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Meeting beneath the trees

Posted on Thu Jun 2nd, 2022 @ 7:54pm by Callie Marshall
Edited on on Fri Jun 3rd, 2022 @ 2:44pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1645
1358 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

With the array gone and the chance to get home gone with it Callie was relaxing in the ship’s Arboretum. She was still feeling somewhat perplexed, in one way she was happy to be away from the possible circle of influence her father could still have over her life, but on the other hand she was now heavily pregnant and stranded far away from the help of the Empire medical services if anything went wrong. Not that she didn’t trust Lamont, giving birth so far from the Empire was a scary thought.

Kaleigh had brought Daphne to the Arboretum so the girl could learn about Terran plants, Daphne carried a PADD and a satchel and Kaleigh walked behind her. Both were dressed in civilian clothes and looked like they both fitted in, in the wild part of space they were now in.

As Daphne raced off towards the biggest trees, Kaleigh paused at the sight of a woman, heavily pregnant, sitting on a bench.

She bit her lip and walked over. "Hello," She said "I am sorry, i didn't think anyone else would be here. Let me know if her noise bothers you."

Callie had noticed the pair enter the Arboretum, it was nice to see a child onboard ship. She offered a polite smile as she waved off the concerns. “It’s fine, I can’t expect silence in here and I wouldn’t insist. I’m Callie Marshall.”

"Kaleigh Robertson" Kaleigh replied. "And that is Daphne. My Ward." She watched as the 7 year old began climbing the tree. "Soon to be the owner of a broken bone" she sighed as she watched.

Callie smiled. “She’s a child, let her enjoy her fun whilst she can. At least she’s free, I never had a childhood that was fun, my father was pretty strict and demanding.”

Kaleigh smiled at that "Yeah well, its why she is over there and I am here pretending not to see her risk her limbs. She has spent the past 5 years in what was basically a cell. Rebels should be shot."

“The rebels did that? To a child!?” Callie looked towards Daphne then back at Kayleigh resting her hand on her stomach in a protective manner. “How could they do that!?”

"Because they thought she would be of value, which she is, but they never figured out how to contact the relevant people to make the exchange." Kaleigh glanced at her. "She was two then. Her mother passed away shortly after her father died and I was the only Terran there. She has been my daughter since. But for everyone else, she is my Ward."

Callie nodded understandingly. “To be honest I was never truly sure where my loyalties lay until lately. My husband Troy is a Terran Officer here onboard, I’ve made friends here and in the short time I’ve been onboard I’ve not only got married but I’ve got my son to look forward to having. Like you and Daphne, I will protect my son with my life.”

"Hopefully the Captain will find a way to get us back to Terra." Kaleigh said softly. "I would like to see home one day"

Callie nodded. “Maybe he will. I’ll admit it’s a scary thought being out here on our own.”

Kaleigh gave a smile. "Micheal, my husband, and I thought we were the only Terrans out here, we were very surprised when the Vengeance showed up on our scopes."

“We were just as surprised to be here.” Callie smiled motioning for Kayleigh to sit down. “When we arrived here I was only 4 weeks pregnant, the Ocampa scientists accelerated my pregnancy. I’m 7 months now, time I was hoping we’d have to either get home or find some allies. At least we all found each other.”

Kaleigh nodded "They do that. Ocampa. They caught Daphne and I but we managed to get out they didn't see us as a threat. I am glad they have been punished for their acts."

Callie nodded. “So am I. They deserved what they got. Now we just have to hope we find some allies out here, do you know much about this area of space? We could do with any information right now.”

"We passed on all information to the Captain. The Kazon are the current powerhouse I guess you would call them. Micheal has been here longer."

Callie nodded. “That’s fair enough, I guess we’ll end up dealing with them again at some point. I’ve yet to meet Michael, no doubt I’ll have the chance.”

"He is probably in the shuttlebay with our shuttle. He is considered a civilian at the moment." Kae shrugged. "He keeps to himself for the most part, because he has been alone for a while."

“I can imagine it’s hard re-adjusting to being amongst a crew.” Callie offered a warmer smile. “It can be awkward. This crew are the first crew who’ve taken me for who I am even though I’m half Betazoid. My father found my abilities useful hence my training as a Terran Officer.”

Kae nodded. "Its been 5 years since I last served. And I am an intelligence Analyst. I am waiting to be cleared back to work but the acting chief won't clear me until the chief does and no one knows when that will be."

Callie nodded. “I wouldn’t have thought the Captain would want you twiddling your fingers, Kassandra will be off duty for a while yet so he could use all the help he can get. I could speak to the Captain for you, that way you’re not going behind anyone’s back.”

Kae shook her head. "No real rush. It gives me time to focus on Daphne and settling back into life on an Imperial Vessel. Gives her time too. To be a child and not a prisoner."

Callie smiled as she watched Daphne. “It’s nice to see her having so much fun. I can’t imagine what she must have gone through.”

"She has been through a lot. But she is strong, resilient" Kaleigh replied. "We should all be so lucky."

Callie nodded. “You’re right there, we’ve only just arrived here and we’ve already lost people. There’s no more crew replacements to fill those gaps, we’re alone out here.”

"For now." Kaleigh replied with a smile. "We thought we were alone and then there you were."

“That’s true, I guess there’s always hope” Callie smiled warmly. “Besides this quadrant has never met the likes of the Empire before.”

"And that is what will save us I believe" Kaleigh said softly "And if the Vengeance finds enough tech to get back to Terra, it could also be used to help the Empire take back those systems it lost."

Callie nodded. “We can only hope, for now we stick together and we keep each other alive. This ship is our only way home.”

"Very true" Kae smiled.

Callie gave Kae a curious look. “Before we came along, did you start making a life for yourselves here? Start planning a future as best as you could?”

Kae nodded "yes" She gave a slight smile. "Micheal and I we rebuilt part of his shuttle to give Daphne her own room, made a kitchen and eating area. Had starting planning on how to maybe get a bigger ship one day."

“Sounds like you had a good plan” Callie smiled warmly. “I don’t even know how to start thinking about the future. All I know is I have Troy & our son.” She rested her hand on her stomach. “What the future holds for us I don’t know, but I will protect them both with my life.”

"Sometimes that's all you can do." Kaleigh said softly.

Callie offered a smile. “Anyway, I guess I should be getting back. It’s been nice meeting you Kayleigh, and Daphne too.”

"Nice meeting you too Callie. Take care" Kae said with a warm smile.

“I will, thank you Kaleigh.” Callie smiled warmly.



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