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Helping a New Friend

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 6:43pm by Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth & Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorran Beach
Timeline: Mission Day 9 at 1400
4292 words - 8.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Crew from Vengeance had taken advantage of the resort in many different ways, but Revana Nazar's way was to bathe in the sun. After two hours reading a book in the sun beside the lake, she was already a shade darker green than when she came. She wore sunglasses that protected her eyes from the sun but was sure to remove them periodically to avoid getting tan lines on her face. She wore a tiny ruby red bikini that barely covered her assets and she had even pulled down the straps on the top to avoid tan-lines there. So far, besides the attentions of a several aliens who, despite the fact she was very different from them, couldn't keep their eyes off her, she had been by herself.

Sovas has taken advantage of shore leave on the alien world, having taken part in a hunt for some of the local wildlife along with some that had been imported for specialty hunts. It had been a rather thrilling experience given that one of the creatures had been a rather impressive Smilodon like beast and he had managed to kill it, claiming the skill and pelt as a trophy, while also making sure to get a sample of the alien creatures blood to share with Ilan back on the ship since he thought she might enjoy a treat like that. Though today he was merely planet side looking to investigate the beach and the rather pristine waters of the alien world. He was wearing a button up shirt with the front open, a pair of beach shorts and a sandals on his feet, he had garnered a few curious looks from some of the alien species though he ignored them while wandering the beach, looking for a little place to relax.

Revana placed her book on her lap momentarily, her hands wandering to the oil she had sitting in a bottle beside her. A tan was hard to get in the Fleet. She looked some of it into her hands and began by applying it generously to her strong legs and full thighs. Then she got more and moved up her body, piling her stomach. Then, recognizing the problem, she looked out for a familiar face. It wasn’t long before she noticed the Chief of Operations coming in her direction along the beach. She sighed and stood up, walking over to him.

“Lieutenant Nyseth?” She asked, though she knew it was him. She flashed a charming smile, pretty and innocent. The look she gave to get what she wanted.

"Ensign...ah..." The half-Vulcan seemed to lose his train of thought as he saw her standing before him with most of her body glistening under the sunlight with a sheen that could only come from oil. He licked his lips and did his best to focus on her face though the presence in his mind seemed to have much different ideas as it called up the Orion slave in his father's house and the rather lusty and entertaining diversions from his studies or training that she had managed to draw him into. Sovas' eyes drifted down her her generous breasts as he licked his lips and managed to pull his gaze back up to her eyes. "Its good to see you enjoying shore leave, I hope you are enjoying the planet."

She noticed his eyes go down, of course. She saw it all the time. Her smile became slightly less innocent. Teasing, but sutbly so. She scrunched her arms in for a brief moment, which happened to pull her large green breasts together in an obvious way. But she returned to a normal stance as quickly as she had changed. The ruby red bikini top seemed to falter for a moment during the maneuver, but stood the test.

"I really am. It's beautiful here. I can't miss this chance to get a tan." she said, her normally sultry voice slightly lighter and more girly. "I'm Revana, but the way. Assistant Chief Engineer. Just in case you don't remember me."

She extended a hand to him, a white smile on her face.

"Right," Sovas nodded as he worked to focus and compose himself in the face of the Orion woman before him as memories of the slave from his past continued to dance through his mind as if they were puppets on strings before he took Revana's hand, inclining his head towards her. "Ensign Nazar, Revana, I do remember you though most of our interactions have been in passing and general involve us both wearing more."

He chuckled and took his hand back as his gaze moved from the scantily clad Orion woman to the beach and the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. "This is a beautiful world, it would be quite the jewel for the Imperial crown if we could find a way to bring it into the fold."

"That sounds like the sort of project that would keep us from getting home, doesn't it?" she asked with challenging eyes. She didn't care about building the Empire in the Delta Quadrant when the one at home needed their help. "Can I ask you a favor? I'm oiling myself for a great tan, but I can't reach my back."

"Our ultimate goal is to return to home, but the Empire must always be ready to expand and grow so that we can show the aliens of region the light of the Empire's wisdom and guide them with a strong Terran hand so that they understand their place." He replied, while he wasn't opposed to returning home, their presence here in the Delta Quadrant presented an opportunity for them to expand the reach of the Empire, to bring order and structure to a chaotic and frankly lawless region.

He quirked an eyebrow at her request and considered the situation, he licked his lips and gave a slight nod. "Of course, I can take care of your back."

She didn’t bother with debate. The effect of being an Orion woman is that no one ever wondered what she thought. Her mandatory pheromone blockers were in full swing since the day was young, yet still she had followed her father’s training and advice and kept her mouth closed about important matters; and her ears open.

“Thanks. It was either you or that ugly Talaxian man staring at me over there. She said, indicating his direction with a movement of her head. “I figured I’d have more fun this way than that.”

Her smile was infectious, practiced in a mirror since she was four. She was beautiful, but she also had presence, which was, in some ways, more important. She turned and walked back to her chair, her hips swinging featuring the jiggling of her ample assets under her red bikini bottom. She lifted the clear bottle of the oil from the sand and handed it to him, flashing another optimistic grin, and then she laid down on the extended seat, lowering it first so she could lay flat. Now she was back-up and waiting.

“You look more than Terran.” She commented, her face buried slightly in the cushion of the seat. “You must have a story similar to mine…slave mother, evil father?”

"Something like that," He confirmed as he glanced over at the older, overweight Talaxian man who was making no point of hiding his lurid ogling of the lovely Orion woman even as he had his enslaved women tending to his needs. The half-Vulcan paid him little mind as he opened the oil and began to pour it carefully out over the woman's jade green skin. He felt the presence in his mind recoiling abit from her, while he couldn't tell exactly why it was acting such a way he was suspecting that his companion was able to access his memories and possibly what he knew. That he knew this woman was the half blood daughter of the most dangerous man in the Empire could have a chilling effect. Though without some sort of dialogue, Sovas had no way of know what exactly it was that had turned the entity off since it had sent him into a rutting frenzy with just about anyone else that had tits and an ass, though he did have to admit that she did have rather breathtaking assets himself. He took a few moments to work the oil into her skin as he considered how to answer her about his family.

"My father's Terran wife was incapable of bearing him a proper heir so in order to secure his legacy he turned to his slaves and sired several half-blood children, of which I am the eldest." He commented rather nonchalantly about his father or what he had made Sovas do.

"Though I suppose being the daughter of one of the most feared men in all the Empire wasn't without its...challenges, nor being near the Imperial Court,"

“Going to court with green skin and ass cheeks the size of bowling balls wasn’t exactly the best thing in the world for me. Everyone would stare and whisper, but the worst ones would say it to my face.” She said, managing to keep her voice even and conversational, even as the anger came again. “But such is life, right? My father used me as a tool; my eyes and ears, he used for his own political devices along with my mouth, and hands, and…well, other things. The Imperial Fleet was my escape from him. I just didn’t know it would take me quite so far away.”

She melted a bit under his touch, leaning down and closing her eyes as she felt his hands on her back. The sun beat down on them, causing the oiled skin to glisten and glow.

She would be able to feel the strength in his fingers, they were a working mans hands as he continued to his attentions as he felt her relaxing into the lounge chair beneath her. He considered her words and realized that his father had never taken him anywhere near the Imperial Court or even the grounds of the Imperial Estate. He shook his head and sighed before speaking again. "I've only ever seen the Imperial palace from a distance as the only time my father would take me and my siblings to Earth was for," He paused and seemed to look for the exact word he wanted to use as he began to apply more oil to the backs of her arms and shoulders where she seemed to have missed.

"Survival training." He himself was enjoying oiling up the Orion woman's back and catching peeks of her breasts as they pressed out from beneath her.

"He'd leave us in different points in the wilderness only the most basic of supplies or equipment in order to either reach a base camp though difficult terrain with hostile wildlife or survive until he returned for us, it was also on one of those excursions that my half-Orion brother tried to murder me and I ended up breaking his jaw and dislocating his shoulder," It was then that it clicked for the half-Vulcan, the memories of all the times that his brother had tried to murder him, the repeated violence and hatred between them must have been what the entity picked up on and why it didn't seem quite as thrilled about the voluptuous woman as he had suspected.

"Though I was bred to be an heir I was also a dirty secret for him, joining the Imperial Fleet was part of the plan to eventually succeed him as Magistrate of the Martian Shipyards after I had won honor as a soldier but I took a different path than expected."

“You ended up out here.” She commented, her words breathy as the half Vulcan worked her back. There was so much she wanted to say, but the massaging of the oil was becoming all-engrossing and she wasn’t having trouble thinking. She was silent for a while, letting out occasional whimpers and gentle moans. Eventually, however, she gathered her thoughts again.

"I'd say it was a slight detour from our intended destination." He smirked, actually relaxing a bit and just taking a bit of pleasure in his task.

“My father had dreams I might replace him too; a strange expectation for a daughter he treated like a blunt object. But he had no sons or other children. I am his only legacy.”

"Oh the plans of mice and men, though I'd say you are rather under utilized as a blunt object." Sovas chuckled a little since the man's treatment of his daughter and the current circumstances of her being missing was likely leaving him to re-work any plans for retirement he might have had. He was surprised by how relaxed his was being currently with her as his hands moved down towards her lower back to ensure that everything was fully oiled. He was taking a moment to admire her form, giving it an appreciative once over as she lay beneath him and though he was rather cautious given who her father was, he was also contending with the suspicion and he thought he might call it anger? Hatred? towards her because she was an Orion as the entity in his mind brought up one of his half brother's more brutal attempts on his life using several slaves while Ossiron had tried to skewer him with a hunting spear.

His hands had also stopped their attentions of her lower back and gone to gripping her hips as his features furrowed a bit at the memory as he felt the shock of the attack, the anger and outrage as well as a sense of deep disappointment at his sibling, though the half-Vulcan also remembered that he'd never held back and always sought to win even if it was at the expense of his own brother.

Revana was surprised when he had moved from her back to her hips, two places that had already been oiled by her earlier. Perhaps he was lost in his thoughts or perhaps he was accepting her obvious invitation for touch and taking it to another level.

"Mmm." she purred softly. "You have amazing skill with your hands, Lieutenant."

It took the half-Vulcan to realize that she had spoken to him. It was an even longer moment for him to register what exactly she had said and that his hands had moved to her hips though he didn't remember moving them. Though he also didn't remove them either which might have been a different point entirely as he began to simply massage her hips and moving his hands up to her back once more. He slowly ran his thumbs along her spine as he sat there and didn't really let himself think as he let out a deep breath and just tried to relax under the warm sun and focus on his task at hand as he slowly worked his hands back down to the small of her back just over her rear. "One of the perks of free climbing, it requires a great deal of manual strength and dexterity."

“Unless you’re trying to get a girl excited, Sovas. You should stop.” She said with a devilish voice full of an impressive amount of silk and sex. She turned her head around and looked at him, her beautiful face flushing slightly darker green at her cheeks. “We’re approaching the point where I might act unprofessionally.”

ovas was conflicted as to whether he wanted to stop or continue with Revena.

Personally he was interested in seeing where it might go if he did continue and he certainly wasn't objecting to the feeling of her body under his hands as he let his hands still their motions, though the sultry and smoky purr of her voice did nothing to really dissuade him from wanting to find out what unprofessional might be for her. On the flipside though the entity that he could feeling behind his eyes and within his mind seemed purely against his continuing on with anything else to do with Revena as he wasn't certain why it was bring back the images of every time his brother had attacked or assaulted him. It wasn't like he hadn't been with an Orion woman, full or half-blood, before so he could only guest that his own knowledge of who her father was had created some sort dissonace. He closed his eyes and lifted his hands from the woman's back briefly as while he rubbed the tips of his fingers together and made his decision.

"Oh and what might unprofessional look like?" He teased her playfully as his hands settled back onto her body as he began to more actively massage her as her green skin glistened with the sheen of the oil under the bright tropical sun, his hands moving down to her hips to start gently massaging her hips as he sat behind her, shifting to straddle her thighs with just the front of his shorts brushing against her full rear. If whatever it was that he felt in his head was intending to make or influence his choices, he could turn it back around on it.

"Though we aren't in a very professional environment currently," He chuckled while he moved his fingers down to tease and play with the micro-bikini the Orion woman was wearing. "I think there wouldn't be much useful work getting done if this was the uniform on the ship."

“Have you ever had sex on the beach?” She asked, looking back at him as he played with her bikini. She squirmed slightly, her ample behind rubbing temptingly against the front of his shorts. “It’s one of my favorite drinks.”

Her response had been at once clever, cryptic, and quite overt. She wiggled again, giggling slightly as if his touch tickled her.

“Get up, Sovas. I didn’t finish oiling my other side, after all.”

The half-Vulcan made a soft sound as she teased him her rear brushing against the front of his shorts as he quirked an eyebrow, smirking at the seemingly innocuous but loaded question as he shifted to allow her to move since he didn’t want her to get burned as he moved to shuck the button up shirt he had been wearing. He wasn't as heavily or bulkily built as many Terran men preferred, though he was tautly built with well-defined muscle, his body wasn't free from blemish as she would be able to see the mass of scars along his right side as well as others that stood out on his green-hued skin. "I can't say that I have, more of a bourbon man myself...I like a bit of that smooth flavor that cools things down and heats'em right back up.

He picked up the container of oil, preparing to help oil the rest of her body as he let his eyes just slowly take in her shapely form.

Revana leaned back, her face revealing her arousal. She was oily from her mid stomach down to her feet, but her torso was obviously missing it’s shine. She arched her back slightly, accentuating her chest and causing the great number of men who had been watching from afar to lean in for a better look.

“Make sure you’re thorough, sir. Beachside tans are rare for Starfleet Officers.” She said, her eyes on his, her full lips slightly open.

"That they are and we certainly wouldn't want a substandard tan." Sovas purred softly while he moved to set to his task. He couldn't help but smirk a bit as practically every male head turned in their direction, though he ignored them as he leaned in to remove her tiny, barely there top and set it to the side as he poured a bit of the oil down her chest and to her stomach before adding a little to his hands as he carefully straddled her thighs once more. Settled he began to work his hands over her stomach as he slowly and thorough began to spread the oil over her emerald skin, only teasingly brushing his fingers or the backs of his hands against her breasts staring down at her every once in a while before refocusing on his task. Eventually his hands came up to the fullness of her generous breasts as he began to cup and circle them to spread the oil evenly over her skin, using the pad of his thumb to run around the dark ring of her areola and over the peak of her nipple until her flesh was glistening like the rest. Though his task was seemingly complete he took a bit of privilege as he continued to gently massage and play with her breasts, teasing her nipples with his palms and fingers as he watched her for a reaction.

For his part, the half-Vulcan was quite enjoying his task and when he shifted, she would be able to feel just the hints of the hardness of his manhood hidden away by his beach shorts his own skin was quite warm and backing under the tropical sun, though he wasn't too worried about that, since he was currently focusing on the lovely creature beneath him. "Thorough enough? Or might I need to make sure?" He smirked and chuckled softly as he brought his thumbs up to play with her nipples a bit more.

Revana had been surprised at his audacity in having freed her breasts without asking. Just when she was going to chastise him, however, she felt the oozing of the oil and his warm hands moving over her body and she was left speechless. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and moaned with every movement of his hands. He touched her until her skin became so sensitive that even the lightest press sent her crazy. Gradually, he worked her to a climax neither of them had seen coming. As her womanhood practically vibrated with desire and pulsated, her hands moved down to her soaking wet bikini bottoms and she moved her fingers around. When he stopped, she looked at him with a hungry expression. Before grabbing her bra and putting it back on.

“I’d love for you to continue.” She said, her voice breathy. “But a girl has to have her limits, right?”

"We all have our limits, but we can only grow if we press them." Sovas countered after he had sat back while meeting the Orion woman's lusty gaze, giving her a slight smirk. The climax had come as something of a surprise to him since he hadn't necessarily been building her towards that.

"And we might." she said, demurring, fluttering her eyelashes delicately. "Maybe you should think about asking me out on a date."

The way she worded that made him squint internally a little but he also couldn't deny that a date with her wouldn't necessarily be the worst prospect in the world as his gaze shifted between her eyes and her practically nude form. Dates were things that normal Terrans did, even after getting into the Imperial Academy he didn't really engage in the dating scene, or at least not the serious dating scene like some of the other cadets who had set out to pursue their paths to glory and power. That hadn't been his choice and it had stayed that way as he chuckled softly and gave her a nod.

"Maybe I should, there's plenty of shore leave left," He teased a little while moving to grab the towel she'd been using to clean her hands of oil to do the same with his, setting it back in its place before he grabbed his shirt. Slipping back into it, he turned his attention back to her fully. "I was wondering if you might let me take out to dinner tonight if you are free?"

She pretended to think for a moment and then she smiled and nodded.

“I think yes.” She said, her hands resting on her now shimmering knees. “Just…no Vidiian food.”

Sovas' nose scrunched up at the mention of Vidiian food and shook his head as his eyes continued to slowly move over her glistening form while trying to ignore his own arousal. "No, definitely no Vidiian food I've had field rations that are more palpable,"

"Though I'll keep it in mind since I'm sure there's more than just Vidiian here to eat." He gave her a coy smirk while silently considering how best to set up their date.

“Mmm, there sure is.” She said, smiling up at him. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out. But for now, I’m all slick and wet and I’m going to get some sun. Let me know what you come up with.”

She watched him, her eyes moving to the tent in his pants and her mind moving to how he’d made her feel just moments before. People often assumed that Orion women, by nature, spent half their life in bed with others. The truth was that she hadn’t been with a single man since they’d deployed from Terra. She wanted to be taken seriously and knew she couldn’t if she let just anyone in. She closed her eyes and focused on the sun instead, trying to get her desires under control.

Sovas had given her a smile and nod despite his own conflicting arousal mixed with the internal recriminations of his unwanted guest as he slipped his shirt on, wandering off to see what else the resort might have to offer.


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