one reason and it isn’t romance.” She undid her uniform collar. And let her jacket fall to the floor.

“So true” He growled as followed her lead and removed his clothes. “But by the gods you are just perfect right now.”

Kori smiled and she raised her arms above her head and gripped a metal pole with them. “So, now what Eric?”

He grinned and placed his left hand over hers. And as his lips descended onto hers he said “Now we have a midday snack.”

=/\= 20 Minutes Later =/\=

Eric was exhausted. He leant against the wall, watching Kori dress. “Why do you have to screw and run Kori?” he asked. 

“Because this was just for fun Eric. Its not serious.” She replied casually as she straightened her hair without a mirror.

“And if I want it to be?”

“Then you will have to find another person.” She said looking him in the eye.

“Oh.. ok.” He said knowing that look meant no in every sense of the word.

“But do not worry Eric. That won’t stop us from having more midday snacks for the foreseeable future.” She kissed him gently and left the closet. She had to head back to her new command.

Eric sighed. He finished dressing and left the closet ten minutes later.


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