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Another Night

Posted on Fri Oct 20th, 2023 @ 6:56pm by Lieutenant Marikit "Kit" Urso & Lieutenant Asher Stagg

Mission: S1 Episode 6: Joy and Ashes
Location: Various; Gladius
Timeline: Date 2371-09-02 at 1700
5785 words - 11.6 OF Standard Post Measure

After a surprisingly restful night of sleep, Marikit found herself up early and feeling refreshed. Between her visit to the spa and then a couple hours rolling around with Stagg, she was relaxed in a way she hadn’t been for a while. As she had promised, she had gone first thing to check on the status of the weapons and found the adjustments mostly complete. With a bit of her own personal attention, the job was done and all was right in the world for the tactical officers once more. She strolled down the hall with a PADD in hand containing her report; it wasn’t unusual for her to bring her reports directly given she was so often moving about the ship fixing or inspecting one thing or another. She came to a stop outside of Stagg’s office and hit the chime.

“Come in.” Stagg said from inside his office, his voice sounding slightly irritated at the sound of the chime.

Without delay, she walked in and gave him a friendly smile. “Morning. Phaser alignment is all fixed for you.” She said and walked the PADD over to his desk, putting it down in the middle.

“Hey.” He said with a grin, accepting the PADD from her and perusing its contents. He looked at her for a moment, though he still held the device up. “How’s your alignment there, Kitty?”

The night had certainly been extremely relaxing and memorable for him as well. In bed, the two of them were as good a match as anyone could reasonably make; all dirty talk and challenge and downright fun. He couldn’t help but look her up and down as she entered.

“I’m just fine, Bambi. What about yourself? Not sitting on a bag of frozen peas down there, are you?” Kit shot back with a grin and put a hand on her hip.

“It takes more than that to knock me down.” He said with a chuckle, turning his eyes back to the report. “Though that thing you did with your hips up against the wall…what was that called?”

“Oh, the swirl? You liked the swirl.” She gave him a wink and moved her hands to the back of the chair she was standing behind. “Quite a lot, if I remember correctly.”

“Yeah, it made an impression.” He said. “And you liked doing it quite a lot.”

He set the PADD down on his desk and picked up a stylus to make a note on a nearby screen.

“Yes, I did.” She confirmed with a smile. “I’ll get out of your hair, I know you’re busy. I just wanted to come and let you know that the problem was fixed.”

He looked up at her, his eyes scanning her body and regarding her uniform, a marked downgrade from her adornment of the night before. Her slim stomach and legs were visible, but everything else was well covered. He looked at her lips then, and stood, slowly rounding the desk and approaching her, very slowly.

“You’re very thoughtful to come all this way instead of sending some grunt.” He said, his gruff voice low. They were completely alone, yet still he barely broke a whisper, his hazel eyes trained in hers until they were standing close enough to barely be touching. She’d always been like a magnet to him, but he’d ignored it for months in hopes of maintaining his professional distance and trying, at long last, to be a good officer.

“Yeah well, I’m just a nice person, Bambi.” Kit replied and reached out to pick a piece of lint from his uniform and flicked it away. “Also a very busy person. Everyone wants my attention today, are you insanely jealous?” She asked with a smirk and looked up into his eyes; the intensity there was quite plain to her.

“Me? Nooo.” He said, shaking his head. Then he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, soft and inviting; surprisingly tender considering who he was. “But I might just keep you here anyway, just in case I change my mind. I could tie you up and tell your department your…recalibrating my replicator.”

Her hand found the nape of his neck and her fingers teased the back of his scalp there as she returned his kiss, her own tender and warm which was different and yet not with what they had shared the evening before. She lingered only a moment and then smiled at him again. “You could, but then people would have questions and then they’d get upset that I’m not around.”

“So?” He asked, putting his hands on her hips and drawing her to him without another word. Kissing her, he swung her around with a simple motion of his arm and pushed her roughly against the desk. “My replicator is really fucked up.”

“I can tell.” She said with a chuckle, not fighting the motion as he swung her around though she braced her arms on his desk so she didn’t go down on it totally. “But I gotta get back to work, Bambi. I’ll come by during lunch or after shift and give your replicator my personal and complete attention. I promise.”

He leaned in and kissed her neck several times, dipping down slightly below her starched golden collar before stopping, taking her hand, and helping her gently off the desk.

“Nah, I’m working through lunch. I’ll have to catch you later” he said, not offering any explanation. “This was almost as fun as us shouting at each other. Maybe I’ll try this next time I need something fixed around here instead of knocking all the shit off your desk.”

“Working? You work, Bambi?” Kit gave his hand a squeeze as she teased him. “What’s so important during lunch that you can’t make time for the Swirl?”

“Well, you see, I’m trying to keep up with all this bullshit paperwork. Being a command officer isn't worth anything.”

He showed a sign of the anxiety he was feeling, but only for an instant before he hid it again behind strong folded arms. He wasn’t the most forthright person when it came down to it.

“But, if you really want to fit me in later, we can go to -“ he paused suddenly, seeming to think. To hesitate. “My quarters.”

Kit would have had to be completely blind to miss the anxiety and hesitation Asher was displaying. It was certainly uncharacteristic of him. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back on his desk. “My power tools make you nervous?”

While it was spoken in teasing, the way she said it and the look in her eyes were gently probing, trying to figure out what had thrown him off.

“No, not at all. We can go to yours too if you want.” He said, grinning like nothing was wrong at all. “I’m pretty skilled with using power tools myself, so I might have to lend you a helping hand.”

He was either ignoring her, or didn’t even notice. She looked at him for a moment longer and drummed her fingers on her arm. “What’s the problem, Bambi? You okay?”

He arched an eyebrow at her for a moment and then shook his head.

“I’m fine. It’s nothing at all to worry about. Let’s go to your place.” He said, and gave no more on the subject.

“Uh huh.” Kit clearly didn’t believe him and she made absolutely no attempt to hide that fact. She just stared at him for a moment longer and then suddenly stood back up from where she had been leaning. “Well okay then. I’ll see you later I guess?”

“I'll come showered up this time.” He said with a wink before moving back to his desk and sitting down again.

“Yeah, with soap.” She moved to the door then but stopped just before it opened. She didn’t turn around to face him, but spoke again. “Listen, I don’t know what’s bothering you and we don’t have to talk about it, but I’m around if you change your mind or just want to throw things at me.”

He was brusque and direct as hell, but he was no idiot. He knew what she was trying to do: signal care, however superficial. And while he could dish that out just fine, he had a bear of a time taking it from others. His heart rate increased and he felt himself losing his nonchalant mask, somewhat. For a boy without a mother, women were a goal. He didn’t know what to do when he caught them, and he didn’t want her to know that. If she did, it would be over. Whatever “it” was.

“I’ll see you later.” He said, giving a half grin half pained expression, suppressing his desire to mock her and push her away before she got the chance to do it for him.

Kit didn’t turn to look at him; she really didn’t need to. He’d either listen or he would brush her off, and in the end it didn’t really matter one way or the other to her - he was the one that had to deal with his demons. “Bye, Bambi.”

She lifted a hand in a backward wave and stepped out of his office without another word.

Several hours later, Asher finished his shift with some time on the Bridge. A bit beat from hard work of a kind which he still wasn’t accustomed to, he returned to his quarters and hopped in the shower. Emerging then, he brushed his teeth, applied a spicy and sweet cologne, and pulled on a pair of dark blue faded jeans and a black t-shirt that hugged the fit shape of his torso splendidly. He then grabbed a bottle of orange liquid and walked down the hall to Urso’s quarters. Pressing the chime, he checked to see if anyone was watching him.

From inside of Marikit’s quarters, Asher would be able to hear a heavy drum beat and the strum of a bass line while over top was the higher wailing of a guitar. He might have almost thought she wouldn’t have heard the chime sound through the music, but suddenly it stopped and the door opened. Kit stood there in a black tank top slapped with some band’s logo and a pair of blue shorts that were so short they could barely be called as such. She looked up at Asher and for a moment almost seemed surprised to see him.

“Hey, Bambi.” She greeted him warmly and stepped out of the way. “Come on in.”

“Expecting someone else, are you?” He asked, stepping inside as he was invited. “Some other booty call of yours? Or you just didn’t expect me to look so good?”

“I didn’t know you owned a shirt that wasn’t standard issue.” She quipped back easily as the door closed behind him. Organized chaos seemed to be the theme of her quarters; there was stuff everywhere. Knickknacks, art, pictures of her family, a plant, some books, a mountain of PADDs, and what looked like small bits of equipment were scattered over every surface of her room. It didn’t give the impression of being dirty, but it was definitely chaotic.

“You hungry?”

He reached for her and placed his hands on her hips immediately, leaning in and kissing her gently before backing up and giving her space again.

“I haven’t eaten all day.” He said simply before releasing her and turning to get a good look at her quarters. He noticed the clutter in the already small cabin and his eyes fell on all of her belongings. It wasn’t too different from his own room, in the grand scheme of things.

Kit’s decor reflected her accurately, bright and eccentric with loud unapologetic colors and patterns that seemed like they might clash, but somehow worked together. On her desk was a concentration of pictures of her family in frames that looked like they had been made by young children.

“Well you’re in for a treat then, I decided to cook today and made kare-kare.” She stepped over to the single counter that served as an area for a standalone burner and some food storage and picked up a small pot from it, bringing it over to the table which was just covered in PADDs and projects.

“Whoops.” She said mostly to herself, finding a place to put the pot down and then hurriedly cleaned off the table, haphazardly stacking everything and then dropping it all down into her sitting chair. “What did you bring to drink there?”

He watched her move, debating with himself whether she had prepared the meal for him or not. He wasn’t sure if he wanted the answer to be yes or no on that one, so he tried to force the thought away as she cleared a spot for the pot.

“Is a spice whiskey from Bajor. It’s got the strength of whiskey but tastes a bit more like wine. I thought you might like it, considering you’re a woman.” He said, unceremoniously pulling up a chair and sitting down at her crowded table. “Now, don’t think I don’t know what kare-kare is. I do. Believe that. But I want to make sure you know. Tell me all about it.”

“Aw, don’t worry, Bambi. I won’t tell anyone you like the girly drinks.” She winked at him, grabbing a couple of bowls and spoons out of her cabinet. She quickly made sure they were clean and was relieved to find they were. “Kare-kare is one of the true native dishes of the Philippines; it’s a stew. Various regions make it differently, but pretty much all of them have a base of oxtail, then you’ll find various combinations of beef and pork… parts. I leave the ingredients that most are considered an acquired taste out though. The other pretty staple element is a peanut sauce, then you’ll have different vegetables and spices. I know it probably sounds weird if you aren’t really into Filipino food, but people seem to like it. If you don’t, I have a working replicator.”

She opened the pot and began to portion out servings of the fragrant golden colored stew mixed with all its meat, vegetables, and rice. She put his bowl down in front of him, then quirked a brow. “Do we need ice for your frilly drink?”

“You might want ice with it. And you call it frilly now, but we’ll see what you say after you take a few sips and can’t see straight.” He said with a nod of his head. “Be careful, I might just have my way with you.”

He pulled his bowl toward him and looked down into it. It looked slightly foreign, but not overly so. Not that he would have minded either way. He was adventurous and was less of a picky eater than the average Terran by far and loved to try new things. He picked up his spoon with no trouble and took his first bite. He gave her an approving smile and a nod.

“Bold move coming to the door in your underwear.” He said with a glance in her direction.

“Comfortable loungewear.” She corrected without missing a beat. She was pleased he seemed to be enjoying the food or at the very least he was intelligent enough to just smile and nod; it wasn’t like it was Bolian food. Instead of getting up for ice she reached for the bottle he had brought with him, opened it, and then put it back on the table between them.

“If I’d known, I’d have come in my speedo.” he said, jabbing at her playfully again. He reached for the drink and poured a small amount of it for her first and then for him. Sitting the bottle down, he nodded toward her glass. “Give it a try. I’m not sure if you’re a fruity girl or a sour girl, but we’re about to find out.”

“I don’t know if I want to be looking at those hairy legs in a Speedo.” She pointed out with a smirk while picking up the glass of alcohol. She gave it a sniff and peered down at the liquid, then shrugged and downed it all in one gulp. She felt the burn instantly, and sucked in a breath, closed one eye, then gave a grin.


“Hell yeah.” he said with a smile and drank his as well. He didn’t have much of a response to the burn, however. He leaned the bottle toward her, his eyebrow raised to ask her if she wanted more. “It’s not the only thing that’ll be tingly. The Bajorans call this drink ‘love potion’. It’s kinda like tequila makes your clothes fall off, but worse. I’ve never tried it before now. Little sweet for my taste, but I think it will get the job done.”

“Aw, Bambi, you don’t need a love potion to get my clothes off.” She winked at him and then nudged her glass a bit more under the waiting bottle. “But it’s delicious. Give me more.”

“Apparently it intensifies the female orgasm.” he said, pouring more into her glass than before this time. “This is why I love to travel, Kitty. The chance to try new things and…the chance to intensify the female orgasm.”

He poured more for himself as well, but drank only half of it before sitting it down again and getting back to his bowl. “This would be great with white rice.”

“There’s rice in it already, you weirdo. If you want more though the replicator is right there. It even works.” Kit said and pointed to the device on the wall briefly before returning her attention to her meal. She hadn’t made this in a long time; she supposed talking to him even briefly about her throng of siblings had made her think of it.

“Oh fuck.” he said, and then chuckled loudly. “I knew that, I was just testing you.”

He took several scoops into his mouth, being less careful than perhaps he should have and splashing some of the liquid on his black shirt. He noticed, but he didn’t care and chewed with an energy that was perhaps inherent to his character as a man.

“So, tell me what your big plan is?” he said, looking at her. “Making big meals for a man is suspicious behavior. You’re not trying to fatten me up so you can settle down with me and have seventeen children, are you? You’re not out hunting for the White Stagg, because I’m…like super busy right now.”

“Gods no.” Kit sounded genuinely horrified by the thought. “I don’t even know if I want any, but certainly not seventeen and certainly not now.” It was strange, there was a certain amount of anxiety in her voice like she had heard these kinds of questions and comments often and from a young age.

He’d been joking, obviously, but the best jokes always had some truth to them. He was watching her, keeping it light, but always watching.

“I’m just checking to see if the sex was so good you fell in love, is all.” he said, drinking more of the whiskey from his glass. His move wasn’t apologetic, but he knew to get away from the subject of children quickly, not only from her reaction but because it was a terrible conversation topic for a booty call. He liked to play with fire a bit, one of his most interesting traits, but not long enough to get burned. “I’m only fucking with you, Kitty.”

“Gods you are the worst.” Kit rolled her eyes and as she did so she took a healthy drink of the whiskey. She thumped the glass back down on the table and looked into his eyes. “You’re lucky you’ve got a nice dick to make up for being one.”

“That’s the grand strategy. Maybe I’m compensating for something but it's just the other way around.” he said. He was starting to feel the drink, warm in his stomach, and the hype was more true than he’d honestly expected. Between his legs, he felt a low heat, a pressure he had only felt rarely since puberty. He was suddenly intensely horny. He decided not to say anything about it and see where things went.

“Uh huh.” Was her only reply, though her eyes didn’t leave him this time. Her fingers played with the glass which she lifted to take another drink from. Kit was no stranger to alcohol, but with her petite body it took significantly less for her to feel it especially when she wasn’t pacing herself… which she was most certainly not.

“Okay dinners done, let’s get to it.”

He chuckled, his unasked question answered.

“Are you serious, Urso? I’m starving.” he said, jiggling his spoon in his bowl. His face seemed serious, but a certain twinkle in his eye indicated he was messing with her. He took another bite then, willing himself to ignore the feeling between his legs; the protruding erection which would have been obvious were he not wearing jeans. “You’re the one who suggested I eat in the first place.”

Kit was up in an instant, rounding the table and then plopped herself down in his lap without invitation or apology. “I didn’t know you ate at a fucking glacial pace.”

“I like to enjoy my food. I’m not a dog.” he said, leaning back and feeling the fire flare up where she sat. He was certain she felt him hard against her, and her sitting there put a lot more pressure on him. He reached a hand around and placed it on her leg, but exercised some self control.

“You okay, Kit? You’re a bit..warmer than usual.”

“Am I?” She started to move her hips in a way she had very quickly figured out drove him mad the previous evening. “Couldn’t tell. Also I feel like I’m sitting on a rock.”

“That’s an understatement.” He said, his voice low, whiny in his own way. Without moving the hand which rested still on her leg, he leaned forward and found the nape of her neck. He breathed there for a while and then, very slowly, started to kiss her there. He was teasingly slow about it, making her wait and forcing her to agonize. “Why don’t you get the fuck off me so I can finish my food, Kitty?”

“Or, hear me out,” she began in a low voice. Her lips found the line of his jaw and traced along it teasingly up to his ear. “How about no.”

He leaned back in his chair more, trying to make room in his pants for the protrusion which was getting rather uncomfortable the more she teased him. Visibly, though, he moved his hand around and took hold of his spoon even as his lips parted and he masked a pleased moan as she spoke in his ear.

Apparently it didn’t just affect women. Kit grinned against his soft skin and nibbled under his ear playfully. One hand slid down between them and to the front of his jeans. “Mm yep, definitely a rock. You should get that checked out.”

Instantly she was up off of his lap and stretched dramatically by his side. “Well eat up then.”

“That’s the spirit.” he said, and took a bite. Sitting there for just a few more seconds, he looked at her to enjoy the expression on her face, and then he stood up, grabbing her by the arm and walking toward her bed slowly. “Actually, you know what? I have something tastier in mind.”

He had her arm, and then he didn’t. Kit wasn’t much of a fighter, but she was a Terran soldier and that came with a certain basic knowledge of how to fight and how to escape. She slipped his grip and swung back to the table, picking up her bowl and spoon and taking another bite of food while she faced him.

“Mmm you said dinner.” She noted after swallowing and scooped out another bite. “So dinner.” She took the bite off the spoon.

Now it was a game of chicken, and he knew it for sure. He looked at her with a challenging smile before slipping back to the table, picking up his bowl and taking another bit of the soup.

“This is a win win, Kitty Cat.” he said, shaking his head. “You play too much, you know.”

Kit slid back down into her own seat, but instead of sitting like a normal person, she was up on her knees and leaning forward on the table and thus showed off her quite modest but still visible cleavage. He didn’t seem to mind at all that she was lacking in the assets department; she made up for it with fun and fire.

“I’m not the one wearing very restricting jeans.” She pointed out and played with the edge of her spoon against her lips and the tip of her tongue in a highly suggestive way.

“Maybe I like to play hard to get.” he said, reaching down with one hand and quickly undoing the button on the jeans. He stopped there, though, leaving the rest to be desired. He sat the bowl down and picked up the bottle, pouring himself another half a glass, enough to get him most of the way there to drunk. He did the same to her, pouring hers half way up. “I dare you. I double dare you.”

He poured her a bit more, and then he did the same for himself.

“Dare me to what? Drink this?” She asked with a laugh and picked up the glass. “Not much of a dare.”

“So do it.” he said, leaning as he picked up his glass. Standing close to her, he leaned in and kissed her, passionate and quick, allowing himself to linger there, touching her, and then kissing her again. Pulling back, he lifted the bottle then and filled her glass, then his. “Cheers”

“Cheers.” She clinked glasses with him with one hand while the other went immediately to his pants and unzipped them, relieving a considerable amount of the pressure he was feeling.

“There, don’t say I’ve never done nothin’ nice for you.” Grinning, Kit took a healthy gulp of the drink.

Asher turned his up and drank the entire thing in one go. When he was done, he put the glass down on the table and then nudged his jeans down to the floor. His relief at his newfound freedom was noticeable on his face, and the protrusion was strikingly apparent.

“Well, I think the Bajorans were right, Kitty. I don’t think I could even get my pants back on.” he said, stepping out of them and standing there in his black and white polka dot boxers.

From her still seated position, Kit was basically eye level with his groin area. She nursed her drink and then reached out with the other hand, starting to idly bat at his covered length and move it around in a way that made her giggle. She was gentle of course, but it did strike as something a cat would do with a toy. “Kinda seems like not.”

Nothing could have made it much worse for him than what she was doing now. It was the ultimate tease and promised more.

“Alright, let’s go.” He said, impatience in his voice. He immediately regretted it, knowing it would only make things worse if she wasn’t exactly where he was. “I’m full.”

“I’m not.” Kit replied and then down the rest of the liquid in her glass quickly. She licked the rest off of her lips and then looked up at him, her eyes heated. “Fix it.”

With a move of his hand, he shifted down the boxer as well, and stepped closer to her. He intended to do just what she asked.

They spent the next hour or so wrapped up in each other and the effects of the Bajoran alcohol. It has most definitely worked as intended not only for Kit, but for Asher as well. It had been fiery and fun without at care for anything in the world but the shared moment between them. They had left several places in her room that would need a thorough cleaning by the slaves in the morning while she was on shift. They'd ended up in her bed, tangled up with bright laughter, moans, teasing, and kisses until they had finally reached their limit.

Kit was sitting up slightly, her shoulders and head up against the headboard. Her eyes were closed and she just seemed to be enjoying the moment of afterglow. The experience had been quite intense and she had enjoyed it immensely. Taking a slow, deep breath, she let it out in a contented sigh.

He’d certainly enjoyed himself and once their fun had started, he didn’t do a lot of holding back. Both of them were no strangers to adventure, and they had explored each other’s bodies and, in a way, each other's minds, as their energetic sex intensified. It hadn’t been quiet, and he was perfectly happy with that. His style was in having fun at all costs and pushing boundaries; his approach was somewhat selfish in its nature, doing whatever he wanted and whenever, which just happened to be very pleasurable for her as well.

Like Kit, he was sitting up slightly against the headboard, but his hazel eyes were on the ceiling above them. He looked at the arched curve of it, similar to the one on his cabin but facing the opposite direction. His clothes lay forgotten on the floor and just the blankets covered him from underneath his toned stomach. Like her comment signified, he had a moderate amount of hair on his body, making him look more manly than animal.

“Fuck. That was great.” He said with a bit of a groan. “The Bajorans were right about the O’s too. Every time you had one, I thought you might break me in half; and I’m not talking about my legs.”

Kit laughed softly at that and turned to face him, holding the blanket up on her chest so it didn’t slide off of her. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed or shy, but it was a force of habit to remain covered unless one was in the heat of the moment. One never knew who might just wander into the room at any given moment. “Yeah, definitely felt like it. Super intense and working as intended.”

He turned to her and leaned in, gave her a kiss on the lips, and shifted out of the bed. Standing tall, he gathered his clothing from the floor and tossed them into her bathroom.

“I‘ve gotta get going. I need to pay a visit to Annalise so we can meet about our next destination. We’re in need of some supplies.” He said, not bothered by the typically awkwardness of the end of their rendezvous. He lived in the moment in most things, and the moment seemed to be over. Walking into the bathroom, he left the door open and looked at himself in the mirror, grabbing an extra washcloth, he washed up simply in the sink, ignoring the possibility of being seen, as Kit’s bed was out of sight from where he stood.

“Yeah we are.” Kit sprawled out in her bed, turning her head and putting it down on her arm. She gave him his space and privacy despite what they had just been engaged in and she didn’t seem particularly bothered by the afterwards. They were adults and this was for fun. “I sent you a list. Don’t ignore my list.”

“Fuck your list, I got what I wanted.” he said from the bathroom, and then followed the statement up with a hearty and unapologetic laugh. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out on your own. You’re resourceful.”

“I am, but you remember the last time I was resourceful because you ignored my list? You didn’t like it.” Kit pointed out with a grin of her own while she lay there. “Also hurry the fuck up what are you doing in there anyways?”

“Finishing the job, Kitty Cat. Finishing the job.” he said, looking at his own dangerously handsome smile in the mirror. The angular face was complemented by his facial hair and hair style, making him look hypermasculine. He stepped out in his clothes from earlier, looking at her still in bed. “I’ll look at your list tonight. I’m Mr. Diligent now, apparently. That way, you don’t have to go over my head again, making me look like a fucking idiot, and I don’t have to bend you over a console in front of your team and spank your little ass. I have some experience with that now, so it would be an impressive sight for them.”

“Jokes on you, I’m into that shit, but I got some doubts you enjoyed looking like an idiot.” She pulled herself up out of the bed and stood in front of him, tilting her head back to look into his eyes. “So you go be Mr. Diligent, Bambi, make Annie happy.”

“And you stay here and…think about hardware.” he said, grinning and leaning in to kiss her again. It was a nice thing they had, with no titles, expectations, or definitions besides lightness and fun. Exactly what he wanted. Or, at least, so he thought.

Kit returned his kiss with her hands on his hips, and then she promptly let him go and sidestepped him to head into the bathroom, but not without delivering a swift smack to his rear end on the way by.

“Bye, Bambi.”



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