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Tender Love and Care

Posted on Fri Aug 12th, 2022 @ 4:45am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Lovarr
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 0030
1303 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The transporter beam sparkled to life and the form of a human woman began to shimmer into existence. When it stopped, she was standing in the transporter room of the Lovarr, two tall Kazon staring her down.

“Welcome to Lovarr,” the closest one to her said, his arms crossed over his chest. He towered over her in height. His tone was dry and his voice raspy and rough. “I am to escort you to the Commander’s quarters.”

"By all means," Karen assented. The Kazon towered over her but she did not look up. She left it to him to look down. Her eyes remained leveled.

The large Kazon led her out of the room and into the lighted earthy corridor, traversing the ship in silence through additional hallways and a lift. All the while, he said nothing, only stealing glances at the Doctor every few moments, his eyes following the feminine curve of her body.

Karen did not speak either. She gave no sign whatsoever of noticing the Kazon's appraising glance. For once, she did not relax the fierce demeanor Terrans were raised in from birth. Intellectually, she was sure Andrei had the Kazon well under control but something in their way of carrying themselves struck her in her gut as...impertinent.

It had been several hours since the fight between him and Christoph and the pain killers he’d acquired were doing the trick, but not enough that he could continue to ignore his injuries. The medical facilities aboard the Lovarr were rudimentary at best and so were the Kazon medics who could do little other than reset bones. That’s why he called for Karen and had her brought to his secondary quarters attached to his office, the one far away from Eritrea. As the doors opened, he looked up somberly from his position laying on the couch.

“Oh good, you’re here.” He said, sounding pained. “Thank you, Vortlag. You may go.”

The Kazon bowed and left, stealing one more glance at Karen’s skirt before he departed and they were left alone.

Karen frowned as she surveyed Andrei's injuries. "You're hurt," she said, more softly than intended, but then she was getting out her medical tricorder to get a more precise reading. "You've been in a serious altercation. Kazon medicine leaves a lot to be desired." The strategic choice of where to receive her hadn't caused Karen to forget anything from their earlier conversation but the sight of Andrei injured seemed to push all other thoughts from her mind. There was genuine concern on her features as she squatted down next to him.

“I could use your help.” Andrei said. “It was nothing I couldn’t handle but it’s really starting to hurt.”

"I would imagine," she said as she set down her medkit and took out a hypospray. "I need to know just what the Kazon gave you to make sure there's not an adverse reaction. Will standard imperial medical codes let me access that information?" She wasn't sure just how standardized this vessel was yet.

"Our computer security and access systems have been updated." he answered. "A bit primitive, but they do the trick for keeping records. You can check there via my desk."

"Good," she said, walking over to his desk and entering the code. She frowned slightly but nodded. "I'm going to give you a little more for the pain first," she said as she returned to him, injecting him skillfully with a hypospray.

He smiled painfully, looking over at her.

"I knew you'd come and help me." he said, sitting up slightly. "Work your magic."

She smiled softly. "You should be feeling better." She withdrew another device and crouched by him again. "This is an osteogenic stimulator. It'll heal the bone." She went to work carefully and gently, making sure everything was positioned properly. "You're lucky nothing needs too much adjustment."

"I might encourage you to do a more thorough examination to determine if everything works if I weren't so sore." he said, reaching over and dancing his fingers around in her hair. "Either way, there's no point in you going all the way back to Vengeance once you're done. We'll likely be back at warp by then anyway. Best go back in the morning, hmm?"

"I checked the alignment of the bones before I began," Karen started with professional defensiveness, not immediately catching the innuendo. "You were just lucky that...Oh!" She blushed a little and leaned forward as he ran fingers through her dark hair, smiling. "We likely will. How convenient."

"Hopefully my doctor isn't too insistent on me getting lots of rest." he said, grabbing the hair he had been playing with and gently pulling her toward him. He kissed her lightly, his lips barely touching hers, and then he smiled and laid back down. "How much more doctoring do I need?"

She let him grip her gently by the hair, pressing her lips softly to his. Barely brushing against them. She smiled at him and then reached back for her medkit. "Your doctor will do all the work," she promises, "but, first, there is a little more doctoring to do."

He noticed she hadn’t asked what happened to him, which was very strange, though since she just finished her shift in sickbay, it was very likely she heard it all from Christoph already.

“How is Lieutenant Ivers? I heard someone almost killed him.”

"So that's what happened," she said, picking up on it, though she hadn't been told before. "What was that about?" She came back to him with a dermal regenerator, running it over his skin. "I should be done soon."

“Oh you know. Boys will be boys.” He said, lifting his eyebrows and relaxing his muscles. “I told him to jump and he was very hesitant saying ‘how high’.” He answered honestly for some reason, eyeing her. “I do expect a certain amount of loyalty. But some people disagree. In the end, he changed his mind and saw things my way.”

"Meaning you won?" she said as she finished and put her instruments away. "That I do know."

Andrei grinned, watching her.

"It still doesn't feel fantastic, but I suppose he's in a worse position."

"Well, you're all better. You just need a little rest. You should feel fine tomorrow." She said professionally and then her smile softened as she looked him over once more. "So, for tonight, just let me take care of you."

He put his hands up in the air, a broad smile on his face.

"Well, doctors orders. Nothing to do but to comply." he said, watching her with engaged eyes. "What remedy does my doctor recommend?"

"Just lie back and let me do all the work," she suggested softly, her hazel eyes fixed on him.

So Andrei did just that, fixing his eyes only on her, watching her as she took charge. His eyes were lost in hers, and hers in his.

Her eyes looked deep into his for a long moment. It was easy to get lost in there. Her smile was soft. But then her breath grew heavier as she let her eyes trail down the rest of his body. She gave him her tender loving care. With her soft hands. Full lips. Finally, climbing atop him. She was not rushed. Not too eager, though her heat was obvious in every touch, every glance. She was tender. She made sure to take good care of him.

Later, as she was lying there, tracing her hand over his chest, half asleep, she just watched him. She was lost in her thoughts. She'd been troubled the last day or so. Unsure. She leaned forward and lightly kissed his shoulder. "I like this," she said simply and closed her eyes.



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