A Chance to Charm the Ladies III
Posted on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 @ 8:18am by Princess Royal Giana Orsini & Lieutenant Colonel Sacha Lavigne & Empress Cosima Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 8:25pm
Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Rio de Jinero Palace
Timeline: Date 2371-07-19 at 1215
5012 words - 10 OF Standard Post Measure
Soon, Giana’s work yielded predictable results and she was playing with more than just his thigh. He tensed naturally and then released. Giana liked trouble just like she always had. She was just a bit more complicated now. He let her excite him, liking to see her bad side again for a change.
“A laudable trade, I’d say. Do you have any military contracts or maybe the Internal Security Service?”
"We have both, yes. Perhaps you'll actually be able to use one of our newest rifle models here soon." Sigrun said and smiled, now distracted from anything else by having a conversation
"They are damn nice, actually." Helge said and took another drink of wine.
Giana was quite happy to continue what she was doing and let Sacha carry the conversation while he wanted to lead. There was always a part of Giana that enjoyed being defiant and naughty - it wasn't a part of herself that she wanted to give up totally and really never would. She was just... figuring things out right now which wasn't ideal at her age, but some things just couldn't be helped given the circumstances.
“Right now, I’m doing desk work. I’m not sure when that’s going to change. Regardless, I’ll be sure to look your products up and take them for a spin.”
This time, when Sacha’s hand moved her skirt, he did it much more rudely and went much further up her bare thigh. His skilled fingers massaged there at first, but then quickly ventured up to her panty line.
“What has your family been up to of late, Lady Maria?” He asked, looking toward the woman who had been so scandalized by him earlier.
The only reaction that the table would get was Giana clearing her throat and taking another sip of wine, but Sacha would be able to feel the slight shift of her thighs against his hand as his fingers moved on their quest. Her own hand remained right where it was, not backing off of him quite yet. She liked being like this with him.
Maria looked up to Sacha and sneered slightly. "Well I don't see what business that is of yours."
Sacha gave a grunt that sounded half like a thoughtful sound and half a moan, though it wasn’t obvious to anyone but Giana. He grabbed his own wine with the wrong hand and took a sip, his eyes on Maria as his fingers moved insistently past Giana’s expensive panties and began to circle gently around her most sensitive parts. He used the wetness he collected there to make the process even more thrilling for her, teasing her parts with interest all while keeping a straight face.
“Just trying to make polite conversation, ma’am.” He said, offering a handsome grin. “After all, you did request a less savage experience. I’m starting to think you have no idea what you want, ma’am.”
"I don't want to be sitting at a table with the likes of you." Maria replied and aggressively stabbed at a small tomato on her plate with her fork.
"What did you say?" Giana demanded coolly. Her legs snapped shut around Sacha's hand, restricting his fingers from moving too much as she leaned forward slightly. "I don't think I caught that, because it very much sounded to me like you were critiquing several choices made by myself and the Empress today."
Immediately the woman paled. "I... n-no, Your Highness. I would never-"
"You know, I'm feeling generous though. Let's get you moved." She lifted her hand and summoned one of the attendants over. After exchanging a few words, he moved around to Maria's side. "Go with him, Lady Perez, he will see that you have more choice accommodations for your attitude."
Maria looked like she was about to argue, but she stood abruptly with a huff and looked down to her daughter imperiously. "Come, Mariana."
"Oh, no. Mariana is staying." Giana clarified with a slight smirk. "Bye now, Lady Perez."
"Bye, Lady Perez." Sacha repeated, smiling with white teeth from ear to ear. He made no attempt to seem as if he was offended by Giana's choice. He wasn't sure how long he could play nice with the woman anyway. He gave Giana a look of approval laced with something else most likely related to the location of his hand.
Mariana blinked in her chair and then actually smiled. Looking across to Giana, she bowed her head slightly. "Thank you, Princess."
"Enjoy the freedom, Mariana." Giana replied and then looked up into Sacha's eyes with a smile. Her legs shifted apart again and she freed his hand from its soft prison.
He didn't use his newfound freedom to disengage, but rather to resume, but more aggressively this time. He certainly knew what he was doing and caused no pain, but his digits were insistent, playing with her like he knew exactly what she wanted in any given second.
"I guess my question is for you then, Mariana." he said, eyeing the attractive young girl recently liberated from her overbearing mother. "There's got to be something fun happening in Tijuana, yes?"
Giana’s lips parted and she drew in a slow, deep breath then let it out just as slowly. Her hand resumed more pointed teasing on Sacha given he was now quite hard and so very trapped behind the fabric of his pants. Easy prey.
“Oh, yes.” Mariana gave a slight smile; she had the look of someone getting their own feet under them for the first time in a long while. “Have you ever visited the Avenida Revolucion?”
Sacha chuckled, masking his pleasure at Giana's work.
"Once, when I was 16, I snuck away from my security and made my way down there. Not since then, though. Why do you ask?" he inquired, turning his head to the side as he looked at her. Moving past play himself, he slowly slid his middle finger inside his secret fiancé and moved his eyes toward her for just an instant, hoping to catch her reaction. He moved it in and out slowly, allowing his strong rough hands to make their impression. In his mind, the image of him being stood before a firing squad flashed, the natural consequences of getting caught with his finger in the cookie jar. "Has it changed a lot in the last...decade and a half?"
Giana’s eyes widened just slightly as she felt his finger slide past teasing her and into actively tormenting her. She knew she should have stopped it, but the truth was it felt good and the thrill of the moment kept her from doing so. She had to settle for continuing to tease him through the fabric of his pants since fishing him out was decidedly less covert than his hand up her skirt.
“It has!” Mariana replied excitedly. “I would definitely recommend going there if you ever have time. There’s a lot of fun to be had… or trouble if you’re looking for that kind of thing.”
“I do like the right kind of trouble.” Helge mused.
“The right kind of trouble can be so…exhilarating.” Sacha said, agreeing with the ongoing conversation. He looked to Giana and grinned. “Wouldn’t you agree, Gigi?”
Yes was not a safe word right now and she knew it. She licked her lips and measured her voice before responding. “I do.”
She picked up her wine glass and gave a soft sigh that had more body to it than just air; Sacha would recognize the sound of pleasure there. The saving moment came in the next course, a Florentine steak that would of course need both hands for eating. She finally moved her hand from Sacha and back to herself before bringing it up to the table instead of lifting it just from Sacha’s lap up. It would have been too conspicuous.
He enjoyed that moment with her, holding conversation, while listening to her struggle to keep it all in. When the food came, he saw the writing on the wall and retracted his hand, being careful not to track the moisture on her. He wiped his glistening hand on the table cloth thoroughly and then quickly picked up his fork as if nothing happened. He would have gone to wash his hands, but at present he had an erection that would have been noticeable by the blind.
He cut into the meat and brought it to his lips. The slight taste of char met his tongue along with butter as the hot meat emitted its juices, aided by the healthy amount of severed fat. It was delicious, and he closed his eyes for a moment as he enjoyed the first bite.
"One thing you can't really ever complain about at these kinds of things is the food." Helge noted as he inspected the second bite of steak on his fork.
"No, there's nothing quite as good as a piece of hot beef when you're hungry." Giana said, her tone suggestive but her face passive as she cut into the meat in front of her. She was aching in her core, but she was doing her very best to ignore that at this moment but it was difficult.
Helge had been about to take the bite of steak but stopped when he heard what Giana had said, blinked, and then laughed.
Sacha grinned and looked around the table, his eyes falling on the other older ladies and their escorts who hadn’t dared to speak, especially after Giana had dismissed Maria so abruptly. His eyes lingered on Lady Chelsea Feng.
“My Lady, do you like your hot beef?” He asked, seeming serious, though the joke still played at the corners of his mouth. “Or do they prefer other things in Hong Kong?”
Chelsea Feng was a woman just into her forties with beautiful thick brown hair, hazel eyes, and a lovely smile. She wasn't overly tall and had a bit more curve to her figure than what was considered "standard" for court appearances, but she was really quite beautiful and wore a purple dress that flattered her figure. As Sacha spoke to her, she gave an easy smile and there was a glint in her shining hazel eyes.
"Major, I have eight children. Such a feat is accomplished through a diet of beef and extra protein among other things.”
Sacha put his hand to his lips in an attempt to stifle a chuckle at the inadvertently suggestive answer. Part of him wondered if she was in on the joke. He failed and let out a chuckle, grabbing his wine to try and control it further. He made no attempt to respond to her statement, but sipped and regained control.
Judging by the smile and wink Chelsea gave him, it was quite clear she knew exactly what she was responding to. Despite her being older, it seemed she still had a mischievous, fun loving side that hadn’t gone out with time nor the mentioned eight children. Her escort next to her - her second eldest son - had his attention firmly on his plate of food and was pointedly ignoring what was being said around him.
Giana let out a short but merry bit of laughter which she quickly stifled behind her hand. She looked to Sacha with earnest eyes; she was happy to see him seemingly enjoying himself at a function she assumed he would dread. Maybe he was acting, but she didn’t think so - she hoped he wasn’t.
“Personally, I was hoping for a fish course.” Sacha said, and cut another slice of his steak. He ate it with energy. It didn’t seem like he was in a hurry so much as he was really relishing the moment. He had opted for a very simple diet to maintain his physical fitness and his refrigerator was full of easy, nutritious, dull meals that he didn’t really like. This was a welcome change of pace. “But beggars can’t be choosers.”
The meal continued through its courses and their table had notably become the “fun” table. It was nothing out of hand or inappropriate (at least not overtly), but it was obvious that their group was enjoying themselves between the food and conversation with each other. Helge had spent most of his time flirting with Mariana and making his mother regret her decision to bring him along though she contemplated in silence seeing that her scolding was doing little more than making things worse. Chelsea and Giana had of course engaged in more practical conversations with the rest of the table, but there were always punctuations of humor and frivolous topics to keep anything from getting too serious.
There had been music, more wine, dessert, dancing, and eventually Cosima had thanked everyone for coming; it was pleasant but the meaning was clear: time to leave. Giana was standing arm in arm with Sacha again saying goodbye to the parting guests. She was a bit tipsy but hiding it well outside of leaning into Sacha potentially a bit more than was appropriate. The weight she felt off of her shoulders after this event was massive; maybe it was foolish too, it had only been one event after all, but Sacha had proven to have a handle on his former need to make trouble in situations like this and now it was just a desire to make trouble. Not only that, but he hadn’t seemed miserable. She very much prayed that he hadn’t been and she didn’t miss the signs to the contrary.
Still, there was one more question to be answered and it was one only he could answer genuinely. She held onto him a little tighter.
“Goodbye, Lady Gilroy. Tell your son I said hello, would you?” Sacha said to a passing woman with gray hair. He waved as she passed, his mind going to the extra support he was giving Giana. Of course, considering their time at the table, there was really only one thing on his mind. But, in all honesty, he suspected she would want to talk. Bored now with saying goodbye, he turned his eyes to her and spoke quietly. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
Giana was mildly surprised that he wanted to leave rather than seek out Selena to say goodbye, but she wasn’t going to complain at all. She simply smiled and nodded and allowed him to lead her back into the palace. She was quiet on the way back to her rooms, but still held onto him. Any talking they were going to do was best done in the privacy of her room… though she was distinctly in the mood for something else. Once they were behind closed doors and locked away from prying eyes, she immediately turned and jumped up onto him, her arms going around his shoulders and her legs around his hips. She kissed him passionately and pressed her body to him.
Sacha reacted to support her weight and to kiss her back with passionate interest. He wanted to say goodbye to Selena and she was on his mind at the end, but he thought it far too unpredictable a thing to risk considering the dangers. While kissing her, he walked over to the plush couch and sat down, demonstrating the power of his body in keeping them stable. She was now straddling him on his lap and his hands had roamed to grab at her bottom generously. He pulled his lips from hers and smiled.
“I take it you’re impressed then?” He said, half joking.
“Someone has very naughty fingers.” Giana pointed out and began to push away and unbutton his layers of clothes while she was straddling his lap. She was too tipsy to focus on more than one thing at the moment, but her intent was quite clear.
Sacha went with the flow, of course, using his naughty fingers to unfasten the buttons on the back of her expensive dress. His hands then shamelessly pulled it down from around her shoulders. As she pulled at his dress shirt, his fingers were already in clasping her bra.
“You just want the hot beef, I see.”
Giana giggled, pushing off his jacket and button down and regarding him in his tight undershirt before she lifted that off too. “I love you, Sacha.”
He looked up at her with sparkling eyes, his gaze moving from her perfectly made-up face to her breasts. She had beautiful skin, pale and hydrated, and she was the picture of health. He smiled, his manhood growing beneath out of sheer attraction.
“I can’t believe I’m here with you, attending Court Parties and not being thrown out.” He said to her, his hands moving slowly up her exposed stomach. “I want to marry you.”
She smiled at him in that way that she gave to no one else. Her fingertips traced his strong features lovingly and she kissed him again. “I want to marry you too. I have for a long time.”
It was an honest statement; she had been wanting to marry him since they were teenagers in love doing stupid things. Her feelings hadn’t waned, but her sense had made her more cautious. Divorce wasn’t exactly an easy thing in the Empire and even if it was, it was practically unheard of for royal couples to meet their end that way. Even Giuseppe and Jessica would likely officially remain married until the man met his end. If he did. She stopped that train of thought there and focused her eyes on his while her hands slid down to his belt and pants.
“I’m really proud of you, Sacha.”
He looked at her with a similar loving expression. She was the girl of his dreams, and no one in his life had ever come close. He had been with many women in his time, from all walks of life, but in the back of his mind was always Giana Orsini.
“You’re so brave.” He said. “You never stop fighting to be your true self. I admire that about you. And for trusting me to be a man..I love you for that too.”
“Well, I’m trying to find my true self now, I guess. It may not be a smooth ride, I have a lot of things that I probably need to… examine and see if I want to hold onto, so thank you for being patient with me.” Her voice was practically a coo, giddy and tipsy. She giggled again and touched his lips with her fingertips.
“But I do know my true self definitely wants the hot beef.”
“Get the hot beef, mon cher.” He said, admiring her. She was giddy, and giggly, and girly, and he loved it. It was as if the burdens of her adult life had shuffled away and he was with just his Gigi again.
“Well if you insist.” She didn’t leave his lap immediately and instead reached back to pull her heels off of her feet and toss them aside like they weren’t ridiculously expensive. Once they were off, she stood carefully and let her dress fall down around her feet and it too was kicked away without a care in the world. It left her in those expensive dark pink panties that were still obviously damp, but she made no attempt to remove them. Instead she grabbed one of the throw pillows from the couch and put it down between his feet. She knelt down on it and finished undoing his belt and opening his pants. Considerate wasn’t exactly Giana’s default setting, but it surely was a treat when she was. She wasted no time in freeing his manhood and for a moment she simply stroked him with her hand while looking into his eyes until she eventually leaned in and set herself to task. He had tormented her at the party, she would return the favor in kind. She was quite skilled with her mouth, there was no doubt about that, and her hands gripped and massaged his strong thighs while she worked him. She did so enjoy being with him and she had no qualms about this kind of position with him, she wasn’t a princess in these moments nor was he a commoner comparatively; they were just a man and woman.
Sacha enjoyed what she offered, watching with interest and being very vocal about what he liked the most. As she gave him the best she had, he showered her with compliments and statements of love. As much as she knew how best to give, he knew how best to receive, making it a love-bombing experience. He also just closed his eyes at times and enjoyed it. He took pleasure in messing up her perfectly made hair.
Giana lapped up his praise with the same fervor as her tongue lapped against his length. She was avid in her efforts, happy to serve in the moment. She brought him close several times, but always backed up right before tipping him past that point. After about fifteen solid minutes, she finally pulled back and looked up into his eyes while she wiped her mouth of her saliva with the back of her hand. She enjoyed the pleased expression on his face and the way he was breathing harder from being brought so close so many times; she smiled at him.
“Mon soleil.”
“I’ve got naughty fingers and you’ve got naughty lips.” He said, looking down at her. “And you are quite the little tease.”
He motioned toward her, beckoning her to get close to him; to climb on to his lap and take what she wanted.
“You like it.” She retorted playfully and pulled her panties off while she was on her knees. As she stood, they fell the rest of the way down her legs and she stepped out of them while sliding into his lap. If he wanted his pants off more, he wouldn’t have invited her into his lap. She straddled him again and looked into his eyes while her hand found his manhood and easily guided him into the familiar space of her body. She worked herself down on him and a groan of pleasure escaped her lips. “Sacha… my Sacha.”
Sacha said nothing, but helped her to get onto him and, as he was eased into her warm space, he let out a pleased sigh like he was slipping into a hot tub. She felt wonderful, perhaps more now than ever, and he worried he wouldn’t make it very long after the treatment she’d given him on her knees. He groaned as well, and as she started to move, he helped her by setting a pace underneath her. She felt wonderful. They moved together that way for several minutes, staring at each other all the way through and kissing passionately. There was something different in her movements this time. She seemed more sure and less inhibited, and he was sure it wasn’t the alcohol.
Though Giana seemed like the type that would be upset by a short encounter, she never had been on the rare occasion Sacha had found himself too aroused to hold back because he had never been the type to leave her unsatisfied in those moments. Her body was pressed close to his and she didn’t mute her pleasured sounds as they moved as one. She held him, grabbed him, her fingers found his hair. She seemed determined to touch him anywhere and everywhere that felt right in the moment. Her lips found his again and she whispered against them. “Don’t hold back, Sacha. We have time.”
Sacha had been focusing on holding back just as she said, thinking of many a thing in his life to distract himself, but when she said that, he gave up the fight and he felt his body start to quicken. He grabbed onto her as she moved on him and his finish began. He grabbed her tight and pushed as much of himself inside as he could. He winced and moaned loudly, speaking in French and feeling her pulsate around him.
Giana stayed with him through his motions, her sounds of pleasure becoming more passionate as they moved together. She loved the feeling of his arms around her and it only served to draw her pleasure higher. Her hips moved even as she felt the tension in his legs and core release.
He kissed her softly, his strong chest heaving from his racing breath. As she climbed off of him, he laid down on his side on the couch and pulled her in beside himself. He didn’t care about the mess. As she came close to him, he used his naughty fingers to satisfy her as he had been satisfied.
It didn't take much effort from him to bring her to that moment; she had already been very close from riding him and with sweet, passionate moans she pressed her body into his and closed her eyes to just enjoy the moment with him. When she opened them again, she was breathing hard and she laid her head on her arm to try and catch her breath. "Gods..."
“Yes?” He asked, in an overly dramatic voice. Then he burst out laughing at the joke.
Giana laughed too, genuinely, and kissed him again. Her fingers found his hair and she pressed her cheek to his for a moment. "Come shower with me?"
“Oui”. He said, finally removing his hand from between her legs. They stood and walked over to the place where his pants rested on the floor and fished out his phone. “You go ahead. I’ll join you in a bit.”
He wanted to check his notifications, since he hadn’t looked at the device since the beginning of the party. He had a few messages from friends and a couple more from work, but the one that caught his eye was at the top from Selena.
Giana watched him grab his phone and hesitated for a moment. Now was probably as good a time as any.
"Sacha." She began and reached out with a hand to cover his phone; she wasn't trying to take it from him in the slightest, but simply covered the screen with her palm. She wanted his attention and when she had it, she looked up into his eyes. "I love you, I know you love me. I want to marry you, I know you want to marry me. I know you can live this life but...." She reached out to take his free hand with her own, briefly looking down and back up.
"You are one of the very few people in this world that I care about your happiness. You know that. I want you to be happy... will you be happy in this life Sacha? With a life like today?" She looked into his eyes earnestly, searching. Her love and concern for him was clear as day. She didn’t want to make his life miserable.
Sacha was surprised when she placed her hand over the phone. He looked at her, his other hand in hers, as they stood there naked. He watched her as she spoke to him, and as she asked him the question, he asked it of himself for the first time in quite a while. Would he be happy with days like today and a life like this?
“I enjoyed today, for the most part. It’s still not really my scene, but I’m handling it well.” He started, before pausing. He reconsidered his approach. “Look, Gigi, no one knows what will ultimately make them happy and I’m no different. But what I do know is that I want to walk this life with you. Everything else to me is..peripheral.”
She listened closely to his words and watched his eyes and expression as he spoke them. He had made his choice, and she could only pray to the gods it wasn’t the wrong one - for either of them. She gave him a smile and squeezed his hand again. “You’ve always made me the happiest and you are the one I want, Sacha.” She leaned in to kiss him again and then stepped back. “Don’t be too long. I know you get distracted.”
"I'll be in soon. I prefer to get distracted by you anyway." he chuckled, and then watched her go, his eyes trained on her fit form until she slipped past the open door and into the spacious bathroom. He looked down at his phone again, curious to see what Selena said more than anything else the device had to offer.
Who was that gato of a blonde guy sitting next to you?
Sacha smiled and shook his head. He wondered if the text message was meant to gauge his own response.
Helge? He was a butler sat down for a break he responded. Then he considered the question and had a distinct feeling the two of them would get on pretty well.
Pretty hot for a butler.
You and Giana look really good together by the way.
Sacha raised his eyebrow at the statement. He wasn't sure what to say at all.
Ten years ago, you promised to show me Santa Monica Pier. Very soon, California Girl, it'll be time for you to pay what you owe. I might even bring the butler along.
He put the phone down on the table then, knowing it was time to join Giana. Maybe he could have his wife and keep a good friend as well; maybe he couldn't. Only time would tell.