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Making A Start, Part I

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 10:52am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Cael Maz & Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Lionel Morrison & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Briefing Room, Deck 1
Timeline: MD 4, 0715 Hours
1533 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The Daily Briefing for Senior Officers proved a regular occasion for the most highly ranked people on the ship to get on the same page and to stay there. This particular meeting, however, had the added purpose of briefing the senior staff on their first mission. Nothing was known about it outside of the command staff, but most anticipated it would have something to do with the Empire's war with the Alliance. Whatever the subject, this meeting would last longer than they typically did.

A slave assigned to the command department, the most highly ranked slave on the ship with a rank of "1", placed glasses, in front of each seat and, in the center of the table, she placed pitchers of water, apple juice, and orange juice. She was half Terran, but it was her Elysian half that made her capable of being enslaved. She was attractive with tan skin and a firm body. Cyrus watched her as she worked, not for the first time wondering how she had climbed to the top of the ladder among the ship's slaves and why her evaluations had been so high. Of course, it would be up to him to decide the rankings from now on. They were the only two in the room.

"Looks like that's it, Eritrea." he said with a half smile. Being a slave didn't always mean being treated cruelly. He tended to be kind to them, whereas others would knock them in the head for a sneeze.

Eritrea kept her eyes on her work. Some Terrans took a slave making eye contact as an act of defiance, which often brought ten lashes or even worse. "Thank you my lord. I live to serve you and the Empire.

"Right, of course you do." the XO said, nodding as he heard a response he found predictable.

Ensign Kassandra Selin had drawn the short straw as the Chief of Intel had been transferred out suddenly and the Captain needed intelligence at the Command Briefing. Dressed in her uniform, every zip and button perfect, boots shined, and her hair pulled back in a professional chignon, she stepped into the briefing room, and stood at attention. "Ensign Selin Reporting Commander, on behalf of the Intelligence Department."

“Thanks for stepping in, Ensign. It won’t be permanent, but as of the current moment you’re the only officer in the department. Just keep your ears open.” Cyrus said, showing the Ensign to the table.

"Yes Sir" She saluted and took a seat at the back, leaving the seats closer to the Captain and Commander to the higher ranked.

Troy was the next to arrive at the conference room. He gave Cyrus and Kass a nod as he entered. He turned to Cyrus and saluted. "Long live the Empire."

“Good Morning, Lieutenant.” the Commander said, returning the salute. He poured himself a glass of water and took a sip. The meet and greet phase was always a necessary step before the Captain arrived and Cyrus was seldom here for the whole thing.

Next to enter, Johnathan walked in, reading over a status report from his department, ensuring everything was ready to go as soon as the Captain gave the order. Looking up, he saw the senior officers present and snapped to attention and saluted. "Long live the Empire!"

After a return salute was given, he found his seat, which just happened to be the chair on Kassandra's left side. He gave her a slight grin as he sat down. He then reached forward and poured himself a glass of orange juice.

Kass nodded at the Flight chief her face professional.

Not far behind was Callie, like everyone else her uniform was spotless, her hair tied back neat, and her gloves were on. The badge denoting her telepathic status was also firmly attached to her uniform, as per regulation for one of few telepaths who worked for the Empire. She paused by her seat, standing to attention she offered the customary salute. “Long live the Empire.” With that she took her seat.

Cyrus took note of the telepath indicator. He’d read about this crewman but had never had the experience of meeting her. Like most Terrans, he was skeptical of anyone who had the power to get into his head. He gave her a subtle nod while taking another sip of his water.

“Welcome, Lieutenant. I’m Commander Cain, XO.”

Callie offered a polite nod. “Thank you Commander. I had plans to check in with you next.”

Next, a monster walked in. The Telepath could tell the cybernetic woman did not have too many emotions to speak of. Standing in front of the command staff, she gave the customary salute. "Long live the Empire."

Rumors had already flew across the ship. Apparently the staff at a research lab she was assigned to had too much time on their hands and decided to order her to do all sorts of lewd and degrading activities for one whole year. Until the Captain ordered her to kill them all Which she did. By slicing up the director's face like it was a watermelon.

She then thought of something. Perhaps she could create a uniform that could be resistant to blood stains. A self-cleaning uniform for the moments a massacre became... dirty. She was hoping in side her reputation preceded her, but if not... They will learn.

The door slid open as in stepped the marine captain cigar in mouth puffing away like he one of the old steam engines of earth ancient past. Giving only a " Morning all." he strode over before taking a seat at the table.

The lone Ensign watched them all as they entered and took their seats. She assessed them all with dark eyes. Sure security was the first line of defense but without Intelligence they would blunder in the dark and she was going to make sure no blunders happened while she was around. Besides, knowledge was power.

The doors parted and a tall man entered. His blue gaze swept the room, and he saluted the Executive officer. "Glory to the Empire. I am Lieutenant Morrison. Your new Chief of Intelligence"

“I wasn’t informed you’d be arriving so early.” Commander Cain stated, annoyed at the surprise. “Very well, Lieutenant, take your seat.”

Lionel nodded then his gaze shifted to the lone ensign sitting there, her grey uniform denoting her department. "Ensign, what are you doing here?"

Kass stood up out of her seat, saluted. "As we did not know of your coming Sir, one of the department was assigned to this briefing."

Lionel sneered and waved her from the table. "Stand over there with the Slave." He ordered.

Kass did so without a comment.

Lionel took her seat.

Cael was not late nor was he early. He was right on time as he entered the room, looking around he found his spot at the table. Without many words, he took the seat out and checked for traps before taking a seat.

A small petite woman of Japanese origin entered the room. Her unusual forest green hair standing out in the crowd. The young ensign looked around the room and took in everyone's face. Slowly she made her way to a chair and sat herself down. It was evident that Ensign Futaba Igarashi was still very wet behind the ears and had much to learn, but a certain passion and enthusiasm shone like freshly polished diamonds in her eyes.

Melissa examined each of the officers in the room. She was quietly making a list of the loud ones in the crew.. the ambitious ones... the dangerous ones. Their personalities, their strengths... Their weaknesses.... All was being examined.

Lionel placed a PADD on the table and sat back in the chair he had taken off the Ensign. He let his gaze sweep the room.

Troy sat across from Lionel and met his gaze with a decidedly chilly one of his own. He was not one to suffer incompetence, but arrogance in demeaning a subordinate so publicly without just cause was uncalled for behavior in his opinion.

As he was sitting right next to the man, Johnathan greeted him first. "Good morning, Sir. Lieutenant JG Johnathan Quincy Anderson the Third. I'm the Chief Flight Operations Officer."

Lionel nodded. "I know who all of you are. I read your files." He replied shortly. He noted the chilly look from the chief of security and ignored it. He would discipline his department how he saw fit.

Melissa examined the Chief Intelligence Officer and found him lacking. He talked a lot. Quite possibly the best person for the job as Chief of Intelligence was sitting right behind him. It would be Kassandra Selin that Melissa would have to be acutely aware of. She was on time, she was silent, and the most important thing of all; she listened more than she spoke. It almost seemed like Melissa did not acknowledge Lionel's existence.

Callie was watching Melissa curiously, the way she was watching everyone else in the room like she was studying them. The troubling bit about Melissa was the complete lack of emotion from her, it gave Callie the creeps.


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