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Curious Genetic Markers

Posted on Wed Jun 22nd, 2022 @ 4:14pm by Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford
Edited on on Fri Jun 24th, 2022 @ 3:39pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 23 at 1700
1511 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Eritrea entered Sickbay with PADD that specified she needed a complete physical workup prior to departure for the ISS Lovarr. She approached the nurses station and waited for the young woman there to acknowledge her presence.

Dana was expecting Eritrea’s arrival, walking out to meet her she offered a smile. “You must be Eritrea? If you’ll follow me I’ll get you settled.”

Eritrea nodded as she moved to follow Dana. She was not particularly familiar presences with this young woman or any of the medical staff.

Walking to a nearby biobed Dana motioned for Eritrea to take a seat. “Make yourself comfortable, Doctor Lamont will be with you soon.”

Eritrea sat on the biobed and waited for Karen to arrive.

Karen stepped out of her office holding a medical tricorder. "Good afternoon, Eritrea. How are you feeling?"

Eritrea looked at Karen for a moment before lowering her gaze like a good slave. "I am well Mistress. I just need a physical before I may transfer over to the Lovarr."

"I prefer doctor," Karen said, offering a small smile to Eritrea. "Sleep patterns normal?" She handed the medical tricorder off to Dana.

Dana took the tricorder, holding onto it for Karen incase she wanted it back again.

Eritrea shrugged as if the nature of the question was irrelevant. "Slaves have long hours and...female slaves sometimes have additional...special duties for the male officers."

Karen paused for just a second. Her expression was conflicted, as if a few things were running through her mind. However, all she said was, "Even so, I'd appreciate a direct answer."

"Yes Mist...Doctor." Eritrea took a moment to think about her sleep habits. "I probably average about three to five hours of sleep a night with perhaps six hours one night a week going into my off day. Unless I am called upon...special duties."

"Not ideal," Karen said but she left it at that. Duty was duty. Even for the free. "Lie back on the biobed for me."

Eritrea did as instructed. She watched as Karen performed her initial scans and wondered if the woman would comment on Eritrea's recent sexual activity. She knew that disclosure of the man's identity could warrant a severe punishment for herself. "I should probably let you know. I am half Human and half Elasian. My mother was a concubine for the Occupation Forces Officer Corps during the occupation of Elas prior to the Klingon capturing the planet when I younger."

Dana was standing at the side of Karen, simply taking in everything that was being said. She couldn’t say she liked the way slaves were treated, but there was little she could do about it.

Karen didn't seem like she planned to probe further into Eritrea's sex life. She walked to the console next to the biobed and worked it for a few moments before walking back to Eritrea, now holding a small light. "Open your eyes wide, please."

Eritrea opened her eyes as wide as possible and held still as the doctor shined a light into the orbs in turn. She was mildly surprised at the gentle professionalism Karen displayed. Most medical examination she had in the past were performed in the nude, usually for the benefit of the male physicians who did them.

Karen nodded, apparently pleased with what she saw. She went back to the controls. "You look in perfect health, Eritrea. I'd like you to try to get some more sleep but I know that's not always possible. You're free to..." She froze. "Actually, it's probably nothing, but wait here with Nurse Monroe for a minute. I need to double check something." And she left Dana and Eritrea there for a few minutes, disappearing into the ACMO's office.

Dana gave Karen a curious look as she disappeared. Looking towards Eritrea she offered a smile. “I wouldn’t worry it’s probably nothing.”

Eritrea cast a worried glance at Karen's office door. She hoped more than anything she wasn’t pregnant. She didn't want her child to be born a slave. She turned to Dana, her expression apprehensive. "I am sure you're right Mistress."

Dana nodded and smiled. “Please call me Dana. I’m sure the doctor will be back soon.”

Karen reappeared in her office door a few minutes later but she didn't walk back to the biobed. "Come in here, Eritrea."

Eritrea hopped off the biobed and stepped over to the office door. She crossed the threshold and turned to Karen. " there a problem Mistress?"

"Not exactly a problem," Karen said. "Come have a seat."

Eritrea was visibly stunned for a moment. No Terran had ever told her to sit before. It took a five count before she could move and walk to the chair. She lowered herself slowly. " I pregnant Mistress, um Doctor?"

"You're not pregnant," Karen reassured her as the door slid shut. "Tell me, Eritrea, are you aware of any connection between yourself and Commander Marshall?"

Eritrea's expression was one of confusion. "Connection? No Doctor. I have only seen the Executive Officer at staff meetings I was present for to serve refreshments. I don't believe he has ever spoken to me."

"You and he are related," Karen said directly. "There is a 92.6% certainty he's your brother based upon my scans."

Eritrea settled into the chair in thought. This was an extremely sensitive bit of information, to say the least. "Does Commander Marshall know yet?"

"Not yet, but he will have to be informed," Karen said. "Would you prefer that I do it and would you like to be there?"

Eritrea bit her lip as she thought about the question. "I would. I would also like for Captain Petrov, his son and Commander Marshall's wife to be present as well." She was curious to see how the information would affect the dynamics of the growing Fleet.

"Why would you want Andrei to be there?" Karen asked, surprised.

Eritrea quirked an eyebrow at Karen's use of Andrei's given name in her question. She felt a twinge of jealousy. [I]How well does Andrei know this woman?[/i], she thought. "Lieutenant Petrov wants me to serve him aboard the Lovarr as his personal Yeoman. He should be made aware of...this issue."

Karen didn't say or do anything else that might answer that question Eritrea was asking herself. In fact, her professional demeanor was back immediately upon hearing Eritrea's response. She offered the other woman a small smile. "He should," she agreed, "but I'm hesitant to surprise your brother in front of his CO. I told you discretely and privately, after all. What if you and I tell him and then the two of you can decide how to tell your respective CO's, your sister-in-law, and whoever else you consider appropriate?"

"With all due respect Mistr...Doctor, I don't want to have to explain the situation multiple times." [I]Plus, I want to see everyone's reactions unfiltered.[/i] She held a small smile on her face as she spoke.

Karen looked thoughtful. She could overrule Eritrea, of course. She could have simply announced how to proceed from the beginning of the conversation, but she had asked the patient for her input and everyone Eritrea had suggested including did need to know. Karen imagined it would be general knowledge soon enough. The whole thing still felt a little too much like a spectacle to her but then it was Eritrea's moment. Why not let her have it? She had served well enough to earn her freedom and a position of trust, after all. "There's no need to overcomplicate it, I suppose. We'll have everyone come as soon as feasible and I will explain. However, I am going to ask Lieutenant Commander Troy and yourself to come just a few minutes earlier. I won't take him off guard in front of everyone." Eritrea, of course, would still get to see his initial, unfiltered reaction.

Eritrea nodded after a brief moment. It was quite understandable. The information was going to come out regardless. She, with Karen's help, would allow her to control the release of the information and determine a way to best gain an advantage. "You're absolutely right Doctor and...thank you for helping me."

"Of course, Eritrea. I'll make the arrangements, as swiftly as possible." She smiled. "Otherwise, as I said, you're quite healthy and fit for duty. Congratulations on your new position."

Eritrea smiled and nodded. "Thank you Doctor. It...feels good to have my freedom and be part of a crew with a purpose. Not just a disposable tool for the whims of Terran Masters. If there's nothing else, my new Captain wanted me to pack my few belongings before we beam over to the Lovarr. "

"There's nothing else," Karen said. "Glory to the empire!"

"Glory to the Empire." Eritrea rendered a passable salute before rising and heading for the exit. She wanted to collect her few possessions in the Slave Bay and get a uniforms from ship's stores before heading over to the Lovarr.


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