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Family Issues

Posted on Sat Aug 20th, 2022 @ 11:24am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Marshall Family Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 4 at 2100
1839 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy sat on the couch in the living room of their family suite when Callie returned home from the lounge. He appeared intensely thoughtful and abnormally distracted at the same time. There was a half filled tumbler of whiskey sitting on the coffee table with just a few traces of ice cubes floating on top.

“Hey handsome” Callie smiled as she saw Troy sitting on the sofa. Walking over she took a seat beside him, her look turning to one of concern. “Is everything alright?”

Troy slowly turned to face Callie. He took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh. He opened his mouth to speak, shut it and sighed a second time. It took him a ten count to finally respond to her question. "I found out that I have a half sister."

Callie looked at Troy in equal surprise. “A half sister!?” She smiled warmly. “Troy that’s wonderful, isn’t it?”

Troy sighed. Honestly he wasn't sure what to make of this new information. He decided to give Callie the facts and hopefully they would be able to figure out the meaning of it all together. "Yeoman Eritrea Ohmsford is from the planet Elas and from what I understand is the daughter of a woman kept as a concubine for the Officers of the occupation of that planet. Evidently my father impregnated the woman before a Klingon task force compelled a withdrawal from the planet."

Callie nodded as she placed a cushion behind her back to get comfortable. “Eritrea? She used to be a slave onboard ship until her move to Yeoman. Does she know that you’re her half brother?”

"Doctor Lamont informed her first actually." He gave a half-hearted chuckle. "It was discovered in the physical required for her enlistment."

Callie nodded. “So how do you feel about having a half sister?”

"Not sure." He turned to Callie. "What does the ship's counselor recommend I do?"

Callie smiled. “As ship’s Counsellor I’d recommend you get to know your sister. We”re stuck out here, family is important plus the fact I’d like the chance to welcome her to the family. She has a nephew on the way.”

Troy figured Callie would say what she did. She had an extraordinary capacity for compassion. He gave her a small smile. "May I assume my beloved wife concurs with our ship's counselor?"

“You’re damn right I do!” Callie grinned as she leaned forward to give her husband a loving kiss. She winced as she sat back afterwards. “One of the downsides of being heavily pregnant, it makes your back muscles ache!” She smiled. “So would you like to invite Eritrea to dinner one night?”

Troy embraced Callie. "That would be a prudent idea. Perhaps during her next visit to the Vengeance. She is serving as yeoman aboard the Lovarr."

Callie nodded “I guess Andrei can’t be all bad if he’s sponsored Eritrea’s rise to Yeoman. Does it bother you your sister serving aboard a ship with Andrei?”

Troy shrugged. "She has been reassigned to Vengeance at Andrei's request. So the question is kind of moot at this point."

“Okay I didn’t know that” Callie offered a smile. “So when does she return to the ship? Maybe I should meet her when she returns?”

"She is securing crew quarters as we speak." Troy wanted to feel happy about having more family, but he was a bit concerned about a former slave who had very little reason to be loyal to her former Terran masters.

Callie smiled. “Then maybe a dinner invite sooner rather than later? I would like to talk to Eritrea.”

Troy nodded. "Eritrea should get settled in and I really need a few days to process all this. Just...let me have a little time to think on it. Okay?"

Callie nodded. “Of course Imzadi, I’m sorry if I sound like I’m rushing you. I didn’t mean to.” She cuddled up offering comfort.

Troy embraced Callie and felt relief wash over him. Difficult days were ahead and he was going to need Callie's support.

Holding onto Troy, Callie could feel his relief. “No matter what I’m always going to be here for you. I may not be able to show how I feel about you when we’re on duty, but I can when we’re here. I love you Troy Marshall.”

Troy smiled as he shifted his head so he could gaze into Callie's eyes. He gave her a lingering kiss that lasted a good ten count or more. "I love you as well Callie Marshall."

Callie smiled as she gazed into Troy’s eyes. “I still haven’t figured out how I got so lucky, finding a man like you. Is there anything you’d like? Something to eat?”

Troy's smile expressed a certain desire. "As a matter of fact...." He kissed her again as his hands worked the clasps of her uniform top. A moment later he had her free of her top and dove his face into her bosom.

Callie let out a pleasured sigh as she enjoyed Troy’s administrations. His every touch was magic.

Troy worked down her torso as his hands freed her of her pants. He felt Callie's fingers in his hair massaging his scalp and slowly guiding him to the points on her body she craved for him to devour and stimulate. One hand reached up to grab hers and he looked up as he released her and waggle a finger. "Ah ah, I am having my meal first. You relax and enjoy."

“Ohhh I will...” Callie relaxed back to enjoy, her pleasured moans, sighs and whimpers would tell Troy just what a wonderful job he was doing.

Troy spent over an hour pleasuring Callie with a multitude of techniques which elicited numerous climaxes. He finally sat back on the couch with her head in his lap. He looked down at her and smiled at the euphoric expression on her face as he twirled her hair with one finger and rested the other hand on her stomach. "Sweetest dessert I’ve ever had. You look radiant at the moment. Perhaps we should get you into a proper bed though."

Callie nodded. Over the last hour Troy had driven her to the dizziest heights of passion, he had a knack for knowing just how to make her climax over and over again. “Yes...please!!” She smiled up at him from where she lay.

Troy helped Callie to sit up before rising from the couch. He helped her off the couch and supported her as they made their way to the bedroom.

Callie could barely wait as she helped Troy out of his clothes as they slowly moved towards the bedroom. It was all a fun part of their love making routine, leaving a trail of clothes behind them.

Troy was in his birthday suit by the time they reached the bed. He gently put Callie into bed before climbing in next to her. His hands caressed her body. "Shall I continue?"

“Hmmm actually...” Callie smiled as she moved atop her husband, pushing him down onto the bed. “It’s time I returned the favour...” she kissed him passionately before working her way down his neck, trailing kisses down his chest, her fingers trailing along his skin. She kept going until she paused to look up at him, moments later she had her lips wrapped around him giving him as much pleasure as she could.

Troy quickly responded to Callie's talented use of mouth, lips and tongue as he hardened to his full 30 centimeters. He looked hungrily at his wife as she stimulated him. He began moaning with pleasure. "I swear you must be Aphrodite in mortal form. Uhhhhh!!!"

Callie paused for a moment entertaining her husband with a delicate hand, before uniting both her hand and lips together. She was aiming to drive Troy insane with pleasure, to make him forget everything outside their bedroom.

Troy groaned with ecstasy as Callie worked him closer and closer to his climax. She knew just how to push him to the edge and hold him there for as long as she wanted. "I am at your mercy my love. Command me and it shall be yours."

Callie smiled as she lifted her head but kept her hand working, “Hmm in that case...” She moved to straddle Troy’s lap, "control me...surprise me!” She kissed him passionately.

Troy quirked an eyebrow as he grinned up at Callie. He grabbed the pillows and repositioned them both, her butt elevated so he was looking down into her face. He slowly teased her by barely entering her to pull out and slide his length across mound. "How's that my love?"

“Ohh you are a tease!” Callie grinned as she looked up at Troy. “You know what I want Troy....” she smiled a wry smile.

Troy slowly nodded before sliding in and completely filling her love canal. "That what you want my wife?"

“Ohhh Yes!” Callie gripped the bed sheets, she loved it when Troy made love to her. He made her feel like the most important, and loved woman in the entire universe.

Troy slowly slid in and out, one hand reached down to play with her love button and the other gave equal caresses to each of her ample breasts. He was going to ensure she had a mind blowing climax when all was done.

Callie moaned and whimpered with pleasure as Troy made love to her, encouraging him with her sounds and words which were becoming naughtier by the minute.

Their love making had been rather gentle recently due to the pregnancy, but he wanted to make sure this time would leave her in euphoric bliss. He slowly increased the rhythm of their love making to something powerful, if not frenzied. He could feel her beginning to quiver in preclimax shudders. "Wait until this baby is born and you fully recover. This will seem gentle by comparison."

Callie was gripping the bed moaning loudly with every thrust. “I...can’t...wait!!” Her breathing was getting heavier, the tell tail sign that she was almost ready to crest the wave of her climax.

Troy gave Callie a half dozen powerful thrusts to take her over the edge erupting inside her as her climax peaked. He held himself fully inside her as her vaginal muscles spasmed and she clamped down on his shaft. He leaned down and kissed her with an unbridled passion as they both rode the long euphoric waves of their mutual climax.

Callie returned her husband’s kiss with just as much passion. As they came down off their high she smiled as she looked into Troy’s eyes. “I would do anything for you Imzadi, and I would protect you with my life. As I will our son.”

Troy cuddled with Callie and repositioned their pillows. "As would I my love. As would I."


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