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In A Field of Green

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2022 @ 3:05am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar & Sergeant David Novak & Ensign Mika Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Cael Maz & Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Caretaker Array
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 0700
2887 words - 5.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Endia: This is the first post of the second phase of this mission. ALL the crew of the Vengeance will be whisked away from whatever they were doing to the farmhouse simulation within the Caretaker Array. We will all be in the same area and will proceed from there. Have fun getting your character there in an interesting way if you'd like.

Captain's Quarters - Cabin 301
Ivan looked in the mirror of his bathroom and ensured the straightness of his pips and the neatness of his uniform. After two full days of intensive, around the clock repairs, the Vengeance was finally back to full fighting power. Now they would be able to do more than sit beside the strange array which couldn't be scanned and refused to respond to hails. He closed his uniform jacket and zipped it with practiced ease, analyzing the shape of his large beard before stepping out into the bedroom.

Yana stood there, quietly looking out of the window at the massive station at the bow of the ship. Her eyes signaled interest and her face signaled worry.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Ivan. I have since we were brought here." she said in a low voice. "Now that you're going to try and disturb this...thing...I fear it has something to do with us being brought here."

Ivan approached his wife with a warm smile, his large hands finding her bare shoulders. She was wearing a comfortable but flattering night gown made of lavender saurian silk. Standing behind her, he kissed her cheek, though he had to lean down considerably to do so.

"I know what you mean, my love. But be at peace. We will get to the bottom of this and I will get us home again." he said. "What state my career will be in then is another matter, but still."

As he finished his musing, there was a striking flash of light and, between one blink and another, they had been transported to a farm-like vista. He released Yana and looked down at the grass underneath his perfectly shined black boots. He looked with confusion and his mouth opened slightly as members of his crew started to blink into the environment as well.

Briefing Room - Deck 1
Within the next half hour, the daily staff briefing was to take place. As usual, Cyrus was perusing the files and the passed out PADDs to make sure that all the information was correct. He looked over at Eritrea who was doing her own work to get the space ready for the meeting.

“Make sure those PADDs are straight in front of the chairs, Eritrea. That one looks a bit off.” He said, pointing to one near the far end by the window.

Eritrea reset the position on the aforementioned PADD and then walked to the replicator to proceed several pots of coffee and mugs for the table. She went to stand in the corner. One moment she was in the conference room, the next moment she was in a fild under what appeared to be an open sky.

Science Lab - Deck 9
Cael had rubbed his eyes. It was a long night of work to get the body work done on the android that would house the E.M.H. That was only if the captain wished to do so. There were limits that he wanted to implement into the android before activating it, one being sensitivity sensors. He rubbed his eyes once more and when he took his hand away, he was standing next to the Captain, "First thought that comes to my mind is Q?" he asked too tired to be supprised by much of anything at this point.

Main Engineering

Melissa was busy with an open access panel replacing burnt out gell packs. Some of them took damage during the plasma storm that deposited them into the delta quadrant. Her hand moved to grab the second gel pack to remove it. She ended up grabbing the utter of a cow. Looking down at a pail. she noticed the whitish liquid inside it then looked up as her hand was still on the utter. Clearly she was no longer in Main Engineering, and this produced a few emotional responses in her puzzlement... but also annoyance.. and anger.. She had been kidnapped and deposited here.

She got up from the stool she was sitting on and examined herself. She was wearing a milk-maid hat. She threw down the cloth hat and walked to the barn, picking up a hay fork. Someone was going to get impailed for this.

Revana Nazar looked at the Chief Engineer. She herself had been sleeping in in a very comfortable position and had woken up on the grass in a Lacey bra and panties. She covered herself at first, but realized it was futile. Instead, she simply accepted it and went to stand next to her boss.

Marine Berth
" Right you little shit. I'll teach you what happened if you steal from a marine." Williams yelled as he brought his baton round on the asshole who had stolen his cigar stash. He'd found the three fleet ensigns in one of their quarters smocking them like they'd earned them. Then they'd dared to blame the terrified andoran slave they had. Let's just say two of them had learned never to piss the fleet marines off and now the last one was going to regret it. Williams barley recognised the flash but as soon as the teleport was done he felt the warm sunshine on his face.

The target of his wrath took off running which snapped the marine back who started coaching him down screaming enough insults to start confusing the translator.

Holodeck Two
"Alright Sweetheart," Johnathan grinned through the exertion. "You've picked up a few good moves from our sparring. Now, let's see you use em in concert with each other!"

Johnathan and Kassandra were currently circling one another in the holographic octagon ring. In the background, the computer had various other holograms going, each one exercising in one way or another, in the large MMA gym.

Johnathan had started to teach Kassandra a few self defense moves, back when they were first seeing each other. Today was the first time, since coming to the Delta Quadrant, that they had an opportunity to continue.

Kass shrugged, she was not the best at hand to hand, and she knew it. Considering her next move she tried for a high kick, only for him to grab her leg and for her to end up flat on her back with a groan.

Johnathan saw the kick coming from Terra herself. He easily blocked it, then spun under her, still-extended leg, grabbed her ankle in one hand, her top in the other, then kicked her other leg out from under her, planting her directly on the mat, on her back, his smiling face mere inches from hers.

Only, they were no longer in the holodeck. Instead, Johnathan had Kassandra pinned to a freshly cut lawn, in a compromising position....directly in front of Captain Petrov.

Kass's eyes went wide as her gaze landed on the Captain and his wife. She began pushing at Johnathan. "Off...getoff!" She hissed panicking. Not the best look laying under Johnathan in sweaty workout gear in front of her father and step mother.

Johnathan's eyes grew very large and he felt like he and Kassandra had just gotten caught making out on the Captain's couch! He quickly scrambled to his feet, helped Kassandra get to her feet, then snapped to attention, saluting The Captain. "Sir!"

Petrov scowled at the sight of the young man on top of his daughter. They would discuss that later.

“We have more important things to deal with right now.” Petrov said, looking around at his crew appearing one by one in the field of grass.

Johnathan's face, neck and chest started to grow a bright shade of pink. He knew that, at a moment of his choosing, the Captain would be speaking to him.

Though the situation was embarrassing, he stayed by Kassandra's side, almost in a protective stance, as they all looked around at their unusual surroundings.

Kass meanwhile was looking at the ground and was wishing for it to swallow her. She had not yet spoken to her... father about Johnathan and her.

Callie would love to have been making love with Troy, but as it was she was resting after surgery to remove her implant, and Troy was still recovering from his injuries as well. As it was they were both lay cuddled up in bed, fortunately her Callie was wearing a nightdress just incase Karen popped by to check on her. Not that the nightdress left a lot to be desired, she’d purposely replicated it with pleasing Troy in mind.

Troy had been sleeping during the transporter process,, cuddled with Callie.

Cuddling up happily her fingers trailing across Troy’s chest Callie suddenly came to realise that their bed had suddenly become an open field with them lying in it. Problem being was they were in full view of a number of the crew, and the Captain. “Err ... Troy!” She scrambled to her feet giving a salute even though she was in a compromising outfit. “Captain, Sir!”

Troy stood, wearing a pair of sleep pants he glanced about. Confusion was the first emotion, quickly followed by concern at the situation and also slight embarrassment at his and Callie's attire.

Kass had to smile. At least she was dressed in work out gear. Poor Callie.

Standing next to Troy, Callie couldn’t help but feel highly embarrassed at her state of undress. She looked around as someone draped a large jacket around her shoulders allowing her to cover up. Turning round she smiled as she saw Fergus had arrived to join them. “Thank you Captain, I’ll get this back to you when I find some clothes.”

Andrei's Quarters - Cabin 505, Deck 5
Andrei stretched in bed, his muscles aching from the exercise he had shared the night before. Reaching over to the stand beside his bed, he grabbed the glass of water there and took a sip. Sitting it down, he looked toward the foot of his bed where Karen was putting the finishing touches on her uniform.

He stood, wearing just sweat pants and a bare chest, and walked over to her with a grin. He had already brushed his teeth, so he was unreserved in talking to her.

"It's a shame you can't stay." he said in a low voice, placing a gentle kiss on her neck and a hand on her bare knee below where her skirt ended.

"I wish I could. There are still far too many patients," she said gently as she turned towards him, briefly kissing him. "There will be..." And then she was interrupted by a flash of light, falling back onto open field. She blinked and pushed herself up. "Is this a Holodeck? It''s...a farm."

Andrei had also fallen on the soft grass. He stood up, but didn't have the fortune which the good doctor had to be wearing his uniform. Bare feet, grey sweat pants, and a shirtless fit form were all he had to present.

"We aren't alone, that's for sure." he said, looking around at the other crew present, all looking confused and in various forms of dress.


Once people stopped appearing in the field of grass, Ivan scowled and spoke up, taking note of the common looking farmhands in the distance.

Kass began doing a head count.

Ensign Igarashi and a few crewman came upto the group. "Ensign Igarashi reporting Captain" she said with a salute. She looked at the other staff. "Anyone know where we are?"

“Does anyone have a tricorder?” He asked, moving his hand to reach for his firearm and finding that it was no longer there as well as his dagger. Whatever had brought them to this place had also left them unarmed.

“I’m a walking tricorder of sorts Sir” Callie offered a brief smile. “But I can’t guarantee how accurate my senses will be right now, I’m still adjusting from the surgery to remove my inhibitor.”

“Well, do you sense anything?” Cyrus asked impatiently.

Callie took a moment letting her mental defenses down just enough to get a sense of the immediate area, she was almost afraid to see how far she could stretch now. “Yes ... I can” She looked around. “It’s not Terran, that much I can tell you, but I can’t ... tell exactly where it is.”

Melissa spoke. "It seems we have been deprived of all but the... Essentials...." She stabbed her hay fork in the ground. "Fortunately, whoever has stranded us here has neglected to remove my eyes." Her eyes began an analysis. "This is certainly a simulated environment of some kind. A quite advanced one compared to the Empire's technology. Almost like a holodeck, but everything here is real."

“What do you mean ‘real’, Lieutenant? Do you mean this is a replicated environment?” Cain asked, looking around at the workers on the plantation. “We can’t be back on Terra, no matter how much it looks like it.”

"Someone has gone to great lengths to prepare this place for us Commander. These are real horses, real cows, real corn. No mere replicator can do this." Melissa noted. "We are also here by the mercy of a will unknown to us. We should be grateful this intelligence has not beamed us somewhere more ominous. We are at its mercy right now, and caution is advised." Melissa looked at Petrov.

Callie nodded in agreement. “Whatever this is, it’s obviously encountered our kind before or how would it know what environment to provide?”

"Or it knows how to read our minds." Andrei added, standing there without a shirt, his arms folded over his chest; his long hair billowing in the breeze.

"Or our computers," Karen suggested.

Troy stepped over to Ivan as he looked about. He turned to the Captain. "Your orders sir?"

Ivan looked across the way at the apparent field hands watching the crew intently in the middle of the grassy field. He clenched his teeth in frustration, feeling a bit helpless in the face of such power.

"Senior Staff, on me!" he called out so that his people could hear him. Fortunately for them, the individuals who shared the most authority in the crew had already moved toward their leader on their own. Once he recognized that everyone was there, Ivan sighed and began to speak. "The way I see it, we have three problems: 1. We know nothing about our current situation, its stakes, its causes, or its implications. 2. Everything that we see before us is effected by this energy manipulation which has manifested this environment. 3. They've taken all of our weapons, meaning we only have fists and teeth to fight with when it comes to that...and I have a feeling it just might come to that."

The Captain huddled down even more closely to the senior staff.

"Most of the crew will stay here. We, and a few others, on the other hand, will slip away and work at achieving three separate objectives. Team 1 will be made of myself, Johnathan, Karen, and Futaba; we will try to gather information on where we are and why. Team 2 will be made of Kass, Callie, Melissa, and Andrei; they will try to find the sources of this environmental generation and stop it. Team 3 will be made of Troy, Fergus, Cael, and Revana; you will see if you can find weapons of any kind, from sticks to disruptors, and formulate a plan to fight back. Any questions?"

“No Sir” Callie shook her head as she looked towards Kass and offered a smile, before looking back at Petrov.

Kass listened as the captain divided the crew and nodded "No Captain" she said in response to his query, though she was unsure why he was putting the youngest member of his senior staff in charge of a group.

"No, sir," Karen said.

Johnathan shook his head. "No, Sir. The sooner we get out of this cage, the sooner we can teach whomever brought us here, just who the Terran Empire really is!"

Troy shook his head. "Not at this time Captain." He glanced at the other officers who would be working on the task with him. If a force could transport an entire crew off a Terran warship whilst leaving behind communications badges and weapons of any kind, how were they supposed to develop a defense against that.

"When that time comes, Lt. Anderson. I intend to impale them with this." Melissa picked up her hay fork. "I find this kidnapping... Infuriating.. I will of course thank them for triggering a new emotion I haven't felt for some time."

"I would be careful saying anything you don't want them to hear," Karen suggested, wondering what sorts of scans were being run even now.

"Agreed." The Captain said, looking around at the group as lively banjo music started at the farm house porch. "Alright, let's get started."


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