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Posted on Tue Oct 25th, 2022 @ 5:36am by Warrant Officer Ahira Kasamoto

Location: Darius V
Timeline: 13 Years Ago (three days after First Kiss)
592 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

"Show me your hand son," Niritha Kasamoto commanded.

Rather reluctantly, and with a grimace, her son held out his right hand. He'd tried to conceal it from her, not wanting to incur her wrath for his carelessness, but, her sharp eyes had spotted it. So, now, he had no choice.

It hadn't been more than two minutes but it had already turned a deep green with tinges of dark orange around the edges and was swelling quickly. her hands were cooler than his and surprisingly gentle. She ran a finger from his wrist to his pinkie finger.

"How much does it hurt?" she asked.

Her voice was calm and seemingly concerned, but he couldn't be sure. The look in her eyes was neutral, unreadable. He wasn't sure what kind of a response an honest answer might draw. Nevertheless, he didn't think he had any other option other than honesty

"A lot," he admitted.

"Well, you broke it. On your father's world, it's called a boxer's fracture. I should just let you suffer, it would teach you to pay attention and keep your head out of your ass, but I need you for a job next week, a very profitable one and I need your skills and that charming little smile of yours. Plus you're the perfect size. So, I'm going to pay for a doctor to fix you up. But it's going to come out of your cut. But, I'm not going to do it tonight. A little pain can be a great motivator. Do we understand each other?"

Ahira nodded. "Yes ma'am."

"Now, the most important question is where in the five elements has your head been the last few weeks? You haven't been your best. Not even close. You know how to land when you're thrown, and if you'd been paying attention, you would have seen my move coming a mile away."

Ahira clamped his mouth shut. He knew exactly where his head had been. But if he told her the truth, that he was seeing another boy, an outsider and he was pulling jobs with him and getting perilously close to losing his virginity with him, she would forbid his seeing Ryan again. Especially since he was an outsider and if he lied to her, she would know, he was sure of that.

He did the only thing he knew to do. Shrugging his shoulders, he gave her the same answer every teenager, of every species from the time evolution began, had given their parents. "I dunno."

Still holding his hand, which had begun to throb in earnest, she looked him in the eye for a long uncomfortable minute. "Ahira Soren Kasamoto, "are you fucking someone?"

His face turned an interesting shade of ocher as he shook his head. Things had not gotten to that point between him and Ryan, and when they did, he wasn't sure who would be fucking who, but that was way too much information to be sharing with his mother.

Normally, Niritha would have pushed for an answer, but for once, she didn't. "You've got nothing to be ashamed of son. If you want to grab yourself a piece, I'm not going to stand in your way, and neither will your father. Just be careful and make sure you don't let your hunt for ass get in the way of business."

She pointed at his hand, "And more importantly keep your head out of your ass, out on the street, or a broken hand is going to be the least of your problems.



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