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Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2022 @ 2:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Lamont's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 23 at 2230
2474 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Karen was lounging languidly on the sofa in her quarters, stretching out booted legs and just beginning to sip her evening tea. She was still in her uniform, though she would change soon. She normally liked a little time just to wind down after getting off duty. This was that time. Things had been interesting lately. She smiled slightly to herself. It seemed like things were starting to settle into a pattern, even if the chance of returning home seemed slight. The Kazon had so far proved little match for the imperial fleet. It reminded her of the histories from the age of conquest, before Spock had undermined the empire's security and the Alliance had taken advantage of his naivete. Perhaps in the Delta Quadrant that time would live again.

Andrei approached Karen's door in his command red outfit. He hadn't spoken to her in the better part of a month as he had been spending all of his time aboard Lovarr with so many Kazon slaves. The time had given him a bit of a bunker mentality and cooled his warm attitude. He paused outside her door and pressed the chime, waiting for her to allow him entry.

"Come in," Karen said as she stood and walked towards the door. She straightened her uniform unnecessarily and smiled slightly.

Andrei entered as he had been welcomed, his eyes immediately finding her right in front of him. He offered her a charming grin and approached, leaned forward, and kissed her gently on the lips.

"It's been ages, Karen. It's good to see you." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Karen kissed back gently and then wrapped her arms around him, leaning forward and pressing her face against his chest. She just held there for a moment before stepping back. "It's been far too long, but such is duty. Would you like anything?"

“I was aboard Vengeance and I wanted to see you.” He said, stepping into the cabin proper and making his way to the couch. He sat down and sighed. “I’m perfectly comfortable though, thank you. What have you been getting into?”

She walked over and sat down next to him. "Mostly just my duties," she admitted. "The occasional drink. How about yourself?"

"Showing Kazon men Imperial discipline, and demonstrating to them their new place." Andrei said, lifting his head slightly. "They don't bend the neck easily. They may be mostly civilized, but they are barbarians underneath. I'll need to keep my eye on them."

"Perhaps everyone is a barbarian underneath," Karen said reflexively and then shrugged. "I am sure you will get good service out of them. Still, I've missed you."

"Gosh, you're sweet." he said, reaching up and touching her cheek with a smile. "I've missed you too. You keep making regular appearances in my thoughts."

"Oh?" She smiled as she leaned into his touch. "Interesting appearances, I hope?"

"Very interesting. That gorgeous smile.." he said, his hand moving down her face to her neck, "That fantastic body.. On a ship like Lovarr, there was quite alot of occasion to think about you."

"I'll bet," she said as she felt his hand move down to her neck. She turned into him, rolling slightly onto her hip. "It's good to be appreciated."

"I do appreciate you, Karen. In more ways than one." he said with a smile, his hand moving on to her shoulder now and massaging gently and pleasantly, his fingers moving with a adept dance-like grace. "I'll need to go back tonight and I'm not sure how often I can get away. I'm sure we can keep in touch though."

"I'd like that," she agreed as she settled back into him, feeling his hands gently massage her shoulders. She let out a low, contented moan. "And I like that. Not too soon tonight, I hope?"

“I’m sure I can manage a few hours here if you’d really prefer that.” He said, his hands moving down her arms and meeting her own. “I think we need to get reacquainted with one another.”

She grinned. "I would really prefer that, Andrei," she said as his hands sought hers. She curled her fingers in his and leaned forward, giving him a soft kiss. "I really would."

Andrei leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips, but once he felt the warmth of her breath passing over his lips, he intensified his movements. His hands found her hips and he held her there with demonstrated strength. All in all, he really liked this visit to Vengeance.

She squirmed back from that strength for a moment. Just a little. Just enough that she could feel it. Then she grinned up at him as he loomed. Her gaze was needy and focused. No longer quite so gentle. Her hands wrapped around his back, gripping him tight.

Andrei moved his lips from hers and began to kiss down her neck slowly, making audible sounds as he did so. He leaned back on the couch to invite her ontop of him but didn’t force the issue with his hands, merely removing his grip and giving her some freedom of motion. As he leaned back, his lips found the top of her uniform shirt before he sat back completely and looked at her, his eyes hungry.

Karen happily straddled him, eager, hungry. Her hands moved over his uniform, undoing the clothing, even as her hands ran over bare flesh. She leaned down, kissing him again, and then kissed down along his now exposed chest. "I'm very happy to see you," she practically purred. And then she showed him.


A couple hours later, Karen was lying on her side in bed, Andrei against her back. She couldn't quite remember when they'd moved here from the couch. Her hand idly played with the loose sheets. "I did miss you," she said softly.

Andrei draped his arm over her and let it rest on her stomach. It was a warm gesture, a symbol of something greater, though he’d never suggested things with his words that were that deep.

“I can tell.” He said, chuckling as he kissed the back of her neck gently. “I like the treatment I get when I’m missed.”

"I like the treatment you give me," she said, arching her neck a little and pulling her hand back to rest lightly atop his. "I wish you didn't have to go so soon."

"I know, love...but I have work to do. I must turn that ship full of brutes into proper Imperial Soldiers. It's no small task." he said, sighing again. "I'd invite you to visit, but you're far to beautiful for Kazon eyes. They'd fall in love."

"I know. I know." She laughed. "But I could do great things for them. I could introduce them to an imperial hairdresser...."

Andrei laughed at the joke, his abdominal muscles shaking with the strength of his response. He placed a hand in her hair and grabbed a few strands lifted them up.

"Or maybe they can teach you the secret how they get their to stand on end!" he said, releasing the strands. "Do you think they use electric shock?"

"I have no idea!" She laughed too, rolling over to face him now and kissing him again. "You'll have to ask them. Maybe they'll serve better if they get to share their hair secrets. Everyone likes to feel like their boss is interested!"

“I do quite a bit of bonding with them, actually.” Andrei said, kissing her back and then looking into her eyes. “I believe our only hope of integrating them is to condition them into feeling like that belong.”

"That sounds like a wise approach," Karen agreed, looking back into his eyes and idly stroking his cheek.

"Hopefully it keeps them from murdering me in my sleep." he responded, raising his eyebrows in a matter-of-fact way.

In lieu of an answer to that, she just kissed him again.

Andrei appreciated it, and he reciprocated, but he looked Karen in her eyes solidly. Of all the women he twirled around his finger, she seemed to be the most genuine, not seeming to want anything else from him except to be with him. He couldn't help but wonder if it was real, or if she was just a very smart player angling for something more.

"Is something wrong, love?" he asked, grabbing hold of her hand. "You're so eager and, I can't shake the feeling something else is going on."

"It'd just been awhile and I wasn't...I mean...That you were still interested." She smiled, almost embarrassed to say that, as she entwines her fingers in his. "I liked it when we danced."

"Then let's do it again!" he exclaimed then, kissing her quickly and then hoping atop her, only to climb over her and grab her by the hand, spinning her out of the bed. He smiled broadly as he pulled her naked body close to his, pulling her into a ballroom dance, twisting her about the floor. He hummed a tune he remember from his time at the Imperial Court in Rome, all the while watching her with excited interest.

Karen laughed as she kissed him back, letting herself be spun out of bed, pressing her body close to his. She placed a hand on her shoulder and let him take the other, dancing with a broad grin. "That tune sounds familiar..." she noted as she swung back and forth in her quarters with him, dancing only to his humming.

"It was a waltz written by the Emperor when he was a young man. Quite beautiful and, I think, played for more than just his status." Andrei said, pausing and centering his face on her. His eyes lingering. "Computer, play the Antonian Watz." As the music started to play with a subtle and mysterious flourish of woodwinds, of flutes, and clarinets, and double reeds, Andrei corrected their speed and began to lead Karen in a dance again. As the strings came in and establish a low and sweet melody, he moved her slightly faster. The song was dotted with dramatic tenuto which prompted the dancer to dance slower and then suddenly faster; they made the transitions with speed and skill, seeming to glide across the carpet of her cabinet rather than step. When the song came to an end, Andrei released her and collapsed on the bed again, his body splayed in a dramatic display as he laughed, his manhood flopping goofily as he fell.

"You are...charming..." Karen said as she slid back onto the bed next to him. She rested her head on his chest as her hand moves casually over him. "I must have heard it at court when I was quite young. I think I told you before how my father became withdrawn from court society long ago. He's...he's jaded, I guess. This universe has made him hard." She rolled over, perhaps realizing the conversation was no longer so pleasant. "But I have fond memories of that place when I was little."

"I understand what you mean. It's a shame you weren't around long enough for us to have met. I would have loved to dance with you at Court." he said, putting a strong arm around her.

She wrapped her arms tight around him and buried her head in his chest. "Maybe we still will. But we have a long way to go first. I guess you have to be getting back?"

"Yes, I'd better." he said with a sigh. Their warm bodies pressed together was a welcome change for him. He looked down at the top of her head and sighed again. "Don't worry though. I'll make more time for you."

"I'd like that," she agreed as she slowly pulled back and sat on the edge of the bed. "By the way, I saw your new Yeoman in Sickbay today. I'll need to meet with you, her, and a few others about something soon."

Andrei raised a brow at that. Karen knew about Eritrea; this alone wasn't too much of a surprise, but the reveal plus hearing she had something to meet about concerning the situation made him wonder. If he were quite capable, his heart would have beat faster. He inhaled slowly, watching her back while he still laid down.

"Oh, what is it?"

"She'd probably get mad if I told you ahead of time." Karen said, smiling reassuringly. She hesitated a moment and then stood to give him another quick kiss. "It's nothing that should worry you, though. Promise."

"Oh.." he said, his eyes scanning hers. "You don't mind then?" he asked, deciding to come right out and attack the issue head on.

"Mind what exactly?" she asked cautiously.

“You don’t mind that Eritreas is coming to the Lovarr to work?” He asked, not sure if she was playing dumb or she really didn’t understand what was going on. Then again, it might have been basic denial, and his question wouldn’t shatter any desire she might have to maintain that.

"I thought it was natural enough you'd want to bring crew with you," she answered. "If you hadn't responded like it was something you expected to bother me, it probably wouldn't have."

"Ah, well then I expect nothing." he said with a shrug and then stood up. He walked over to the place he had dropped his pants as they made their way to her bed, stripping as they traveled. He pulled on his underwear and pants in quick succession. "I really must be getting back. Command doesn't wait, after all."

"I suppose it doesn't," Karen said. She looked at him intently a moment and opened her mouth as though she intended to add something, but then she seemed to think better of it.

Andrei slipped on his shirt, uniform jacket, and boots, his mind seeming to be focused on his next task, and then stepped toward her, his dark eyes locking on hers. He placed his hands on her arms and smiled.

"Gods, you're beautiful. I have to see you again soon."

"I wish you weren't so damn charming," muttered Karen but she couldn't help smiling.

"No luck there, love." he said, leaning in and kissing her again, his hand gently finding her uncovered waist again. The fact she was naked made him want to sink down between her thighs again, but he resisted the urge. Once the kiss was over, he smiled and gave a short wave, and then turned to leave without another word.

She found herself returning the kiss, arching her head upwards as he pressed his lips to hers. It was a decision made in the moment. Perhaps one she would regret. But she kissed him again. And then he was gone.


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