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Unexpected Guests

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 6:28pm by Callie Marshall & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Troy’s Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1600
1589 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


with Callie staying whilst she was off duty resting, Troy’s Quarters had never been so busy with comings and goings. The ringing of the door chime heralded a visitor as Callie, who was sitting on the sofa, called for whoever it was to enter.

“Lieutenant” Dana smiled warmly as she walked inside. “The doctor asked me to check in on you, I hope I’m not intruding?”

“Not at all Dana” Callie offered a smile, and please call me Callie. There’s no need for ranks while we’re in private.

Dana nodded as she approached Callie with her medkit. Pulling out a tricorder she ran a quick scan. “Blood pressure readings are slightly elevated, nothing to worry about yet though.” She looked up at Callie. “How are you feeling?”

“Like a baby space whale!” Callie grinned. “I know pregnant women are all different, some get a bump and some barely get anything, I got the bowling ball.” She motioned for Dana to sit. “It’s giving me backache but that’s to be expected.”

Dana nodded. “Afraid so, but if it’s gets too much make sure you drop into Sickbay. We can’t give you strong painkillers but we can give you a mild analgesic plus you’ll need to take up some gentle exercises that are designed to strengthen your muscles for carrying and for when you give birth.”

“Ohh the joys of pregnancy!” Callie grinned looking towards the door as the chime rang again.

The doors slid open and in-walked two more people: Ivan and Yana Petrov. The former, a large man with a lot of beard stood next to the slender and beautiful Russian woman with piercing eyes. They walked in together, with looks of concern on their faces.

"Callie, we've come to check on you." Yana said, sitting a pan she had been carrying down on the nearby table and moving quickly to Callie's bedside. Placing a hand on the younger woman's stomach, she smiled. "How are you, Solynshk? How is your little baby boy?"

Callie appreciated the thoughtfulness of Ivan and his wife, she offered a warm smile. “We’re fine, Thank you Mrs Petrov. I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting to be this far along for a while yet but it is what it is.”

Dana looked towards Ivan as she picked up her bag. “Doctor Lamont asked me to check in on Callie Sir, blood pressure is slightly up but all in all both she and her son are well.” She offered Yana a polite nod before starting for the door, pausing to look towards Callie. “Any problems just call.”

Callie nodded. “Thank you Dana, I will.” She looked back at Yana and Ivan. “How is Kassandra doing? Last I heard she was out of surgery.”

“She’s out of surgery, yes. But the surgeon says it’s going to be a long recovery. Those Ocampa put her through hell.” Ivan said, walking up and putting his arm around Yana’s waist. “Besides this…how did you fare down there?”

Callie motioned for Ivan and Yana to sit down. “It was... humiliating!” She shook her head. “They wanted to know about conception and to witness birth. If rescue hadn’t come when it did I’d dread to think what would have happened.” She sighed. “They weren’t all bad though, I didn’t escape by myself one of their people freed me.”

“We’ll, aren’t you a telepath?” Yana asked, sitting down next to her, resting a hand on hers. “You should have grated their minds like cheese.”

“I tried using my abilities but it didn’t work, when the scientist realised I was a telepath he helped me because he was afraid I’d be killed.” She relaxed back in her seat. “I’m just glad to be here safe.”

“There’s still time to make them pay for what they did to you, and I intend to.” Said Ivan. “Once we understand how this array works, we’re going to turn it on their planet and take our vengeance. Ironic, don’t you think, that the source of their help will become the source of their destruction?”

Callie nodded with a more devious smile on her face than before. “Very ironic Sir, very ironic indeed. These Ocampa possess mental abilities. I don’t know to what extent they go though as no one demonstrated their use around me. I only know because my attempt to control the scientist who freed me didn’t have any effect.”

“None of that matters now. You are free of them.” Yana said, dismissing the thought. “Now you have to focus on your son. He needs you to be strong. Your crew needs you to get back home.”

Callie nodded. “I won’t let you down, I have a family to focus on and getting home to the Empire is a priority.” She offered a smile but deep down she was glad to be stranded away from her father’s meddling influence.

Yana reached over to the table and opened the wrapper on her tray. A sweet bready smell erupted, filling the room with immediate fragrance.

"I made you apple Piroshki; a get well present for you and your baby." the Captain's wife said, her twinkling eyes meeting Callie's. They didn't really know each other, but she knew what it was like to feel desperate and a bit alone. "The Petrov's are here for you."

Callie smiled warmly as she smelt the delicious scent of the food. “That’s very kind of you Mrs Petrov, it smells absolutely devine!” In all honesty she couldn’t wait to try it. “There’s plenty there to eat, would you both like to join me?”

"I should get going." Ivan said, knowing the hour. "There is still tons of work to get through."

"I can stay though, Ivan. You go ahead." Yana said, looking over her shoulder at her husband.

The man nodded his understanding simply and gave Callie a slightly melancholic smile. Without another word, the Captain exited the cabin, leaving the two women alone. Yana looked at Callie then, her own still-youthful face full of an earned understanding. Her gaze was serious and even.

"They were interested in the reproductive process down there on Ocampa, yes?" she asked, her hand finding Callie's and her grip slipping inside the younger woman's. "I assume that means the entire process of having a baby?"

Callie said nothing to begin with but simply nodded. There was an uncomfortable silence before she spoke again. “The scientist that... studied me, he used a device to replicate the sensation of...” She paused finding it highly embarrassing and uncomfortable to talk about. “To feel like I was being made love to, he told me to enjoy it otherwise I’d be of no use to them anymore.” She hung her head.

“And is this the first time something like this has happened to you?” Yana asked, her brows furrowing.

Callie nodded. “Don’t get me wrong, there was no actual physical intercourse between him and me, but it still feels like a violation nonetheless.” She sighed. “Up until that time I was kept sedated.”

"Animals." Yana said, shaking her head. "Don't worry. Ivan will make them pay, like he said."

Callie nodded. “I certainly hope so! I want to see them punished for what they did. Not just to me but for what they did to Kass!”

Yana stood us as the woman was talking and took out two plates from a stack she brought. Using a knife, she separated two medium-sized portions for the two of them. She sat Callie's plate in front of her with a fork and resumed her chair with her own.

"it's a family recipe." she said, taking a bite and chewing for a while. "What about your family. It's not looking like we're getting home as soon as we thought. How are they going to feel when they learn of your marriage and child?"

Callie took a bite of her food before answering. “I never knew my mother, all I know is that she is or was my father’s slave. My father never loved me, he just raised me to use me for my abilities and what I could do for him. He trained me to be the best.” She paused. “To be honest I’d be more worried about being back in Empire space, my father has a far reaching influence there.”

“You don’t need to worry too much about that, dear. He isn’t the only one with power.” Yana said with a wink. “We aren’t going to let anything bad happen to you and your family, you can trust that.”

Callie nodded and smiled warmly. “Thank you Mrs Petrov, none of us have been aboard this ship long but it’s already feeling more of a home than I’ve ever had.”

"In a place like this, far from the seat of the Empire, we have to stick together." Yana said, and then ate for several moments in silence. When she had finished, she stood up and offered a grin. "I'd better get going. With all that's happened, there's more for me to do than people realize."

Callie slowly got to her feet to see her guest to the door. “Thank you for coming to see me, I appreciate it. Once the doctor clears me I’ll be back to my bridge duties.”

TAG Yana


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