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Ya no Kona III

Posted on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 3:39am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin
Edited on on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 4:50am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 11 at 1600
2980 words - 6 OF Standard Post Measure


At that cheeky what if question, Corvin's brow unfurrowed faster than the speed of light while his eyes went wide as saucers before the expression faded into one of a slightly more pensive contemplation on her words. Yes he hated aliens because of his childhood, grew to hate them even more because of what they did to him in captivity but then again Ilan did have a point that the alien women here were attractive in their own right as he nodded and licked his lips. Taking a deep breath, the Terran man let it out slowly as he looked around, still looking apprehensive but seeming willing to try since he had suggested they come here.

"What do you say we go and find Hasru and his wives? I," There was a slight pause and hesitation before he looked up into her eyes and continued. "I'd like to see what they think will help me relax and...if you are willing maybe I could take you out to dinner or something, tell you about my scars and what they mean."

Smiling, Ilan raised a hand between them, offering it to him to take. It was almost a gentlemanly gesture, but she managed to pull it off without it seeming so strange coming from a woman. "We can take it slow, Corvin. Just because you like looking at them doesn't mean you have to sleep with them and if you don't want them touching you, I can be the one to touch you. Just relax, take in the atmosphere and colors. Pretend you're in Rio. It's fine."

With a nod, he took her hand so they could begin walking along the street as he looked at some of the street performers, a couple who seemed to be acting out a deeply intimate moment while they were suspended in the air wrapped in silks. It wasn't clear if they were actually engaged in a carnal act with how they were wrapped up in the fabric but if they weren't then their acting was quite good. There was another pair who were conducting some sort of magic act using high tech gadgetry to enhance as one of the male performers clapped his hands together as a sheet of thin ice came down and sliced through his partner, followed by another clap and spreading of arms cause the bisected man to split apart before suddenly appearing from a bright flash of light between the sheets of ice that disappeared.

Corvin seemed much more at ease now that he had talked with Ilan, his hands moving back to her shapely form to start caressing his companion’s luscious form, holding her close as they moved through the crowds. Eventually Jiagga returned, giving them both hopeful smiles and a careful once over as she sidled up to Ilan. "Hasru wanted me to find you, he was able to find a stand with the drinks he wanted to share, if you are both happy to have us as your hosts," The alien woman questioned gently looking between the pair, it seemed that she did hope they would stay.

Ilan continued to be fascinated by the acts going on around them, never seeming to dwell too much on how authentic anything was. She was here to have fun, not try to figure out the "magic" as it were. When she caught sight of Jiagga heading toward them, she slowed with Corvin and offered the alien woman a smile. On hearing that the trio hadn't written them off, her smile grew to a grin and she looked at Corvin. "Yes, we would." She agreed and extended her other hand toward Jiagga, but this time in a way that was meant to be led, not to do the leading.

Jiagga's expression grew to a much more happy and expressive one as she took the offered hand, guiding the pair through the crowds with an ease that would have made even the most skilled of dancer's jealous. As the alien woman moved the beaded veil of her skirt would part and give teasing hints of the pale skin, her long lithesome legs that let up to the firm fullness of her shapely rear. She looked back occasionally to see if Ilan and Corvin were watching her, seeming to want the pair to enjoy the view as much as their surroundings.

Corvin for his part was trying to enjoy himself, letting the old hounds rest that made up his hatred and bigotry and being in the moment, letting himself admire Jiagga a bit and glancing at Ilan curious to see her expression and where her focus was.

Ilan, though holding Corvin's hand still, was quite entranced by the glimpses of flesh she was getting from Jiagga as the woman moved. Eventually, she did peel her eyes away and looked back to Corvin properly, giving him a smile and squeezed his hand. "Don't forget, at your pace. You're allowed to say no. I don't think they are the type that wouldn't take no for an answer."

"Yeah, my pace." He nodded and gave her nod and a smile, nervous and uncertain but he was underneath it all more than a little excited to see what was going to happen as Jiagga finally brought them through the crowd to a more quiet area with groups still milling about but enjoying food and company along with music and on nearby stages were both men and women of Hasru and his wives species dancing and moving with the music, it was both sensual, erotic and elegant since they weren't trying to perform a strip tease but it was obvious the display was meant to arouse and entice.

"Ah, my wayward companions, I was hoping Jiagga would find you." Hasru grinned his broad chest now bare and allowing both Corvin and Ilan a view of his tone body, he wasn't overly muscular but he was in good shape as he and Dunje brought over drinks for them in tall glasses that were a dark purple with a spicy, almost floral scent that did nothing to conceal the strong aroma of the alcohol.

Dunje offered a glass to Corvin as she bowed her head to him and smiled. "I hope you will forgive my overstepping, it was not my intent to make you nervous or spoil your enjoyment but you are a very handsome individual and I think the grayness of your hair has a certain distinguished look."

"Ah, thank you Dunje," He nodded and smiled to her, accepting the drink before giving her nod. "It's alright, I kind of jumped into the deep end a little and wasn't prepared for everything."

This made the alien woman brighten though she didn't try to hug or touch him but gave a nod and looked to Ilan as she stepped close and drew her into an embrace as she let her hands gently roam over the other woman's body for a moment. "I am hoping that we may all find our spirit passion before you both retire."

Without hesitation, Ilan returned Dunje’s embrace both because she wanted to, but also to help smooth out any ruffled… feathers… Corvin may have caused with his showing earlier. She squeezed the woman’s hip and then moved to sit down at the table. Her eyes now went to Hasru and he also was quite attractive, but his wives were definitely more so. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t have turned him away. “Tell us more about this festival?” She prompted him.

"Ah the Ya no Kona is a festival of passion and community, to become one with each other as the First of us to walk the stars taught before he ascended to continue sharing his message, it is also to celebrate his victory over the cruelty and evil of his brother who poisoned the minds of the people to believe that we must be chaste creatures to reject the temptations of the flesh," Hasru smiled and took a seat with his wives, Jiagga sitting between him and Ilan while Dunje had taken a seat next to Corvin who sipped his drink watched the trio of aliens and listened to their story.

"The First's bother is known as the Denier for he was a selfish man, he would take many women from the villages he ruled in order to keep them safe from the vulgar touch of males but he himself kept them imprisoned as his slaves and never denying himself the pleasures of the flesh, if any of his men saw anyone engaging in any kind of entertainment, imbibing of anything other than water or eating the most flavorless gruel they would be several punished for those crimes, the First came to his people from the deserts and brought with him the Ways of the Sensate, he showed our people that we were dying under the Denier's rule as we must embrace our passions, our desires." Hasru spoke in an engaging and animated fashion as he looked between his guests. "If our people deny ourselves it will begin to manifest as an affliction known as the Rot, it will start as discoloration of the features before becoming mottled spots of necrotic skin, it happens because our bodies produce enzymes and antibodies necessary to heal itself and fight off infections that only come from when we embrace our emotions, let loose our a scientist I imagine that this must interest you greatly."

"Oh yes, very interested." Ilan replied genuinely and leaned closer to Hasru, seeming to hang off his every word. "That is absolutely fascinating. I wonder why that occurs. Do you know? Do you have scientists who have figured it out? I wonder if it's something in your genetics." She paused and seemed to begin to think about this thoroughly.

"They are not certain as to the specific cause but they believe it has something to do with the same chemical process that happens when we embrace our passion, that when it is denied these chemicals and enzymes become toxic to our bodies that starts the process of the Rot." Hasru continued to explain as he sipped his drink while Jiagga had shifted closer to Ilan and was smiling at the thoughtful expression on her lovely features.

The discussion was a bit over Corvin's head and he didn't really understand what it was important to know about a disease that didn't even impact Terrans, though he didn't say anything knowing that Ilan would enjoy the mystery of this and...well enjoy the afternoon as he took long draws from his drink.

Corvin seemed forgotten for the moment in the face of this absolutely fascinating species, but Ilan's hand lowering under the table and resting on his thigh signaled he hadn't completely faded from memory. She looked at the three feathered aliens and licked her lips. "Please, tell me more. I'd love to know whatever you can tell me about it." Maybe if she asked very nicely they might even give her some DNA samples to take back with her.

Or... she could get those herself. Very personally.

Hasru seemed more than happy to share what he knew with the lovely alien woman as he continued to speak on the subject of his people, their rather curious biology as Jiagga had shifted closer to Ilan as she started to caress and touch her body a bit more amorously but not doing anything to distract or try to derail the conversation, but it was more than a little obvious where her attention wandering towards.

Around them there were more people filtering in, more aliens from Hasru's people as well as others from the various races and ships visiting the planet. They were all dressed in a similarly relaxed fashion, some of them were enjoying more intimate attention with each other as they moved to find drink, make conversation or find a bit more privacy. Dunje was focusing her attentions on her husband as he spoke with Ilan about their people and their biology as more drinks were brought for them, Corvin enjoying and downing at least three glasses of the rather potent alcohol as he seemed to be looking to Ilan and the alien women, not sure where he could press into the conversation since this was all really beyond his pay grade and he was feeling a little left out but seemed saved as Dunje seemed to have her fill of the cerebral and wanted something a bit more physical as she quieted her husband with a passionate embrace before turning her attention to Ilan and Corvin as a coy, mischievous smirk formed on her lips and she tilted her head to the side. "Perhaps we could find other ways to share our culture with you both?"

"Mmm...." For the first time in quite a while, Ilan actually turned to face Corvin. It was at this moment she realized how much she had actually been ignoring him in favor of indulging her curiosities and gave a mildly guilty smile. Sometimes - probably too often really - her curiosity and fascination got the better of her. She took his hands and lifted them, kissing the backs of his fingers and giving him a smile.

"What do you think, Corvin? Do you want to stay here or would you rather maybe come back with me to my room instead?"

As her attention returned to him, Corvin had to actively focus to not choke on the drink of the alcohol he had been taking before managing to swallow and looked around at the Hasru and his wives who seemed interested to see what his decision was. Again he felt the inner struggle between his finding them attractive and his hatred for them as aliens before Ilan's fingers caressing him brought his attention back to the dark haired woman. "I," He took a deep breath and let it out since he knew he was still conflicted and wouldn't be able to really focus on enjoying himself before he nodded to her. "I'd like to go back to your room."

Dunje and Jiagga wilted little but they didn't whine or protest as they each moved to give Ilan a parting kiss and lightly touched Corvin as Hasru smiled and nodded. "We all express our passion in our own ways and feeling free enough to do so is the most important part of that, it was a pleasure to meet you both."

If Ilan was disappointed in Corvin’s decision, she didn’t show it. She merely kissed Corvin’s hands again and then let them go. Sliding out of her stool, she stepped to the aliens to give them more direct and passionate parting kisses. She stepped up to Hasru and placed her hand on his chest. “Don’t discount me too fast, Hasru. I may come back for you and your lovely wives yet.”

Hasru chuckled softly before he reached out to place his hand over hers before coaxing the alien woman down into a passionate kiss before pulling back to look into her eyes. "We will keep a place for you in our bed Ilan and look forward to seeing you once more and to experience the taste of your passion mingling with ours."

Corvin stood, feeling a bit of a buzz as he waited and watched the group, brow furrowing as he pondered his own feelings but didn't go back on his decision since he couldn't really square the desire for the alien women to overcome his prejudice.

Ilan smiled, giving Hasru one more farewell embrace before she suddenly turned to Corvin and took his hands, leading him away from the bar and festival back to where they had entered so he would be able to collect his clothes. "So, did you end up at least having a little fun?" She finally asked as they walked arm in arm through the crowd.

"Well I did enjoy the drink and I did enjoy at least looking at Hasru's wives," He admitted while walking with her, glancing over at her as he seemed to be trying to gauge her mood or her interest in him before looking back to the street and the festivities around them. "It is very bright and passionate, I think this wouldn't be amiss in a Terran celebration."

"Well, from what little I know of Carnival, it seems like it might fit... less blatant sex though." Ilan chuckled and flipped her hair over her shoulder. They came up to the area where Hasru had taken Corvin to change and she stopped, giving him a smile. "Why don't you go back and change and then we'll head back to the hotel."

"Yes I think they might lean into that a little bit more," He chuckled and seemed to be more at lease now that they were alone, he obviously wasn't ready to shed his Terran bigotry as he left her alone for a moment, there were several handsome and beautiful aliens that passed her by dressed for Ya no Kona who paused to give her a blatant eye bang but eventually moved on as Corvin came back out still dressed in the skirt garment but carrying his clothes as he looked at her, giving a little smile too her as he licked his lips. "I figured since you've been my eye candy, I should return the favor."

"Oh." Ilan gave a pleased purr as he returned to her as he had been when he walked away. "Well then, I won't complain at all. I like the jacket, but it's definitely not festive for the planet." She teased and winked at him. Without lingering longer, she turned and began to walk back to the hotel with him.

This next phase would be just as telling as the first, she wagered.



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