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Ways of the Sensate I

Posted on Sun Sep 25th, 2022 @ 7:37am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin
Edited on on Sun Sep 25th, 2022 @ 7:38am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 11 at 1645
3844 words - 7.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Eventually, Ilan and Corvin entered the hotel and went up to her room. It was modest with only the bed, a couple chairs to sit in, a closet, and bathroom, but it was quite nice really. Everything was quite clean and the folded diagonal of the sheets signaled room service had been in to tidy up and change the bed. Everything was certainly a change from the bright colors of the festival they were just attending.

"Well, here we are." She cooed and stretched then bent down to unhook her sandals so she could take them off.

Corvin seemed buoyed by her reaction to him returning dressed more appropriately for the planet even if it didn't make him comfortable but he was more than happy to indulge Ilan as they made their way back to her hotel room. It wasn't anything extravagant but it most certainly wasn't a rathole like some of the places he had been shacked up when working some Terran security operations. Though when she bent over to start taking off her sandals he made a pleased sound after setting down his clothes and he moved up behind her to place his hands on the shapeliness of her generous rear as he licked his lips and locked down at her barely clad form. "Fuck we are, you are the by far one of the most gorgeous Terran women I've ever set eyes on."

Ilan laughed as he walked up behind her and placed his hands on her bottom. Kicking her sandals toward the wall to keep them out of the way, she stood and suddenly turned to Corvin. “Is that what you’d like me to do, Corvin? Fuck you?”

"Mmm, I would so luck that, though I'd most certainly love to fuck you." He purred out and drew her into a passionate embrace as he pulled the woman he thought was a Terran firmly against his body and held her there as he let his hands roam over her body, eventually moving back to her generous and shapely rear.

“I think you were the one who asked first.” She grinned and chuckled, placing her hands on his shoulders and pushing him back. Was it dishonest that she was doing this with him fully knowing that he had disdain toward non Terrans? Yes. Did she care?

No, not really.

Ilan licked her lips, her green eyes resting on him now having backed up from her. “Take off your clothes. Let me see you.” She ordered.

Corvin licked his lips and grinned at her as he moved to shuck the skirt he had been wearing to the floor before standing nude before his potential lover. He was a most certainly a well-built man with taut, with a well defined and taut tone to his body, his manhood was hard and swelled just below the crown of his manhood before tapering down towards his ground and his jewels, if she looked closely she would be able to see that the ritual scar covered his manhood and over his groin and crotch as he smile at her and licked his lips in anticipation for what was to come.

"Goodness, all the way down, hm?" Ilan asked, inspecting Corvin closely as he stood before her on display. She immediately closed the distance, lifting her hand to now slowly trace along the scarring pattern with obvious curiosity in her eyes. "Tell me about them. I do so enjoy peoples' stories about their scars."

When she asked him about his scars, his expression shifted for just a moment but it wasn't like he hadn't told the story of them before and when he'd joined the Imperial Academy NCO program he had to explain them then too. "They are called Yay ghitlh in Klingon, Victory marks translated." Though the Klingon language was a harsh often difficult one for non-Klingons to speak, Corvin seemed rather fluent and at ease with it as he should be given that most of his childhood and early adult life had been spent as one of their slaves. "Before I joined the fleet I was a gladiator in the blood pits, for every victory I achieved my owners would have me scarred to tell the story of my victory since they brought honor and prestige to their House."

He reached out to guide her fingers to a pattern that ran along his shoulder and down to over his right pectoral. "This one marks my victory over a Kobathi Heartrender, vicious beast and feared even by Klingon because they believe that if one is killed by it, it devours not only the heart but also a victim's soul so they can never go to Stovokor and no act can grant the soul entry into their version of heaven, but I killed their feared beast and received this mark."

“I can’t say I’ve ever heard of one of those, but it sounds quite impressive and terrifying.” Ilan mused as she traced her soft fingertips along the unique patterns of scars. She hadn’t really expected all of this, but she also wasn’t turned off by it. “What else?”

"When we are back on the ship, I'll take you to the holodeck to see one." He offered while watching where her fingers went before gently guiding them down to his right side over his ribs. "This one marks my victory over a Klingon who had been set for execution but demanded trial by combat so he could at least be exiled by the governor, he was given his chance and he faced me and I furthered his family's dishonor by take his head with his own D'k tahg."

Again he gently guided her fingers over a design that ran down his sternum and gave a smirk, chuckling softly. "This one I was given after my bat'leth had shattered and I drove the broken tip through my opponent's chest when he was getting ready to deliver the killing blow, I earned the fighting name of Heartrender after that."

“I can’t say I’ve ever heard of one of those, but it sounds quite impressive and terrifying.” Ilan mused as she traced her soft fingertips along the unique patterns of scars. She hadn’t really expected all of this, but she also wasn’t turned off by it. “What else?”

"When we are back on the ship, I'll take you to the holodeck to see one." He offered while watching where her fingers went before gently guiding them down to his right side over his ribs. "This one marks my victory over a Klingon who had been set for execution but demanded trial by combat so he could at least be exiled by the governor, he was given his chance and he faced me and I furthered his family's dishonor by take his head with his own D'k tahg."

Again he gently guided her fingers over a design that ran down his sternum and gave a smirk, chuckling softly. "This one I was given after my bat'leth had shattered and I drove the broken tip through my opponent's chest when he was getting ready to deliver the killing blow, I earned the fighting name of Heartrender after that."

Ilan listened with rapt attention as Corvin explained the other patches of scars on his body. She truly was quite fascinated by the tales, learning the stories of people was one of her favorite things - and most useful skills. People loved telling personal stories to a rapt audience. Her eyes followed his fingers as he touched himself. When he would pause to explain, they’d move back up to hold his gaze and connect to him on a more infinite level.

“You’ve had quite a hard life, haven’t you, Corvin?”

Corvin paused and tilted his head a little since he hadn't ever really thought about it like that, he'd just done what he needed to survive. "I suppose, but its the only life I've known, being born a slave doesn't afford you many opportunities to bemoan your fate, either you accept it and shoulder through or you die, I refused to die."

He held her gaze and wondered why it mattered, it was his life and he was here now, alive when he'd killed everyone else that had tried to end him. He frowned a little as his thoughts ventured back to the Blood Pits and the innumerable fights as he took her hands again guiding it to his left side as he let out a slow breath before speaking again. "This one I was given after I had awoken from a state of seemingly real death, my owner's huntmaster was about to start skinning me so he could have my skin tanned and displayed in his halls..."

“Ew, that’s so weird.” Ilan made a face and shook her head. “I can understand wanting to display like pelts and such of impressive beasts, but the skin of a humanoid? Gross.” Sighing she shook her head and leaned in to kiss him in a tender way. “I, personally, am glad you kept your skin.”

"Mmmm, so am I." He purred after returning the embrace as his other hand was roaming ever so patiently over her still scantily clad form holding her gaze and tilted his head slightly. "Any others you might be curious about?"

“Well, I’m curious about them all.” She chuckled and shook her head. “But we can wait on the others until next time. Lie down on the bed.” As she commanded him again, she reached up and began to take off her top and the bikini top from under it.

Corvin purred in pleased delight at seeing her peel the clothes away from her luscious form, moving to obey her command as he laid back with his hand moving down to stroke his manhood. The Terran man bit his lower lip while moving his hand lightly up and down his length as his eyes hungrily devoured her body in eager anticipation of getting to see her mount and ride him, feeling a tingling of heated excitement running through his body. "Fuck, you are gorgeous...."

Ilan shook her head and slid out of her bikini bottoms, but left her sarong on as she walked over to the bed, eyeing Corvin up and down. Certainly eager. Maybe he hadn't had any for a while, or maybe he was the kind of man who never grew out of that teenage eagerness of seeing a naked woman. It wasn't terribly unattractive but could lead to unattractive qualities.

"Are you in a rush?" She asked, smirking.

"Mmm," He smiled up at the beautiful woman as she moved over to the bed, releasing his manhood as to place it behind his head while waiting for her, eyes wandering over her body and felt that tingling eagerness surging like an electric current. "Not at all, just wanted to make sure that I was ready for you and taking a moment to admire you."

“Oh I see. How considerate of you.” Chuckling she moved onto the bed, pulling up her sarong but not taking it off as she moved to straddle him. “I suppose I can’t fault a man for being eager. Though I do hope you haven’t had too much to drink.”

"Oh no, just enough to have a pleasant buzz." He gave her a large grin that spoke to his desire to make sure that she was able to enjoy herself to the fullest while watching her straddling him, swallowing and biting his lower lip as she sat astride him though he wished she would have taken off her sarong, preferring to have her fully naked but he did find it suited her in a rather sensual way. So who was he to complain since he had this goddess in bed with him. Moving his hands, Corvin reached out to start caressing her thighs and hips, hands moving up a bit to just touch and worship her with his body as they lay together. "Though if anything happened, I'd do my damnedest to make sure you are satisfied."

“Oh well aren’t you sweet.” Ilan chuckled and remained straddling his lap, but not doing anything else at the moment. Her hands moved over his chest, tracing curiously along his scars and humming a little song to herself as she did so. Eventually, she finally leaned down to kiss him. It was slow at first, experimental, then she began to deepen it and add more passion.

As she drew him into a slow burn embrace, he made a soft sound while matching the building passion as his hands continued to roam over her body while gently rocking his hips to grind his manhood against her sex. Corvin was honestly used to being used by beautiful women for sex, when he had been a Klingon slave, his owner's wife was quite fond of taking him into her bed as she enjoyed the taboo of fucking not only a slave but a Terran as well. Terran women after gaining his freedom and a place withing the Fleet had seen him becoming something of a taboo the women of power who found his history as an alien slave alluring. Was Ilan using him? He didn't know and he didn't particularly care as he wanted to be with her since she had pointed out he'd lived a hard life and he took his moments as he could find them.

Ilan couldn’t help but chuckle softly as she pulled back and reached down to untie her sarong from her waist. She tossed it aside onto the chair and reached between her legs to guide him up into her womanhood. Licking her lips, she worked herself down on him and made a soft, pleased sound. There was no real hurry, and so she wouldn’t hurry.

Corvin's hands moved to grasp his lover's hips as she started to work herself down atop him at a deliberately patient pace since there wasn't any rush for them as a throaty sound of pleasure escaped from him. He massaged her hips for a few moments before his hands started to roam over her body once more, eventually finding her generous breasts as he started to tease and play with them. As his length slipped inside of her, Ilan would be able to feel the varied textures caused by the scars on this length, seemingly they had been added to enhance a woman's experience as he moaned out beneath her as the heat wrapped tightly about him..

Ilan stopped on feeling the extra texture and tilted her head curiously for a moment then chuckled. "Oh, is that what those are for?" She asked, looking down at Corvin with a grin on her face.

Corvin let out a shuddering breath as his thoughts were interrupted by the question and it took a moment for his mind to process an answer since it had been going in a slightly different direction. Swallowing and giving a nod, he looked up at his lover and shot her a grin back as he licked his lips focused for a moment. "Yeah, it is since I did more than fight in the Pits."

“Apparently so.” Ilan couldn’t help but chuckle and began to move her hips; rocking, grinding, rolling. She kept him guessing as to what she was going to do next but that is how she preferred it. Her hands went to his chest, using his own body for more leverage in her movements. “I’ll take good care of you.” She promised with a sultry purr.

As she began the ever so pleasurable but not entirely predictable movements of her hips, Corvin gave a long, low moan of pleasure as his hands remained firmly planted on her breasts before the had to fall to the bed and clenched the sheets beneath him and he was panting and whimpering as she continued to move. "Oh fuck me that's amazing...oh fuck..." He moaned out while looking up at her so he could watch the woman currently astride him as he wanted to watch as she moved.

Corvin had never been accused of being an overly expressive individual. He smiled. He laughed. He scowled, which was often. Though he was typically a rather stoic individual even when he was having fun, but right at this moment he was free and he was loving every second of his existence as he continued to watch her moving atop him, working herself with a deliberate passion. His hands reached out to start moving over her body, caressing and touching her, exploring her body as he wanted to know what she liked so he could try to return more pleasure that just what his scarred manhood might be providing to her.

Ilan moaned out as he began to touch her body, though whether it was his efforts or her own providing the bulk of her pleasure wasn’t clear. She didn’t stop, just continued to move at a steady, firm pace. She wasn’t working him toward his release intentionally, but that is what was happening nonetheless. “You feel very nice, you know.”

Corvin could feel his release building from the way Ilan was moving atop him, every roll and gyration of her hips pushing closer to that inevitable peak as he moaned out a bit more loudly for her. He again was lost in the feelings and sensations of the pleasure she was bringing him when her voice, husky and thick with her arousal, cut through as he looked up into her eyes and gave a long, throaty moan from the way she had just decided to move her hips. It had been so long since he had really let go like this. His hands were becoming a bit sloppy in his attention as the tension built in his body, but he was at least still trying.

She purred out, shifting her hips just slightly and starting to work him harder and faster, obviously quite intent on driving him over the edge first. Ilan wasn’t really all that surprised he had been this easy to handle and drive, it was almost endearing in a way. “Come on, Corvin. Don’t hold back”

Corvin had been about to speak when she shifted and began to work him much more fiercely, sending his thoughts careening off a cliff as pleasure and lusty desire overtook him. His hands immediately dropped to her hips as he grasped them firmly as his orgasm began with him throwing his head back in a silent cry as he thrust himself up and pulled her down atop him. He trembled as he spilled into her and finally gave voice to his pleasure and release with a loud, animalistic cry of passion that was reflected in the way he held her to him, obviously not wanting to let her escape or move from him in the moment.

Ilan pulled back just enough so that she could kiss him slowly, passionately as he came down from his intense release. She ran her fingers through his steely hair, not pulled off by the wet feeling of the sweat on his scalp. “Feel good?” She asked with a purr.

"Mmmm, mhmmm," He moaned back in reply, swallowing while blinking his eyes and just lying beneath her, his mouth agape while he just came down and chuckled. "I'm not finished with you...just need to take a moment."

He reached up and drew her down into another embrace, making out with her as his strong, rough hands moved over her body as he touched and caressed her with amorous desire. Eventually he pulled back to catch his breath as he relaxed as a slight grin formed on his features. "I was going to tell you why I had the scars down there but I thought it might be more fun to show, than tell."

“Oh I see. Well they were a very nice surprise.” She smirked and kissed him again. Ilan continued to just play with his hair, giving him his time to come down and not seeming hurried to get to her own release. Assuming she even would. “I’m surprised though, it’s rare for male slaves to be used for pleasure.” Rare, but not unheard of; for Terrans most women tended to use sex as a way to attach themselves to more powerful men, not waste it on slaves.

"I," He paused, closing his eyes to enjoy her playing with his hair while centering his thoughts in this moment knowing that he wasn't back in the slave pens or being escorted through back alleys and side streets to private apartment of wife of the Klingon Governor and his owner. Once he felt he was firmly in the here and now, he opened his eyes to look up at the woman above him. "It is rare, but not unheard of and in my case I caught the eye of my owner's wife, she enjoyed watching me fight and wanted to know if I fucked just as well and after my fights I would be taken to her private apartments outside of the Governor's estate."

He turned his head to look towards the window as he let out a slow breath as the memories of being with the Klingon woman came flooding back into his mind from the little box where he kept them locked away. "She brought in an Orion flesh shaper who took great care in creating the pattern of scars and I soon became a pawn in the marital strife of her and her husband until I was freed by Imperial Forces raiding the planet."

“I’m sorry.” She kissed his shoulder softly, apologetically. “I probably shouldn’t have pressed. I know that is probably an uncomfortable memory for you, but you were strong to survive all of it.”

He turned his head and attention back to her and smiled gently towards her, nuzzling the dark haired woman gently before coaxing her into a gentle kiss. Whatever discomfort or unease he was feeling, he'd do like he always did and turn into motivation and energy, just he'd be focusing that on Ilan as pulled back and looked up into her eyes. "It's...complicated but I am determined that I will own all of these marks as my own, not as some symbol to be ashamed of,"

He smirked and brushed some of her hair behind an ear. "Though you are right, I survived but thank you for the apology. It was considerate of you and I appreciate that."

Ilan smiled slightly, allowing him to kiss and touch her as he pleased. Eventually, she did shift off of him, moving to lie next to him and trace her fingers over his skin. "I'd say you do a very good job owning who you are, Corvin. You don't need to worry about that at all."



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