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Important Favor

Posted on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 9:30am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Captain Fergus Williams & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Crew Lounge
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1700
1611 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Having been shut away in their quarters aboard the ISS Rynall, feet up resting as much as possible whilst looking after her son, Callie had suggested to Troy that they take a family trip across to the Vengeance. It wasn’t far to go and she could still sit down and rest, whilst enjoying the atmosphere of being amongst the crew. She was still feeling pretty washed out, her body was weak, and she was still recovering from surgery as well.

Strolling slowly with Troy, their tiny newborn in a pushchair she smiled as she looked at Troy. “Thank you for this, I just needed to get away from being coupled up on the Rynall for a little bit.”

Troy was a bit tired. The last week had been a bit trying for him what with everything that was going on. He looked to his wife and smiled. "Of course Imzadi. We all need a distraction from perils we've been through as of late."

Walking into the lounge Callie was grateful to find a seat, her body ached after just that short walk. Settling the pushchair into position beside her she checked on her son, who was sleeping for now.

Perched at the bar was the devil dog with his usual rum glass in his hand. Turning his face lt up as he saw who had stepped through the door. " Callie. It's good to see you and how’s the new recruit? " He said looking at the pushchair.

Callie smiled warmly. “Why don’t you come over and see.” She motioned to the tiny sleeping bundle beside her. “He looks peaceful enough now, but he’s got one hell of a set of lungs when he’s hungry!” She stifled a yawn. “This young man is pretty demanding overnight too.”

The marine did so as smile formed on his face as he looked at the sleeping baby. " Before you know it he'll be putting in his marine application." He said looking over to Callie.

Callie couldn’t help but grin. “Whatever he wants to do when he grows up I’ll support” She motioned to a seat. “Why don’t you join us, saves sitting alone at the bar.”

Troy gestured. "Please do."

The devil dog nodded as he stepped over to the table after grabbing his rum bottle. He gave a smile as he looked at the baby asleep in his stroller. " Must be nice to have him this quiet." he said smiling.

“Actually he’s very well behaved so I can’t complain” Callie smiled warmly.

Kassandra had heard Callie and the baby were back on the ship and she had, had very little time with them. So she headed to the Crew Lounge and looked around. Spotting them she made a beeline for them. She stepped up and nudged Troy. "Hand him over and no one gets hurt" she said with a grin. She wriggled her fingers. "I am here for baby time."

Callie grinned as she motioned Kass closer. Reaching in to gently lift her sleeping son from his pram, she gently handed John to Kass. “We named him John, in honour of Captain Petrov and Johnathan.”

Kass cradled the babe with a smile. "Hey handsome" she said softly as she rocked him.

As if on cue, the lounge doors slid open again and Johnathan walked in, a happy grin on his face. When he saw Kass and Callie, and Kass holding the baby, his face brightened even more. "Hey!" He said softly as he sidled up to Kassandra, giving her a soft kiss on her right cheek. "You look good with a baby in your arms," he whispered into her ear. He then looked over at Callie. "He's beautiful, Callie. What's his name?"

Callie looked at Troy then back at Johnathan. “We decided to call him John, in honour of Captain Petrov, and you.” She smiled warmly.

"I hope that is okay with you." Troy figured it would be, but he felt it prudent to ask.

Johnathan grinned broadly. "Are you kidding? I love it!" He looked back down at the sleeping baby. "Hear that Lil John? You am me are gonna be the studs of the fleet!" He reached down and gently rubbed John's left cheek with his right thumb.

While he hadn't told his friends everything about his past, he did have some experience with babies. During his time at the orphanage, when a baby was dropped off, the children who seemed meeker would be chosen to help care for them. Johnath, when he was a little boy, had fallen into that category, so, he helped out a lot.

Ivan and Yana entered the room together, having just put aside enough time to drop by for a few moments and see the bouncing baby boy.

“Hello, everyone!” Yana said with a big smile as they moved toward Callie. “Awe! Look at him. He’s so sweet!”

Kass handed the baby back to Callie so she could show him off.

“I didn’t really get to properly thank you for all your help Mrs Petrova.” Callie offered Yana a warm smile. “So, Thank you! I don’t know what I’d have done without you. Would you like to hold John?”

"Of course I was there." Yana said with a smile, placing a hand on Callie's cheek. "I'll always be there, dear. You are incredibly sweet. Now..."

She reached out and took hold of the baby, cradling him in her arms and smiling brightly at him.

"It's been such a long time since I held a baby." she said, starting to bounce gently. "I miss it so much. It's just that love and that need they have for you. They don't stay like this forever."

“That’s very true” Callie smiled. “No matter what I’ll always be there for John, and I will protect him with my life. Whatever we face out here, whatever horrors we might come up against I will have no hesitation in killing anything that threatens my son, or my husband.” She gave Troy a smile.

“You have nothing to worry about.” The Captain said with a smile. “We all stick together, and your family is just as protected as mine and that of anyone else who wishes to start one.

Callie nodded. “Thank you Sir. I think Troy and I would like more in the future, but so far the Doctor is on the fence as to whether or not he’ll recommend my getting pregnant again. My baseline readings are too far off normal after recent events to say for sure. He said to give him a few more weeks before he’ll give me a straight answer.” She offered Troy a worried glance before smiling again. “Still...there’s no rush! I want to enjoy this little man.”

“Right. And there’s much to do besides.” Ivan said, his expression fading. Families were nice but he was thinking about the mission above all else: to get home.

Troy looked at the group and smiled. He missed not serving aboard the Vengeance with these officers, but at the moment he wanted to address an issue that would affect all of them. "Johnathan, I have a personal favor I would like to ask of you. You are probably the best friend I have in this fleet. Would you consent to be John's Godfather?"

The young pilot was briefly taken aback by the request. Then he smiled and nodded. "I would be honored, thank you!" He looked over at Kassandra, his eyes growing a bit larger with excitement.

Troy glanced at Kassandra for a moment before turning to Yana. His expression betrayed a great gratitude as he spoke. "Kassandra is one of Callie's closest friends. That being said. If it had not been for you. I would not have a wife or son right now. Lady Petrova, would you consider becoming John's Godmother?" He glanced at Ivan and Kassandra. "By extension I gather you will both be important influences on John's life as well."

Callie was nodding her approval in all aspects happy that Johnathan had accepted his duties as Godfather. “I would be honoured to have you be John’s Godmother, Mrs Petrova. As I am that Johnathan has accepted his role.”

“I would be delighted, Callie.” Yana said, beaming. A hand from her husband found her. He smiled as well.

“Well we’ve got to get going.” Ivan said. “There’s a full schedule ahead of us.”

The Petrovs then returned baby John and we’re on their way politely out of the door.

Callie smiled at Troy pleased that they now had people in place to take care of their son if anything ever happened to them.

Troy turned to the others for a moment before calling out to the bartender. "Another round for this table on my tab. We’re having a celebration."

Johnathan smiled as he leaned over. "May I hold godson?" His eyes were full of wonder still at the mere idea.

“Of course you can!” Callie grinned as she gently passed her son over to his namesake. “Johnathan, meet John.”

After he had the young infant securely, Johnathan smiled and softly cooed at him, his eyes full of wonder as he looked down at the newest member of the Terran Empire. "Hey, Little Man! Anytime you wanna go for a flight, you just come see you Godfather Johnathan." He leaned down and gently kissed John's forehead.

Callie smiled as she watched Johnathan with John. “You’re a natural Johnathan, anytime you and Kass want to babysit you’re more than welcome.”



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