A Chance to Charm the Ladies II
Posted on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 @ 8:17am by Princess Royal Giana Orsini & Lieutenant Colonel Sacha Lavigne & Empress Cosima Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 8:05pm
Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Rio de Jinero Palace
Timeline: Date 2371-07-19 at 1200
4806 words - 9.6 OF Standard Post Measure
Sacha was either ignored or unnoticed by the women as they walked arm in arm through the crowd. It seemed they were actually just talking, and every now and then Sacha could see Selena smile and it didn’t seem strained. People were taking notice of Selena on Giana’s arm and they immediately began to talk. The two women eventually made their approach to Cosima, talking to each other like old friends as they approached.
“Mama, this is Selena Summer who recently returned to court.”
“Your Majesty.” Selena greeted and curtsied when Giana allowed.
Cosima turned to greet her daughter and, when her eyes found the girl locked arm in arm with her, she offered a smile.
“Ah, yes, Carter’s daughter. I’ve heard much about you, dear. Welcome to Court. I see my daughter has taken some interest in you, so I can only assume that’s a good sign.” Cosima said.
Sacha, for his part, stood in the background near Giana, clearly not part of the conversation, nor wanting to be in particular. He simply existed on the margins for now, his eyes scanning the crowd more than the women speaking.
“Selena is a dear friend of Sacha’s, apparently. I had no idea. He’s never mentioned her, the silly man.” Giana rolled her eyes and shook her head. “But she’s returned to court seeking to find a husband. I thought perhaps you might have some ideas for such a lovely lady?”
This was, beyond anything else, Cosima's favorite game. She'd be lying if she hadn't already come up with some ideas the moment Selena's Court application rolled on to her desk. She allowed her eyes to move over the girl. She was gorgeous, far beyond most there, and her attempts to tone down her makeup had done little, genuinely to hide it. She was toned and tanned, fresh faced and flat chested; a former marine just returned to Terra from a successful career beginning, just like someone else they knew. Then, in her mind, an answer struck her that wasn't quite right.
"A dear friend of Sacha's you say?" she asked, her eyes wide and, though not aggressive, certainly not amused. "That's very interesting, dear...I have a few thoughts, but I'd like to hear from you first." Cosima's eyes cut to her daughter, deep and full of understanding. She then looked back to Selena and smiled. "What kind of match are you looking for?"
“I… well… ideally someone not too old. Someone who is understanding of my military background and perhaps has even shared it to some degree. Someone kind and patient. Handsome, nice eyes. But I’m also hoping for someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and knows how to have fun.” Selena responded, looking nervously between the two women.
“I have the perfect man in mind.” Cosima said, reaching out and lifting Selena’s chin gently. “You have stunning eyes, darling. And I’m assuming your father has cultured you, hasn’t he? Do you speak French?”
Sacha’s eyes were wide at this point. He knew what was going on and, what was worse, when Selena had described her ideal match, he understood that she might as well be describing him directly. He turned then and, with all the speed dignity would allow, made his way for the nearest restroom.
“He does, Your Majesty.” Selena replied and frowned a bit more.
“I was thinking Lord Sibiya or perhaps Magnus Dahl, the heir to Norway?” Giana cut in before her mother went off the rails. Giana wasn’t happy with Sacha, she also wasn’t happy the way Selena had looked at Sacha, but she wasn’t trying to sink this stupid girl. Sacha would never forgive her if she did and she was perfectly aware of that, so the easiest solution to the problem was hastening that which she had come for. Both matches were actually excellent as far as prestige went and likely more than what Selena would have managed alone. She turned to the other woman and smiled slightly.
“I’ll warn you they are both kind of arrogant assholes, but I challenge you to find a Terran man who is not.”
Selena suddenly laughed, covering her mouth politely. “Ah… right you are, princess.”
"Both are eligible, both are handsome." The Empress said, thinking. "Sibiya is more handsome, but less eligible. He has managed to break every arrangement I've made for him so far. Though I made it very clear to him that failing to marry a third match of mine would be received as...a great insult to the Imperial Throne." She looked at the Lord's daughter and raised her brows as her eyes tracked Sacha finally leaving the room. "What are your thoughts between the two of them, dear? We could have it sealed in a fortnight if we wanted."
“Well, truthfully, Your Majesty, I don’t know either of them well enough to say.” Selena’s voice was thoughtful, light. She unthinkingly looked around for Sacha and frowned a bit when she didn’t see him, though her attention quickly returned to the topic at hand.
“Really, you think Sibiya is the more handsome one?” Giana said with a note of surprise in her voice.
“A matter of taste dear, nothing more.” Cosima said. “I’ve always been partial to the tall, dark, and arrogant.”
“Mm… true enough. Anyways…”
The three women continued to chat and laugh for the next ten minutes or so. Selena seemed to eventually be at ease and actively engaging, Giana didn’t seem upset, and Cosima had apparently backed down from being mother bear to her slighted daughter at her behest. Eventually, they parted and Giana walked away with Selena arm in arm again. Everyone was talking about them, about Selena most of all. Pretty Selena Summer, newly returned to court and already favored not only by the Princess, but the Empress herself. It was surely a boon to her standing and it would open many more potential match possibilities as well.
”Thank you, Highness. You’re very kind.” Selena smiled.
“Not really, but I am trying to better about it, though so far it is proving to be a difficult task. Right there, I was almost unkind, I was very tempted and even started. I don’t like the way you look at Sacha.” Giana looked over to Selena, “But you are his friend and he is obviously very attached… he doesn’t use that term lightly. I’m choosing not to dwell on what may have happened in the past, this is now and I’m sure you’ll remember that. You’re a smart woman.”
“I’m not a homewrecker, princess, regardless of my feelings.” Selena said very quietly.
“I’d hope not. Though perhaps there is no home to wreck. I don’t see Sacha anywhere anymore. I’m afraid he thought I was taking you away to be terribly cruel to you.” Giana sighed and shrugged.
Sacha had returned from the bathroom several moments later, having used his time at the urinal and the sink to reflect upon what was happening. Thereafter, he rejoined the party, but genuinely spoke to the men standing on the margins of the room. Many of them were familiar to him from his youth and they caught up well. Despite himself, he mixed well with the men of the common Court and he seemed to know what to say and when. He had almost managed to forget the drama unfolding around him and began to contemplate simply leaving since he’d been so roundly ignored.
“Oh, hey there he is.” Selena pointed out and began leading Giana over to Sacha as if it were her turn to play escort. Selena had them approaching in an almost aggressive way.
“Hey, Marine.” She demanded of Sacha. “There you are. I thought I was going to have to take over escort duties for the princess. What the hell?”
Giana laughed and looked to Selena and then looked at Sacha; her brows lifted slightly.
“It was getting very matchmaker-matchmaker for me. Very very boring stuff.” He lied, not caring if it sounded right or not. He smiled at the two of them. “Try more sports metaphors next time.”
He pulled a long-stemmed glass of water to his lips and sipped, looking away for just a moment and then looking back at them again. He seemed completely at ease and comfortable.
“You two seem to be fast friends.” He commented.
"The Princess has been very kind, both her and her mother." Selena nodded. "They're going to be putting on a little soiree for me to meet a few eligible gentlemen."
Sacha had always had a special place in his heart for Selena, but he had no intention, at any point, to betray Giana or his plans with her. He smiled at the news, showing genuine happiness for her. He wasn’t sure why Giana would take the time for her, though, unless she was trying to shuffle off some perceived threat as quickly as possible.
“That’s amazing, Selena. I’m sure it won’t take you long to find what you're looking for.” He said, then turning to Giana and grinning. “You’re a dream-maker.”
"I'm sorry for dragging her away like I did, Sacha. I know that was probably... concerning given the past." She looked to Selena. “I mentioned to Selena I’m trying to be better, but it won’t happen overnight.”
Sacha offered a handsome grin, but he remained reasonably reserved in his judgment.
“I’m very proud of you.” He said genuinely, locking eyes with Giana. He wanted her to know he meant that. Perhaps none of this would be as painful as he thought. He reached over and put his hand in her wrist gently before smiling at Selena. He guarded his gaze, making sure it was pure and suggested nothing romantic. He wasn’t sure what else to say to her; he was locked in, stuck between two different worlds.
Giana smiled at him in return, genuine in the face of his praise and unspoken seeming forgiveness. She placed her hand over the one on her wrist. He had of course been “technically” out of line touching her, and it may have ended up in the papers had anyone been close enough, but she didn’t care. “Do you two met at the Academy, how did that happen? Just a class together?”
“If I remember correctly, Selena was trying to restart an old 1971 Plymouth she’d borrowed from her father for the first few weeks at the academy. The car was a magnet for me, and I made my way right over.” He said with a chuckle. “Turned out she was funny and could use my help with it.”
“Yeah he wasn’t any help with it.” Selena pointed out, standing easily and keeping her attention on Giana instead of Sacha. While she wanted Sacha, it wasn’t some deep abiding love and she could and very much would respect the fact that he really did seem to be with Giana. Why he was she couldn’t really figure out given she thought he hated that life, but who really knew. “He had more questions about what random buttons and levers inside had than anything else.”
“Modern cars are a bit different. I was mostly there for moral support; like a good cheerleader. ‘Go on, Selena! You can do it!’” He said, acting out the joke. Truth be told, that was right after he had been cast away from Giana and his homeworld on pain of death. He was bitter and angry about it and was less than complimentary about politics or the Imperial Family. He spent so much time with Selena that most of the people at the academy assumed they were an item. But graduation and commissioning changed all that as they were separated by different assignments. She had been his best friend for a while. “But things change, eh. We are back on Terra at the Summer Court in Rio de Janeiro.”
He gave Giana a meaningful look. She was beautiful as always, but he was particularly happy that she had decided to be good to his friend. All things aside, he had been a rock for Selena during the hardest part of her life and she had been the same for him; he loved her tremendously. The fact that Giana decided to look past the optics and show kindness meant a lot to him. He communicated this in his look.
Giana obviously wasn’t overly comfortable to be in the position she was in this moment. There was an obvious attachment shared between Sacha and Selena and it was making her feel jealous again, but she was doing her best not to let it turn into misguided anger. If there had been anything between them, it wasn’t like they were in the wrong for it. It had been at the time where she and Sacha had been forcibly separated. It had been devastating to them both and she knew she should have been glad he had a friend to help him through… but it was just so very Sacha to pick the most attractive girl possible. She wasn’t just jealous of them as a “thing”, she was jealous of Sacha that he had Selena to help him when she had no one.
She smiled her way through the exchange and when Sacha looked at her, she looked into his eyes with a slightly more reserved look, her eyes holding a touch of the nervousness someone in her position might have; she was doing something unfamiliar to her in a situation she was uncomfortable, but also she understood the importance of it.
“Yeah, things do change.” Giana confirmed.
Selena looked between Giana and Sacha and smiled. “You two look really nice together.”
“She’s got all the elegance. I think I’ve just become a walking muscle.” He joked. Obviously he was downplaying himself jokingly. He was notably handsome, and the tan pits were surely highlighting that fact right at that very moment. “Well, it sounds like the two of you will be spending some time together soon on your mission to sell you off to some important old Lord who smells like gold and roses.”
His comment was aimless as his eyes drifted back to Selena. He was interested in maintaining some relationship with her, and this situation gave him hope that was possible. Maybe she and Giana would become friends..who was he kidding.
From the dais, the Empress rang a golden bell that told everyone it was time to make their way to their tables. Sacha raised an eyebrow.
“We’ll be seeing you around, Selena. That is, unless you’ve been bumped up to a royal table.” He grinned, his true nature hiding behind his polite demeanor. He remembered where they were and who they were with. There would be no cursing, or smoking, or wild antics today.
“Oh no, I’m not that unlucky.” Selena laughed as she said it, but then immediately sobered when she remembered who she was standing with. “Er… I mean…”
Sacha laughed, not at the joke but at the sheer agonizing awkwardness of what had just happened. He linked his arm in Giana’s tightly and was going to make an attempt to emergency end the social interaction. They had been so close to getting off with something approximating friendliness. Selena had never been a master of words. He liked that about her.
“Au revoir!” He exclaimed, and clearly started to walk away with Giana attached to him. He didn’t move fast enough to drag, but she would have had a hard time stopping him without drawing eyes.
There was no resistance from Giana as Sacha hastily pulled her away nor had it seemed that she was going to react to what Selena had said. Instead Giana was quiet, obviously contemplative. She contemplated the looks, the laughter, the ease with which they had around each other. His eyes had been on Selena far more than they had been on her. It made her hurt. It was just like she had been with Sacha years ago, though she was quite sure Selena’s temperament was obviously better. Unconsciously she held a little tighter to Sacha’s arm, but loosened her grip when she realized she was doing it. She murmured an apology as they reached the table. When he pulled out her chair, she took a seat and forced her expression to liven again.
“Hello, ladies.” She greeted the table with a smile.
Sacha sat down next to Giana, and watched as the first course was being served. He watched the plate which was placed in front of him and looked around to see who was sitting with them. He wasn’t feeling particularly social right now and most of his interest was in seeing if he was going to be able to interact normally with Giana.
At this particular table were noteworthy ladies, but not quite as noteworthy as those invited to sit with Cosima. Dominion Lady Montreye was among them as was Lady Chelsea Feng of Hong Kong, Lady Sigrun Dahl of Norway, Lady Mayor Kent of Manchester, and Lady Mayor Maria Perez of Tijuana. There was of course also room for their escorts. The most common escort was the oldest unmarried son followed by the most eligible daughter a family had to offer (like in Selena’s case), rarest of the escorts was a lady’s husband.
Across the table sat Sigrun Dahl and not her eldest son, but instead her second son Helge Dahl dressed in his Marine dress uniform displaying the rank of Captain. He didn’t seem thrilled to be there, but he was enduring. Giana wasted no time in engaging in conversation with the women while eating politely. The hand she had in her lap turned at the wrist and she shifted it over to Sacha’s thigh to rest there.
Sacha gave the hand a light touch of acknowledgment before picking up his spoon and lifting some of the creamy soup into his mouth. It was delicious, of course. The Court Chefs were among the best in the Empire and everybody knew it. Then he turned to the marine next to him.
“A bit better than the mess, isn’t it, Captain?” He asked with a half smile. The men had met before, obviously.
"Definitely better than shit on a shingle." Helge replied easily. Helge was a gorgeous man by nearly any standard. Tall, broad, with beautiful blue eyes, blonde hair, and a handsome grin. He carried himself with ease and confidence that gave him a natural sexiness, and the groomed shadow across his well defined jaw only added to that.
"Helge." Sigrun hissed at her son under her breath.
"Sorry, mama." Helge said with an amused smile, clearly not sorry at all.
Giana giggled softly on hearing the exchange.
“With some Lord Woolton Pie to chase it down.” Sacha said with a chuckle, also enjoying the exchange between Helge and his mother. “So, what has you sitting in that fancy chair chowing down in style, marine? Just your mother’s orders?”
“Oh no, I’m here for the bait and switch.” Helge smirked and looked at Sacha with clear amusement at the situation in his eyes. “See I’m the pretty brother, so I get brought here to get the attention of other mamas and bring them close just so she can go ‘oh yes he’s good and all but did you know my older son is much more eligible’.”
“Helge.” Sigrun hissed again.
“Then here’s to handsome second children and their wild charms.” Sacha said, raising his glass of white wine and looking at Sigrun with a wink.
“Hear, hear.” Helge nodded and lifted his glass in a toast before taking a sip. Sigrun glowered at Sacha a moment and then turned her attention back to polite conversation.
Giana hadn’t really engaged with Sacha since they sat down, but her hand on his leg hopefully served as a signal he wasn’t forgotten, she was simply giving him a moment to recharge and enjoy conversation with the man next to him. She knew Helge was a defiant second son, so she had made sure he and Sacha were seated next to each other. Between courses, she did finally turn to look at him properly and gave him a smile.
“So will we be seeing you at more of these events, Major?” Maria asked from across the table and looked at Sacha with a quirked brow.
“That depends, my Lady.” He started, giving a handsome and devilishly charming grin, “on whether I charm the princess enough to invite me next time or not.”
“Well you two are certainly the talk of the party. The princess and the troublemaker.” Maria pointed out, looking amused.
“You know, it never ceases to amaze me how people just can’t quite let the past go.” Giana spoke up, annoyed.
“Nothing to worry about, Your Highness.” Sacha responded, winking to her. “She’s right. I like to make trouble just like she says. I’m just more selective about the kind of trouble I make now.”
“I suppose that is a step in the right direction.” Maria gave a slightly sour look while looking at Sacha, though even she had to admit he was charming.
“Sacha.” Giana said softly and moved her hand from under the table to touch his arm in a public display. “Call me by my name.” She spoke quietly only for him and gave him a smile while her beautiful blue eyes searched his.
“It’s more than a step in the right direction.” He responded, looking to Maria and directing his own hand obviously onto Giana’s shoulder. He smiled with some of the amused challenge that was so normal for him. “For Giana and I, it’s the full length. We can leave all the obedient men for you, Lady Maria.”
Maria’s face soured even more when Sacha spoke in such a familiar way to Giana and even touched her on the shoulder. “I’m not sure what obedience has to do with acting like a gentleman and not a troublesome savage; it’s simply etiquette.”
Giana smirked slightly and simply lifted her hand to lace her fingers with his on her shoulder. She could have spoken up, but she opted to remain silent for a moment and not interfere with Sacha going after Maria.
Sacha looked to Helge for a moment and smiled.
“We troublesome savages know there are things more important and thrilling than simple etiquette.” He said, still completely at ease. “You might be surprised, my lady, what wonders a troublesome savage can do for your mood.”
He looked at her daughter, who sat next to Lady Maria, young and pretty. There was something about her look that told him she agreed. Maybe he could get her to say so in front of her own mother. He offered her an expression without a smile, confident and full of engagement. He hoped charisma alone would do the trick.
Young Mariana caught Sacha’s look and blushed a bit. She offered a meek smile and slight nod of agreement, but she was a young woman who feared the woman she was named after, obviously. Maria did however catch the movement out of the corner of her eye and she sputtered slightly, her eyes going wide.
“Don’t you try to corrupt my daughter you- you-!” She then turned her attention toward Giana. “Princess, how can you tolerate this?”
“Tolerate what, Lady Maria? I happen to agree with the Major.” Giana smiled in amusement and squeezed Sacha’s hand again.
"Lady Maria, you're wound tighter than a violin string. I would have thought a woman from Tijuana would have an appreciation for the lighter sides of life." he said, recalling a trip he'd made with his mother when he was in his teens. Even at a young age, he had managed to get himself into trouble in the city. "A little corruption never hurt anyone, that's what I say. Not that my opinion means much, of course. After all, I'm just the son of a Mayor with some brass on my collar."
He gave Giana's hand a squeeze of his own. He was practicing some pages out of her book and he'd be lying if he wasn't having a bit of fun. Just watching Maria go red was reward enough. He looked to her daughter again.
"Miss Perez, you're a young woman looking for a husband, are you not? And, if you don't mind me saying, you are also the child of a Mayor much like me. If you don't mind me asking, which of the eligible bachelors would you most wish to find yourself a Lady to? The very polite and proper second sons, or...the testosterone-fueled jar-head next to me?" he asked, smiling and indicating Helge with his hand.
With a grin on his face, Helge leaned in closer to Sacha so Mariana could see both of the charming, handsome, rebellious second sons together without having to look between them.
"Miss," he gave her a wink and lifted his glass to her in a toast.
Mariana blushed wildly then and averted her gaze for just a moment before it eventually came wandering back. "W-well I..."
"Helge gods dammit." Sigrun growled.
"Mariana! You should be ashamed." Maria barked at her daughter.
Giana finally burst out laughing, though covered her mouth as she did so.
“I think the answer is clear enough.” Sacha said, and leaned back slightly. Giana had asked him to call her by name, and had goaded him into touching her in public. She seemed to be taking pleasure in his controlled rebellion, and it seemed, though some hated him for it, others adored their style. He placed his hand on her leg now, though the table and its cloth blocked the view of everyone around. He played dangerously with the fabric at the hem of her dress, lifting it teasingly.
“Lady Dahl, how is your oldest son? I’m curious what he’s up to these days.”`
Sigrun frowned at the change in pace and looked at Sacha. "Ah... Magnus is quite well, thank you for asking. He is extremely busy as of late with the expansion of our trade operation so he unfortunately could not be here today."
Giana took a sip of her wine as Sacha's fingers danced along just above her knee and played with the hem of her dress. She smiled and seemed quite happy to let him talk and engage even if it wasn't the most "proper" vein of conversation. She didn't want to make Sacha change himself, she loved him as he was, but she did need to see he could control himself when needed and this event was ticking all the right boxes to assuage her doubts. Except one.
“Forgive me, I’m not well versed in the economic activity of your family. What do you trade in?” Sacha asked, seeming to take at least a passive answer to the question he asked. His hand played at the hem of her dress and his fingers met her smooth legs. He moved them up slightly, a suggestion, overt, and daring. Then he retracted his hand, fixed her dress, and rested his hand on her clothed lap again.
Two could very easily play this game. Giana's hand shifted over to his thigh again under the table. Her fingers slid inward and up, teasing his inner thigh through his pants and underwear. Her hand was of course hidden from view and her motions were so slight it would be near impossible to tell.
"Weapons are our primary livelihood, but we also still have our ancient family trade of seafood and tree nuts." Sigrun explained with a note of pride in her voice.
“Oh, really? Big guns or small?” He asked, lifting an eyebrow. It was a joke meant for Giana, but also posed a serious question about what kinds of weapons were being sold.
Sigrun frowned slightly when she saw Giana smirk at the comment; she was aware she was missing something and didn't much like it, but she turned her attention to Sacha. "Personal munitions for the most part."
Giana's fingers continued to play with Sacha's thigh, rubbing and massaging it in the way she was well aware he enjoyed from her. She took another sip of wine as the waiters moved up for their next course.