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Posted on Fri Oct 20th, 2023 @ 5:24pm by Lieutenant Marikit "Kit" Urso & Lieutenant Asher Stagg

Mission: S1 Episode 6: Joy and Ashes
Location: Various; Gladius
Timeline: Date 2371-09-01 at 2230
5429 words - 10.9 OF Standard Post Measure


In the Imperial Military, fitness was, of course, a must. Soldiers of the Empire needed to be fit and ready for anything the galaxy might throw at them. Still, the job attracted the sort of people who loved a good sweat and took a strong liking to knocking aliens around and vaporizing those weaker than themselves. For Asher, however, it was an escape. As gray tennis shoes met the material of the treadmill, the strong-jawed XO and Chief of Security was going nowhere fast, but did so with determined focus and a blank expression.

He came here every day late at night when most people were off sleeping, working, or drinking. He loved all of those other things and would get to them later, but for now he pushed himself to his limits and tested his own power, though for what he’d never known. He sighed to himself, considering the emptiness of the room, and wiped sweat from his forehead.

Another day keeping the ship together behind her, Marikit had decided a little late evening self care was in order and part of that involved hitting the gym. It was hardly ever busy. It never really had been but especially now that they had lost many of their crew, you’d rarely find more than two people in there at a time unless a group of NCOs had gotten together for some sort of work out-hang out combination. She tossed her water bottle between her hands just for something to do and took the turn that would lead her right to the doors of the gym. On entering she immediately clocked Stagg on the treadmill and gave a half wave of acknowledgement, figuring he wouldn’t really even notice, then moved to one of the two rowing machines that had been set up in the small space.

She put her water bottle and towel down, her short black shorts riding up dangerously high on her thighs but still managed to show nothing and while she was bent over she pulled off her shirt leaving her in her black and bright yellow patterned sports bra. She sat down in the seat, checked the equipment and resistance, and then started the methodical rowing motion.

At first, Asher didn’t take note of the new arrival, but when the color of her sports bra showed, his animal brain kicked in and he glanced in her direction. He used to be a bit of a wild one when he was a bit younger, and even a year ago, he would have tried to get into Kit’s pants. But the weight of responsibility had distracted him from all that.

“No shirt, no shoes, no service, Kit.” He said through heavy breathing, his eyes moving from the high place where her shorts met her skin and to the wall behind her..

“I’ve got a shirt, it's right there.” Kit replied with a grin but didn’t break her rhythm.

“Well, I’m no stickler for the rules anyway.” He said in a matter-of-fact tone. “But I'm pretty sure the age old saying requires the shirt to be on your body, Kit.”

“Little skin bothering you, Bambi?” Kit asked, a rebellious smirk touching her lips as she simply continued on. “I’m surprised you can clutch your pearls and keep pace.”

“Hey, we can talk about clutching my pearls later.” He said finally grinning, refusing to resist the joke. “But as for keeping pace, let’s say I know more about keeping rhythm than you might guess.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure you do.” She rolled her eyes but it was playful. The whirr of the rowing machine sounded against the steady beat of his running pace. “How have you been? Barely seen you more than in passing the past couple days.”

“And you miss me, do you? Finally come to admit you like it when I bark at you about those damn engines, hmm?” He asked, his torso swelling and contracting with the force of his athletic breathing. “I’m doing fine, as usual. Finding my goals and kicking down all the bull-shit in the way. How about you?”

“Bark? Is that what that noise is? Sounds more like harpy shrieking you know. You should work on that.” She licked her lips and looked up at his back as he ran. “Another day making sure we don’t shake apart at the seams randomly. Nothing interesting.”

If he was honest with himself, he knew he wanted her. That attitude turned him on, and he loved a good back and forth. His mind was, however, locked on being a good officer for once in his miserable life, and he was finally feeling the sting of still being a Lieutenant now that the crew of the Gladius needed him. He chuckled and stopped the machine, hoping off at the time limit and wiping it down quickly. He then grabbed his towel and turned around to face her, approaching as she worked on the rower.

“You’ll find that, like it or not, my bite is definitely worse than my bark. And speaking of things to argue about, I noticed our phaser response times have dipped nearly an eighth of a second this month.” He stopped next to her, his fit and tattooed arms over his chest, his face glistening with the sheen of his sweat. “So, what the fuck is that about?”

“Are you sure your knuckledraggers did the calibrations right?” She shot back with a roll of her eyes. “Remember when we did this dance last time and figured out your stupid ape man of a second threw everything out of alignment because he couldn’t read the big words and I spent a week cleaning up after that?”

“Of course I remember. I nearly made him wet himself for that.” He said, unphased by her dismissal or her rolling eyes. “Which is why I checked this time. This is Engimeering’s fuck-up this time.”

“So you’re telling me this right now why instead of telling me when you found out?” Kit asked, still rowing on the machine but obviously annoyed now.

“Well, obviously because I like pissing you off.” He said, giving little expression except to turn his head slightly. He then rotated and walked to a nearby weight set and started to stretch, beginning with his arms and going on to his neck and shoulders.

“No one likes a jackass, Bambi.” Kit huffed at him, watching him briefly as he stretched before she gave a bit of a snort and looked ahead of herself. She liked Stagg, usually, but there were times he seemed to just enjoy being a dick for no reason at all.

“I haven’t found that to be the case.” He said, finally cracking a perfectly white handsome grin. “Most people love a jackass when the time is right. Just, sometimes my timing is off, is all.”

“Timing is important, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you are bad at that. You can only count to ten after all. Twenty if your boots are off.” She taunted him, but it was all in good fun.

Asher chuckled immediately, displaying his love for a good taunt and nodding, showing he thought it was a good one.

“That’s a good night, Kitty.” He said with another chuckle. “And, with you, it would probably be half that.”

“Who needs counting? I just need to know what tool to hit a problem with until it submits, no?” She flashed a grin at him and finally finished on the machine for the moment. She sat there at the end, legs bent while her feet remained on the machine and she reached for her water to take a drink.

“When did you actually notice the phaser response dip?”

“A few hours ago, it was proven with a diagnostic. You were off duty and so I had Palmeri fill out a report and send it to Engineering.” He said. “I’m a tac officer; I’m good with percussive force, choke holds, and massive explosions. As for the precision work, I leave that to the boys.”

He climbed under the bar at the squat rack and placed the metal bar on his shoulders. The suggestive comment was accompanied by a glance that suggested his comfort with that kind of back and forth.

Kit laughed at that and finally stood, moving over to the cable machine after wiping down the rowing machine she had been using. She adjusted the machine so she could target her triceps and again adjusted the resistance. “Someone is probably already looking into it then, but I’ll make sure I have a look first thing in the morning to make sure it’s fixed.”

“Much obliged.” He said, arraigning the weight off of the rack and beginning to squat low with practiced movements, his lean muscles displaying their power and flexing as he moved. “So, you leave a boyfriend back on Terra, or what?”

He asked the question pointedly and bluntly, comically not beating around the bush.

“Like serious boyfriend?” Kit asked, one dark brow lifting as she glanced over at him. She’d have been blind if she hadn’t noticed the way he looked at her now and then, but she’d written it off as the general passing interest military men had in anything with even bitty titties like her own.

“I mean someone who would care if I took you out on a date or, I don’t know, maybe fuck you at your work station after hours?” He asked, his face straining with the weight of the high-tech bar. He spared a glance at her. “Hypothetically, of course.”

“Oh hypothetically of course, of course. Can’t say that I did leave anyone like that. I’m more of a string of broken hearts type girl.” She caught his gaze and winked at him. “Besides, I thought you’d be after Little Annie… hypothetically of course.”

“Annalise?” He asked, lifting the bar one last time and setting it down again. “What would make you think that?”

“Pretty sure a blind man could see the way you look at her there, Bambi.” Kit grinned again, devious this time in a way. Of course, worming his way into the Captain’s bed would also give him even more position on the ship, so the reality was likely everyone was expecting it to happen at some point.

“I never would have guessed.” He said, grinning and shaking his head. “You’re not the jealous type, are you, Kitty?”

“No point in jealousy when it's just supposed to be something fun, neh?” Kit replied with a smirk. She’d never really been the commitment type anyways and didn’t plan to change that any time soon. “Maybe Lieutenant Woof will beat you to it.”

“I don’t want to talk about her while I’m wowing you with my romantic moves.” He said, getting under the bar and starting to lift it again. “You have any plans tonight besides working out and then going back to your quarters to read books on lug nuts?”

Another chuckle passed her full, luscious lips. “I was going to kick whoever is in the holosuite out and hit up a spa program I have to get a nice massage and a bit of pampering. Bit of a self care day.”

Asher didn’t know anything about spas and had no expertise in massage-giving, but he liked the idea of her laying naked on a bed, moaning at the touch of his hands. He finished again and returned the bar, his breath moving his chest quicker now.

“Well, maybe you can pencil some time in afterward.”he said, stepping to her again. “You probably need to brush up on your hand to hand and breathing exercises, after all.”

Suddenly, Kit stopped what she was doing mid pull and turned to look at Asher. “Bambi, if you want to fuck me, just say you want to fuck me.”

He grinned.

“I want to fuck you.” He said, smooth and confident, his somewhat gravely baritone voice echoing in the small gym. “So have your spa day and then give me a call if you’re interested.”

Kit grinned herself and went back to what she was doing; she was at least going to finish part of her work out. “You could come with me, you know. You might enjoy it and you can even have a bath with soap.”

He seemed to consider it for a few seconds, debating in his mind whether he would like it or not. After a while he shrugged.

“What the hell. Why not?”

“That’s the spirit!” She declared almost with pride and flashed him another grin. “Look at you, Bambi, trying new things.” Finishing her set, she picked up her towel and water bottle and wandered over to him, now up in his space while he was moving and blatantly eyeing him up and down.

“I do like the way you move.”

“Well, we’ll see what you think later, won’t we?” He said, not flinching from her closeness. Unlike her, he kept his eyes right on her face and never wavered. She seemed ready to go, which was a good sign to him that she wanted him in more than just a casual way. Grabbing a towel, he wiped down the bar and threw it into a basket. Turning to her, he gestured toward the door. “Show the way to the fancy spa thing.”

“Fancy spa thing… gods.” Kit shook her head and lifted her hands. “Can’t believe you’ve never been to a spa, Bambi. What have you been doing with your life?”

Though she questioned him, she had already turned and walked out of the gym with him. It wasn’t far at all to the holosuite and thankfully it wasn’t even in use so they didn’t have to kick some poor soul out. With a few taps to the console outside the door, she opened the program and walked inside. The air around them was warm with a touch of humidity but not at all unpleasant. The breeze coming off of the bay was balmy and brought with it the smell of saltwater. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky from what they could see.

They were outdoors under a covered porch that was presented as a traditional wood and thatch design though it would have likely been made out of much more modern materials. Two massage tables were set up near them and behind those massage tables were two full bathtubs with what appeared to be a layer of tropical flower petals floating on each. Long towels were folded neatly and two robes were hanging up for them near privacy screens. On either side of the beds, two smiling attendants waited - one male and one female.

“Here we are - Badian Island.” Kit said and moved behind one of the screens to start taking off her clothes.

Asher took in the site as soon as he entered, noticing the island design of the spa area and the calm water of the lake beyond it. He took a deep breath, and received the fragrance with interest. Then his eyes moved over the massage tables and the tubs beyond.

“This is set up for two, Kit. Is this part of some masterplan you’ve had for a while?” he asked, grinning as he stepped up to the first table and placed his hands on the green cloth top. “I can only imagine you knew I would chat you up and set up a program ahead of time. Are you going to try and kill me and take my job? If I raid your quarters, will I find a vintage manila folder with the bold black title along the front, ‘Stagg Shag’?”

“Bold of you to assume you’re the first person I’ve shared this program with.” She shot back with ease and grabbed one of the towels to wrap around herself. “Though you wouldn’t be you if you weren’t full of yourself all the time.”

“I resent that, Kitty. I’m downright humble of heart. I didn’t assume you wanted me and I asked. A big step for me.” he said, stepping over to grab his towel. “So, which one of these things did your other men use? Just so I know..”

“Bold of you to assume it was a man.” Kit grinned wide and devious, giving him a wink as she moved over to the table where the male attendant was standing. “I figured you’d be weirded out by another dude rubbing you down so I gave you the girl.”

“Ooo, Kinky.” he said with an amused glance in her direction. He looked the female attendant over and regarded her for only a few seconds. She was average, meant to fade into the background. “Is this the part where you take your clothes off, or not? Not that I’d be looking of course. I’m not some damn animal.”

“Already naked, Bambi. Go behind there and take off all your clothes then hop on the table for the nice lady.” Kit instructed and waved to the privacy screen Asher was standing next to. She’d forgotten already that he would have no idea what he was doing; the thought of someone never having been to a spa was truly boggling to her. She being experienced as she was moved onto the table with ease and then shifted the towel open under her body. Her chest was obscured as she lay on it and the attendant folded the towel down her back and left it draped over her rear without flashing a single thing out in the open.

Asher watched more out of curiosity than anything else, and he took the lessons he saw to heart. Stepping back behind the barrier, he removed his clothing and wrapped the towel around his bottom half. Walking around the partition, he climbed on the table as she had and experienced the same treatment.

“So, what the hell’s the point of all this?”

“Rest and relaxation. Rejuvenation. Just plain, simple enjoyment.” Kit replied and then put her face down onto the open pillow and closed her eyes. “Just lay down and let the nice lady rub you. You’ll enjoy it I promise.”

“Right, rubbing. Not what I had in mind, but it’s damn close.” he said, putting his head down into the round pillow and closing his eyes. The woman started with his tense shoulders and the experience began. He had no idea how long he had laid there, sighing, grunting, and humming in a low voice, because the minutes melted away along with his tension. He wasn’t sure how good a real masseuse would be, but the computer sure knew what it was doing. He praised the gods for modern technology, and that wasn’t something he did often.

“Bambi. Ohhh Bambi~” Kit’s slightly raspy voice cut through with a sing-song note to pull him out of that mindless reverie that tended to happen when one was really enjoying a massage. She was standing next to him, her face down by his ear. “Wake up, Bambi.”

“Hmm?” he said more than asked, flinching quickly at her approach. An effective security guard sometimes had strong reactions, and he was no exception to that rule. Thankfully, he didn’t pop her in the nose for the surprise, but only looked at her with wide eyes and a jolt of his strong arms. “Is it over?”

When he jolted, Kit pulled back and laughed. “Yeah, well, at least that part is.”

Without waiting for him, she moved to the bath that was positioned in front of her bed. The attendant helped her, holding the towel up to cover her modesty as she stepped into the bath and then settled down into the pleasantly warm water. The flowers kept her body concealed and she let out a satisfied sigh.

“I used to work here.”

“You used to come to this place and rub people down on the daily?” he asked, standing up and making his way over to his bath. “Was this before or after you became an engineer in space, Kitty?”

His tone was irreverent, as usual, as the attendant helped him remain covered as he too lowered himself into the bath. Sighing and spreading out his tired limbs, he leaned back immediately and was at rest.

“Before and also while I was at the Academy. Had to make some money to party somehow, and you’d be amazed how much horny old men will tip a barely legal girl.” Marikit replied, not ashamed at all of it. “It was great money and I ended up with strong hands.”

“Ew.” he said, and then lifted a brow. “Actually, prove it.”

He chuckled and sank lower in the tub until the water was near his ears. He closed his eyes, really taking in the relaxation.

“So why this and not some shuttle repair gig?”

“Why would I want to just do more of what I was doing every day? This got me outside in the fresh air in a beautiful place and also got me discounts at the spa. The engineer that only works on engineering problems their whole life is such a weird thing. So boring.” Kit shrugged and leaned her head back against the padded rest.

“What made you pick a job as a grease-monkey anyway? Pretty girl like you, I thought you might go into cosmetics or something else sexist.” he said, clearly indicating it was a joke, though he didn’t chuckle at it. His silence said he was listening even if his nonchalant attitude seemed to indicate otherwise.

“Well, I might not have wanted to make my whole waking life revolve around engineering, but I’m really good at it and always have been. My dad would take me around to odd jobs he would do just to get me out of my mom’s hair while she was taking care of my siblings. He started letting me help in the way that an adult would let a kid ‘help’ on a task… then he figured out that actually I could help him because I just… got it. I guess.” Another shrug; she tried not to make things into a big deal.

“Why Starfleet? Why not stay close to home so you can get in your mothers hair and massage sweaty old men while you do something that makes you more money?”

“So, my parents didn’t believe in any sort of birth control measures, and I am the oldest of twelve children. The only safe place was in space.” She grinned, though it was bittersweet. Her family was overwhelming, but they were still her family and she missed them all.

He opened his eyes and looked at her, his brows raised.

“Holy shit, Kit. That’s insane.” he said, blinking. “I’ve never known anyone with more than four or five siblings. Does that mean you came to space to get some fucking peace and quiet?”

“Yes, yes I did.” She chuckled again and shook her head. “See when you’re in a family that big, as the oldest I was expected to help care for all the kids. Another part of the reason dad would take me out to jobs was to give me a break from all of that too. I love my siblings, but I wanted to do my own thing when I got older, not play third parent, so I signed up for the Academy as soon as I was able.”

“I don’t blame you.” he said with a shrug. “I was the baby of my family. Just my dad, my older brother, my oldest sister, and me. Mom died when I was seven. Dad was a marine. So fuck him, right?”

“Sorry, that must have been hard on you guys.” Kit turned to glance at him. “Let me guess, instead of coming back home and taking care of you guys he stayed away?”

“We stayed away, actually. We went base to base wherever he was. I was throwing punches before I could talk and grew up around military culture. The real culture that you see in the lounge and the gym. I guess that’s the reason I’m so fucked up. Oh well.” he said with a glance at the wooden ceiling. “Dad was an asshole, but not a monster. Still, I always liked finding ways to stick it to the old man. Joining the fleet was the last time I did that.”

“At least he was around, I guess? More than I can say for most men when their kids’ mom dies.” She blinked and turned to look back out at the beautiful view of the bay. “He wanted you to be a marine like him? Or just stay out of the military entirely?”

“He was a marine and so was his father. I broke the cycle. Maybe that’s what killed him.” Asher said, looking down for a second and falling silent. He thought having too much family sounded good actually, but he wasn’t planning on mentioning that. “I don’t know, sometimes I wish I could take it all back. But life isn’t like that.”

“What did your older brother do? Wouldn’t that particular ‘honor’ fall to him since he was the oldest?” Kit slid her hands up and down her body, rubbing at her hands and hips in an idle way. She knew Asher had some damage - everyone knew it - but nobody really knew where it all stemmed from.

“The older brother is a brainiac with all his muscles in his head. He’s in business finance; has too much money flowing out of his ears to think about legacy. And my sister plays tennis professionally.” he looked at her, leaning up then. “As you can see, I’m the successful one.”

“Dunno, seem successful to me just in a different way than your siblings.” She pointed out and brought her hands up out of the water, flexing them a few times. “Give yourself some credit, Bambi.”

He pursed his lips for a second and lifted his eyebrows, but said nothing for a long while.

“At least I’m great in bed.”

“I think I have to be the judge of that, Bambi. Your hand isn’t really a reliable witness you know.” She teased and winked at him then shifted around in the bath with a sigh. “Does your left get jealous of your right?”

“Why would he be? I used both.” he said, seeming genuinely confused by the question. “At the same time.”

Only when the joke was out did he allow himself a single quiet chuckle.

“Does your jaw get tired?”

“Depends on how much I like the person.” Kit flashed a grin. “So what do you do, a little of this?” She moved one hand in a suggestive motion. “This?” She moved the other in a different but equally suggestive motion. “Or do you just go full out-” She put her fingers together in an open circle and moved them up and down.

“More like this.” He moved his hands outside the tub on either side and moved them side to side as if there were two men standing there. He chuckled and lowered his hands back into the water. “Do you do this?”

He moved his finger in one spot on the edge of the tub, signifying a gentle suggestive motion, “Or this?” he moved the other hand to the other side of the top and started repeatedly flicking it with his thumb and middle finger.”

“Oh no. I dive straight in with the power tools. I’m an engineer.” She burst out laughing then, the water shifting around her petite body.

“So a hyperspanner, or are you more of an old-school girl?”

“I keep a small canister of warp plasma by my bed to power all my toys.” She was still grinning and giggling, her smile white and radiant. “You know maybe I could even make something for you. Suck the soul right out of you.”

“I’m not much for machines, Kitty. I was thinking you might do that yourself.” he said before standing up suddenly. It was quicker than the attendant could have anticipated, so her putting the towel in front of him was delayed by nearly two seconds. Unbothered he stepped out of the tub and began to dry himself while the poor simulated girl did her best to black Kit’s view. When he was done he stepped out to the balconing that looked out at the beautiful scene of the lake and beyond. “This is a beautiful place. Where is it, exactly?”

“Badian Island - or Zaragosa Island if you prefer - is in the Philippines.” Kit supplied, remaining in the tub but watching Asher with interest - at least what she could see of him with the poor hologram trying to protect his modesty or her eyes. She wasn’t sure which.

“I’ve been everywhere, but I’ve never been to the Philippines.” he responded, drifting into temporary quiet as the sound of birds could be heard chirping across the water. “Maybe, if we ever get back home, I can see it in person. Hell, maybe they’ll turn you out of the service for dishonorable conduct and I can come to this very place and have you feel me up for some cash.”

“Dishonorable hm? What have I done that is so dishonorable, Bambi?” Kit shifted in the tub then, moving to the end near to Asher and folding her arms over the lip of the tub.

“Kitty, it’s what you’re going to do.” he said, his tone even and confident, just a hint of a smile in it, though his head was turned away from her and into the mountains. “Disturbing the peace.”

“Oh is that so? What are you going to be doing then?” She challenged, amusement still in her voice. It seemed he had enjoyed the little break and for that she was glad. Things could get heated between them now and then, but she liked Asher overall.

“Laying on top of you, pinning your arms down. Covering your mouth to get you to shut the fuck up.” he said, and then he smiled down at the bannister. Then he turned around and faced her. “You’re welcome.”

This time, Kit knew what he wanted from her and instead of giving it to him, she kept her warm brown eyes firmly focused on his handsome face. “Aw is that you trying to save my career, Bambi? How sweet of you.”

“I never leave a man behind, soldier.” he said. At that moment, the desire to smoke came to him for the first time in months. There was something about being planet-side that brought back the life in him.

“Well good, cowardice wouldn’t suit you; would ruin your whole entire image you know.” She brought her hands up together and created a rectangle with them, framing his face and torso in it as if it were a picture. “Now are you gonna come get me and fuck me or should I just play in the water for a while longer?”

“I’ve got my own plans for getting you soaking wet.” he said, leaning on the bannister for a few more seconds rather than rushing over. Then he came with slow strong strides, the towel around his waist moving with the flow of the breeze. Stopping in front of the tub, he offered his hand, looking down at her and allowing his eyes to linger on her gorgeous face.

Kit sat there for a moment longer and then took his hand, standing up easily with his help. The water flowed down her body and bits of flower petal stuck to her soft brown skin. She wasn’t any sort of voluptuous beauty, her breasts were barely there and her hips only had the slightest curve. Her rear end was small, but was probably the cutest thing about her, plump and fit. Still there was a certain beauty to her, those pretty eyes, those large pouting lips.

“Show me.”



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