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Missing tears.

Posted on Tue Sep 6th, 2022 @ 11:36pm by Captain Fergus Williams
Edited on on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 8:01am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Timeline: Mission Day 9 at 0000
488 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Marine bay sat clouded in darkness after the light's out call. With most of the marines on planet side, there was only a skeleton crew left of around fifteen marines. One of whom happened to be the commander.

Sitting alone in his quarters he walked by torchlight as he stripped and rebuilt his rifle for the fifth time that night. He couldn't sleep, to much on his mind.

All those young guys and girls going to have a good time and the old devil dog was stuck in his thoughts. His hand went down his shirt as he pulled what was getting to him from his shirt. The lock of her hair that he always carried with him. Always over his heart no matter where he went.

He could still remember when he first saw her. Beaten so badly she could barely stand, her uniform caked with a covering of dried blue blood, a mob of Terrans bidding for her like she was some sort of animal.

He'd walked past them like she was nothing. Only when he'd been halfway down the corridor did his gut make him stop. For once in his life he'd do the right thing. No more taking insane orders from madmen with more blood on their hands than stars in the oceans.

Why he had no idea. Maybe his curdled brainwaves had straightened out for once. Hell mybe he’d drunken to much.
He’d marched back and yelled over every other terran until he’d won her. What he’d imagined was beyond childish. He’d though of some fantasy were she’d fall into his arms thanking him.

Instead, she’d spat right in his face before kneeing him in the privates. He’d have to drag her back to his quarters, kicking, screaming and spitting all the way.
Before he’d even closed the door she’d grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it into his face. Despite the blood he’d manged to grab her and throw her into his bathroom before locking the door. He’d spent the rest of the night picking shards of whatever rock gut he’d been drinking back then out of his eye.

It was early in the morning when the bagging on his bathroom door finally stopped. He'd found her past out from exhaustion. He'd been scared that she'd just wake up and hit him as he carefully laid her in the bath and covered her with a blanket.

She had a throat at his neck a few hours later. Spitting venom at him as she demanded to know what he was playing at. Tears formed in her eyes as she saw the same broken creature staring back at her.

He gazed to the window. Blue wherever you are in the galaxy please be all right He thought before he returned her hair to it's place and started back at his gun.


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